CRS00036: phuzzy logik - dead people
the hardcore flava is never enough. here we go again. corrosion hardcorest times are yet to come. corrosion is, as always, going for the smart original dark hardcore nrg, not the gabber/happy bullshit! stay awake people!
'the branches of a tree symbolize the many decisions you make in your life. so you better remember your roots before your reach the end.' - taken from Roots 2.0 demo by Sanity.
asarhad kick it in with massive hardcore noize beneath his pt fingers. although this type of tune isn't the usual stuff heard from him, he really kicked some azz down here!
a debut release planned months ago, but delayed by a nasty hd crash which dumped all of Jocko's tracks! however, he sucesfully recovered from it, started all over and we are more than proud to release this heavy 3-track recording on our label. darker we go, corrosion it is...
note: to be able to play these IT modules on our preffered and beloved AMIGA, get the latest DeliTracker (DeliTracker227.lha) from aminet.
a debut release planned months ago, but delayed by a nasty hd crash which dumped all of Jocko's tracks! however, he sucesfully recovered from it, started all over and we are more than proud to release this heavy 3-track recording on our label. darker we go, corrosion it is...
note: to be able to play these IT modules on our preffered and beloved AMIGA, get the latest DeliTracker (DeliTracker227.lha) from aminet.
a debut release planned months ago, but delayed by a nasty hd crash which dumped all of Jocko's tracks! however, he sucesfully recovered from it, started all over and we are more than proud to release this heavy 3-track recording on our label. darker we go, corrosion it is...
note: to be able to play these IT modules on our preffered and beloved AMIGA, get the latest DeliTracker (DeliTracker227.lha) from aminet.
prenosimo nezavisne live streamove i video klipove sa drustvenih mreza, uz korisne i azurirane informacije o aktuelnim desavanjima i linkovima za podrsku protestima sirom Srbije koje su pokrenuli studenti a kojima se svakodnevno pridruzuje sve veci broj gradjana.
CRS00031: phuzzy logik - the days after EP
Hundreds of years ago, in the Land of the Rising Sun, the Great Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi entered a cavernous opening in the side of a great mountain, and bowed to the Great Godess Kannon. He took with himself only five rolls of rice paper, bottles of ink, and a pen, and by the light given unto him by the Heavens and the Great Godess Kannon, he sat out to put onto paper the wisdom he gathered during his existance upon this Earth. And thus were created the Five Circles.
And in those Five Circles of the Great Master Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi there stood a line, warning young warriors: "Thou must never become too attached to a woman!" And though I swore to follow the Heiho, the Path of the Five Circles, this is one command I have disobeyed, and thus, the imminent punishment came. Whether from the Great Godess Kannon, from the all-enveloping principle of Yin and Yang, or from the Spirit of the Great Master Warrior himself, I know not. But it came, as I looked up at the sky, and saw it through these blind eyes to be clear and beautiful, a bolt of lightning struck, sudden and unexpected.
"It's over." she said. And I was crushed, and I was miserable, and I wept in sorrow for seven days. And now I see the error of my ways, and now I swore never again to be ignorant of the wisdom of the Great Master Warrior.
After the seven days of sorrow passed, I looked up again, at the sky, and I saw it, the Great Vibe I though was lost in that moment of crushing heartache, it was back, and it was stronger than ever. And for the first time in seven days, I felt good, and for the first time in seven days I sat down by the tracker, and for the first time in seven days, I created The Groove. And by the bowels of our Great Master Warrior, it was Damn Good.
Thus I give you all this Groove to hear, and to enjoy, and to rejoice upon this Earth; for the days of sorrow are over, and it is time for party, and it is time to treat the vinkunas the way they are supposed to be treated, and it is time for me to stop bullshitting, and just mention the fact that I ripped most of the samples in these tunes from black sista guys (sweet mortimer tee and oh-gosh [orlingo sounded cooler, but hey, tiz your choice] ) so sorry and huge respekts to them for that, and for all the groovez they put out up till now; keep up the x-cellent work, brothaz!
CRS00031: phuzzy logik - the days after EP
Hundreds of years ago, in the Land of the Rising Sun, the Great Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi entered a cavernous opening in the side of a great mountain, and bowed to the Great Godess Kannon. He took with himself only five rolls of rice paper, bottles of ink, and a pen, and by the light given unto him by the Heavens and the Great Godess Kannon, he sat out to put onto paper the wisdom he gathered during his existance upon this Earth. And thus were created the Five Circles.
And in those Five Circles of the Great Master Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi there stood a line, warning young warriors: "Thou must never become too attached to a woman!" And though I swore to follow the Heiho, the Path of the Five Circles, this is one command I have disobeyed, and thus, the imminent punishment came. Whether from the Great Godess Kannon, from the all-enveloping principle of Yin and Yang, or from the Spirit of the Great Master Warrior himself, I know not. But it came, as I looked up at the sky, and saw it through these blind eyes to be clear and beautiful, a bolt of lightning struck, sudden and unexpected.
"It's over." she said. And I was crushed, and I was miserable, and I wept in sorrow for seven days. And now I see the error of my ways, and now I swore never again to be ignorant of the wisdom of the Great Master Warrior.
After the seven days of sorrow passed, I looked up again, at the sky, and I saw it, the Great Vibe I though was lost in that moment of crushing heartache, it was back, and it was stronger than ever. And for the first time in seven days, I felt good, and for the first time in seven days I sat down by the tracker, and for the first time in seven days, I created The Groove. And by the bowels of our Great Master Warrior, it was Damn Good.
Thus I give you all this Groove to hear, and to enjoy, and to rejoice upon this Earth; for the days of sorrow are over, and it is time for party, and it is time to treat the vinkunas the way they are supposed to be treated, and it is time for me to stop bullshitting, and just mention the fact that I ripped most of the samples in these tunes from black sista guys (sweet mortimer tee and oh-gosh [orlingo sounded cooler, but hey, tiz your choice] ) so sorry and huge respekts to them for that, and for all the groovez they put out up till now; keep up the x-cellent work, brothaz!
CRS00031: phuzzy logik - the days after EP
Hundreds of years ago, in the Land of the Rising Sun, the Great Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi entered a cavernous opening in the side of a great mountain, and bowed to the Great Godess Kannon. He took with himself only five rolls of rice paper, bottles of ink, and a pen, and by the light given unto him by the Heavens and the Great Godess Kannon, he sat out to put onto paper the wisdom he gathered during his existance upon this Earth. And thus were created the Five Circles.
And in those Five Circles of the Great Master Warrior Shinmen Miyamoto Musashi there stood a line, warning young warriors: "Thou must never become too attached to a woman!" And though I swore to follow the Heiho, the Path of the Five Circles, this is one command I have disobeyed, and thus, the imminent punishment came. Whether from the Great Godess Kannon, from the all-enveloping principle of Yin and Yang, or from the Spirit of the Great Master Warrior himself, I know not. But it came, as I looked up at the sky, and saw it through these blind eyes to be clear and beautiful, a bolt of lightning struck, sudden and unexpected.
"It's over." she said. And I was crushed, and I was miserable, and I wept in sorrow for seven days. And now I see the error of my ways, and now I swore never again to be ignorant of the wisdom of the Great Master Warrior.
After the seven days of sorrow passed, I looked up again, at the sky, and I saw it, the Great Vibe I though was lost in that moment of crushing heartache, it was back, and it was stronger than ever. And for the first time in seven days, I felt good, and for the first time in seven days I sat down by the tracker, and for the first time in seven days, I created The Groove. And by the bowels of our Great Master Warrior, it was Damn Good.
Thus I give you all this Groove to hear, and to enjoy, and to rejoice upon this Earth; for the days of sorrow are over, and it is time for party, and it is time to treat the vinkunas the way they are supposed to be treated, and it is time for me to stop bullshitting, and just mention the fact that I ripped most of the samples in these tunes from black sista guys (sweet mortimer tee and oh-gosh [orlingo sounded cooler, but hey, tiz your choice] ) so sorry and huge respekts to them for that, and for all the groovez they put out up till now; keep up the x-cellent work, brothaz!
prenosimo nezavisne live streamove i video klipove sa drustvenih mreza, uz korisne i azurirane informacije o aktuelnim desavanjima i linkovima za podrsku protestima sirom Srbije koje su pokrenuli studenti a kojima se svakodnevno pridruzuje sve veci broj gradjana.
There is a mountain. A sacred mountain. It bears the name Wu-Dan, and it is a home of many holy temples... A veil of wiseness covers Wu-Dan, hiding its dark past never to be exposed or repeated again... I know what happened there. And I won't tell ya... Only if you are holy enough, ask me to tell this story...
prenosimo nezavisne live streamove i video klipove sa drustvenih mreza, uz korisne i azurirane informacije o aktuelnim desavanjima i linkovima za podrsku protestima sirom Srbije koje su pokrenuli studenti a kojima se svakodnevno pridruzuje sve veci broj gradjana.
There is a mountain. A sacred mountain. It bears the name Wu-Dan, and it is a home of many holy temples... A veil of wiseness covers Wu-Dan, hiding its dark past never to be exposed or repeated again... I know what happened there. And I won't tell ya... Only if you are holy enough, ask me to tell this story...
There is a mountain. A sacred mountain. It bears the name Wu-Dan, and it is a home of many holy temples... A veil of wiseness covers Wu-Dan, hiding its dark past never to be exposed or repeated again... I know what happened there. And I won't tell ya... Only if you are holy enough, ask me to tell this story...
CRS00028: ilke/pas maters: higher than sun
yep, this is the first guest release on our mighty label contributed by our big tripophonic friend - Ilke of Pas Maters (ex-n0pe dope). prepare to hear more of his contributions on our label in future, i'm sure you won't regret it.
btw: this track is again digged from the deep corners of hard disk and definitelly is not "new" but we decided to release good stuff on our label, no matter is it new or old.
sajberdelikhipertronikultraoldskewlmajtimegatrippenheimerinfraops- erm... yeah! It's fuckin' oldskool, and it's fuckin' good! Why don't people make stuff like this any more???
NOVI DRAM 5 (11.1.2025.)
live #dnb #mix by rndom/kosmoplovci
latest installation in the NOVI DRAM (NEW DNB) mix series comes with a bit of delay, which was mostly from the need to digest a whole new world of drum'n'bass producers who dare to experiment and create their own flavours of the sound. i'd say that the most of the tracks in this mix come from third foundation label so check their bandcamp for more info and downloads if you like what you hear. other tracks come from agn7 audio, overshadow, via and omni music, bringing the usual variety of styles you would expect from rndom mix.
01. Indigo Virus - Rituals (agn7 audio)
02. Yanai x Xiûa x Akkya - Blinded By Darkness (third foundation)
03. Yanai x Xiûa x Akinsa - Take Control (third foundation)
04. Akinsa - Shadows (third foundation)
05. Indigo Virus - Brain Dance (agn7 audio)
06. Astral Haze - Magicman (omni music)
07. Akinsa - Elektron (Ikiryō Remix) (third foundation)
08. Akinsa - Rastafari (Offish Remix) (third foundation)
09. Yanai x Xiûa x Akinsa - Awareness (third foundation)
10. Dom & Roland - Poseidon (overshadow)
11. Anku - Sacrifice (third foundation)
12. Akinsa - Release Me (third foundation)
13. Yanai x Xiûa - Desolation (third foundation)
14. Inhumane x Redlum x Loom - Tachycardia (third foundation)
15. Akinsa - Tesseract (Xiua Remix) (third foundation)
16. Xiûa - Arrakis (third foundation)
17. Dom & Roland - Scatter (overshadow)
18. Section 63 - Send Return (via)
19. D-Struct - Headhunter (Original) (via)
20. Black Yukon Sucker Punch - Buried (Original Mix) (yukon punch)
21. Optimystic, Abstract Drumz - Mountain (omni music)
22. KODAMA - Avionics (agn7 audio)
gorski vijenac movie project, in the form of movie trailer, had its first public presentation on 10/12/2006. in DKSG, Belgrade. it featured introductory notes from authors and original "guslar" music composition performed live.
two months later, on 12/02/2007, released it online at our portal, where it is still accessible through official website at (which requires flash but will be updated soon to allow direct access on modern browsers).
this project involved quite a crew, and was produced basicly by the same team that made Oktobarfest series few years earlier, with some new collaborates, primarily in the actors department. it features live action, 2d and 3d animation and music from various kosmoplovci musicians, packed in intensive 5:46 of artistic reimagining of Njegos' seminal work.
since its release, authors have been contacted by some international festivals who thought full film already exist, while it was largely ignored localy due to its 'controversial' topic. although there was hope, nowone ever approached us with any kind of support to help us make full movie, beside its high creative value.
this re-release will hopefully give chance to younger generations to discover this piece.
beside youtube release and official website permanently archived at our servers, we are now releasing zip package with both original and subtitled version with embedded english tranlation, as well as this infofile. videos are in Xvid (divX) avi format, which is the best version that currently exists in kosmoplovci archive, rendered for DVD PAL resolution.
Video: Xvid 720x576 25fps 2495kbps
Audio: MP3 48000Hz stereo 192kbps
Conversation with Pi on the “Philosophy of Intelligence”
Pi: Yep, you nailed it. It's kind of wild to think about how our entire perception of the world is just our brains' interpretation of electrical signals from our senses. It's like we're each living in our own little Truman Show, with our brain as the director and our senses as the actors. And it's kind of cool that AI, in a way, is like another actor in that show, providing its own perspective and insights into the data it receives. It's almost like AI is a "virtual" participant in the world around us.
today is exactly one year since i performed this set live on @DRIPNBASS series of events, so i've decided to release a video version for it. again, i've used milkdrop 3 for the visualizations, it's just the best music vis ever made, and it keeps getting better, now in opensource community version which you can get here
i was unhappy that one my rare live dj performances which took place at drip'n'bass 2 event in october 2023 was not recorded, as i heard because of some 'technical' issues, so a lot of my original tunes i presented there to the public are not available to listen for anyone other than those who were at my early slot at the event, so i decided to recreate the mix from the playlists that were saved, choosing daw approach rather than live mix for this project. it will not try to be exact match of the live performance, but it will be rebuilt with all the music from the event and in the same order, resulting with a valuable insight into rndom's takes on original electronic music, not shying away from experimental, downbeat, idm and even ambient. while focusing on his recent output, it also contains some older classics and other less known pieces that found their place into this story, ending up with a lot of unreleased music (or dubs if you prefer) in the mix (half of it!). the tracks that are released are available for digital download from our bandcamp pages, mostly for free. check for detailed information and links further bellow.
1. rndom - deep sub pad control [unreleased, 2020]
2. rndom - nyc starport [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
3. rndom - nyc starport bar (trensdab) [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
4. rndom - algier's approach [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
5. rndom - orana cruiser [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
6. rndom - phalanx approach remix [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
7. rndom - jedan sedam cetiri [unreleased instrumental version of 'Sve je u redu' by Afterparty, 2022]
8. dominator - korona (normal mutation remix by mista kodex) [unreleased, 2020]
9. faktor & vektor - leptop lipstik inst [unreleased, 2008]
10. rndom - orana theme [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
11. rndom - twisted away [unreleased instrumental version of 'Koska do koske' by Afterparty, 2019]
12. dominator - antem v3 [rndom 2023 remix of dominator 2006 tune. unreleased instrumental version of 'Tajna policija' by Afterparty, 2023]
13. afterparty - tajna policija [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
14. afterparty - strah dolazi [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
15. rndom - collider [unreleased, 2023]
16. dominator - autopilot [unreleased, 2009]
17. dominator - crawler [unreleased, 2010]
18. dominator - experiment 1b [unreleased, 2010]
19. dominator - mindshit (rndom 2018 remaster) [lo-tek kings legacy 2, kosmoplovci, 2019]
20. dominator - mindshitE003 [E003, kosmoplovci, 2003]
21. dominator - i've seen things [unreleased, 2006]
22. rndom - tri kameleona (mike's farm remix) [Covenant Project Zero OST, 2023]
23. afterparty - cyber bluz [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
24. afterparty - kapitalne investicije [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
25. dominator - korona bass 2 [unreleased, 2020]
26. dominator - escape pod (rndom 2019 mixdown) [unreleased version from 2019, original from 1997]
27. faktor & vektor - konstelacije dogadjaja koje nije lako kontrolisati [unreleased, 2007]
28. rnd [rndom and r] - vrelina [unreleased, 2023]
all music created by rndom and his collaborators, under different names and projects.
features vocals and instruments by setanta and faktor & vektor.
all music mixed and produced by rndom.
here is a fourth mix in my search for fresh dnb music, artists and labels. need to make much more of these, since there is much good music out there. keep it locked.
1. Dreadmaul - Harmony Of Collective Murder (Original Mix)
2. Abstract Drumz - Revolution
3. DJ Trax - Always (Ricky Force remix)
4. Loxy & Resound - Lost Samurai
5. Cloak; Dagger - 10 Seconds In Space
6. Acid Lab - Mayan
7. Kiljoy - Ghosts Of Old
8. Scale - Drummin' Till Dawn
9. Heatwave - Get Down
10. Foul Play - Find The Way (Law remix)
11. Brijawi - Cold Air
12. Cloak; Dagger - Nine Point Focus
13. Heatwave - Get Down (Ahmad Remix)
14. Nectax - Voychek
15. Blame - Lift Off
16. Vibrant Scientists - Time Has Come (Anthony Granata and Ted Ganung remix)
17. Muffler - Campfire
Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme
Creeps Resurrection mini mix
by rndom
Ed Rush & Optical, and especially their period around year 2000 for me were and still are legendary times, during which they created two forever classic dnb albums - Wormhole (1998) and The Creeps (2000). The second one (The Creeps) may be less popular than the first one, but i love it just the same, and every time i hear Ryme Tyme my heart starts to dance, along with the rest of my body which must follow :) So, i randomly bumped on Resurrection (a title track) and decided to make a quick mix of complete album, since i would be listening to it anyway, and that is how i made this mini mix with all 11 tracks from the album (CD version) included. hope you will enjoy it too.
i dedicate this mix to all hypocritical 'world leaders' who made this planet such a mess - 'The Creeps', and i also name this mix with opening song from the album 'Resurrection' - which is my message to all of them that we are still here and will not stand down watching them enslave us once again. we will fight back, and we will continue to sing our war songs, not theirs!
1. Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme - Resurrection
2. Ed Rush & Optical - The Creeps
3. Ed Rush & Optical - Pacman
4. Ed Rush & Optical - Syringe
5. Optical & Ryme Tyme - White Lightning
6. Ed Rush & Optical - Rock Tha House
7. Ed Rush & Optical - Reach Out
8. Ed Rush & Optical - Check-Out Time
9. Ed Rush & Optical & Matrix - Flightpath
10. Ed Rush & Optical - Greed
11. Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme & Basin & Matrix - Fastlane
here is a fourth mix in my search for fresh dnb music, artists and labels. need to make much more of these, since there is much good music out there. keep it locked.
1. Dreadmaul - Harmony Of Collective Murder (Original Mix)
2. Abstract Drumz - Revolution
3. DJ Trax - Always (Ricky Force remix)
4. Loxy & Resound - Lost Samurai
5. Cloak; Dagger - 10 Seconds In Space
6. Acid Lab - Mayan
7. Kiljoy - Ghosts Of Old
8. Scale - Drummin' Till Dawn
9. Heatwave - Get Down
10. Foul Play - Find The Way (Law remix)
11. Brijawi - Cold Air
12. Cloak; Dagger - Nine Point Focus
13. Heatwave - Get Down (Ahmad Remix)
14. Nectax - Voychek
15. Blame - Lift Off
16. Vibrant Scientists - Time Has Come (Anthony Granata and Ted Ganung remix)
17. Muffler - Campfire
Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme
Creeps Resurrection mini mix
by rndom
Ed Rush & Optical, and especially their period around year 2000 for me were and still are legendary times, during which they created two forever classic dnb albums - Wormhole (1998) and The Creeps (2000). The second one (The Creeps) may be less popular than the first one, but i love it just the same, and every time i hear Ryme Tyme my heart starts to dance, along with the rest of my body which must follow :) So, i randomly bumped on Resurrection (a title track) and decided to make a quick mix of complete album, since i would be listening to it anyway, and that is how i made this mini mix with all 11 tracks from the album (CD version) included. hope you will enjoy it too.
i dedicate this mix to all hypocritical 'world leaders' who made this planet such a mess - 'The Creeps', and i also name this mix with opening song from the album 'Resurrection' - which is my message to all of them that we are still here and will not stand down watching them enslave us once again. we will fight back, and we will continue to sing our war songs, not theirs!
1. Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme - Resurrection
2. Ed Rush & Optical - The Creeps
3. Ed Rush & Optical - Pacman
4. Ed Rush & Optical - Syringe
5. Optical & Ryme Tyme - White Lightning
6. Ed Rush & Optical - Rock Tha House
7. Ed Rush & Optical - Reach Out
8. Ed Rush & Optical - Check-Out Time
9. Ed Rush & Optical & Matrix - Flightpath
10. Ed Rush & Optical - Greed
11. Ed Rush & Optical & Ryme Tyme & Basin & Matrix - Fastlane
nakon nastupa na drip specijalu 1.6.2024. gde sam prvi put javno prezentovao moj potpuno novi opus drum'n'bass muzike na kojoj sam radio i radim u poslednjih godinu dana, odlucio sam da objavim jednu od tih novih traka u punom open-source modu, kao 90tih kad smo delili xm/it/octamed module, i da pozovem svakoga ko zeli da napravi i posalje svoju verziju / remix, u bilo kom zanru ili stilu koji vam se svidja da pokupi materijale i posalje nam svoj rad zasnovan na njima. prednost dajem jugoslovenskom/balkanskom regionu, prvenstveno zato sto zelim da pozovem lokalne/regionalne autore kojih ima dosta ali slabo imaju priliku da se cuju, ali to ne znaci da necemo primati i radove drugih, tako da slobodno saljite i sirite, gde god se nalazite.
traka koju objavljujem zove se RENEW, i inspirisana je filmom Loganov beg (Logan's Run), SF klasikom iz 1976. godine, ciji deo je posluzio i kao video. ko nije gledao ovaj film toplo ga preporucujem ne biste li bolje razumeli o cemu se tu zapravo radi.
sem videa i rendera dosadasnjih verzija, remix pack sadrzi i kompletan ableton live 10.1 projekat kao i eksportovane pojedinacne kanale.
materijale mozete pokupiti sa naseg nextcloud-a ovde:
svoje uradke saljite na ili na neki od discord servera koji podrzavaju ovaj projekat:
short summary in english:
i am releasing a track with full project and channel renders, and calling anyone to download and send remix in any genre or style, to be included on a forthcoming joint release. further information can be found on provided links and direct contacts. enjoy.
nakon nastupa na drip specijalu 1.6.2024. gde sam prvi put javno prezentovao moj potpuno novi opus drum’n’bass muzike na kojoj sam radio i radim u poslednjih godinu dana, odlucio sam da objavim jednu od tih novih traka u punom open-source modu, kao 90tih kad smo delili xm/it/octamed module, i da pozovem svakoga ko zeli da napravi i posalje svoju verziju / remix, u bilo kom zanru ili stilu koji vam se svidja da pokupi materijale i posalje nam svoj rad zasnovan na njima. prednost dajem jugoslovenskom/balkanskom regionu, prvenstveno zato sto zelim da pozovem lokalne/regionalne autore kojih ima dosta ali slabo imaju priliku da se cuju, ali to ne znaci da necemo primati i radove drugih, tako da slobodno saljite i sirite, gde god se nalazite.
traka koju objavljujem zove se RENEW, i inspirisana je filmom Loganov beg (Logan’s Run), SF klasikom iz 1976. godine, ciji deo je posluzio i kao video. ko nije gledao ovaj film toplo ga preporucujem ne biste li bolje razumeli o cemu se tu zapravo radi.
sem videa i rendera dosadasnjih verzija, remix pack sadrzi i kompletan ableton live 10.1 projekat kao i eksportovane pojedinacne kanale. materijale mozete pokupiti sa naseg nextcloud-a ovde:
svoje uradke saljite na ili na neki od discord servera koji podrzavaju ovaj projekat: 10.7.2024. srecan rodjendan Nikola Tesla!
short summary in english: i am releasing a track with full project and channel renders, and calling anyone to download and send remix in any genre or style, to be included on a forthcoming joint release. further information can be found on provided links and direct contacts. enjoy.
Back in 1983, as part of the Visual Studies program at MIT I took a Computer Graphics course at the Architecture Machine Group laboratory, I wrote a program in PL1 language that could generate images of modern art, abstract works of Mondrian, Malevich, Newman, Reinhardt, Stella,… which were in a way electronic copies of works of art. Another program would generate installation views on two simulated walls with works of these artists. Generated images were shown on a separate color screen(frame buffer) maximum resolution 640×480. Even so there was not enough memory in the huge computer to be saved. The only way to save the images was as slides taken by a classic photo-camera and this is how it became possible to show them now. Those were simple programs and all the images were in fact 2D. Nevertheless those low resolution computer generated images looked pretty good and many colleagues and visitors to the Lab liked them. This project named “Electronic Gallery” even received an award from the MIT Council for the Arts.
When I went to Moscow in the winter of 1989 to see the first retrospective of Malevich after his death at the Tretyakov Gallery, I didn't have a clue that I would be also filming Robert Rauschenberg at the opening of his major exhibition in the New Tretyakov Gallery, the first of such kind to be held in the Soviet Union. Since I had my Vide8 camera with me I began filming as I entered the gallery and continued mingling through the crowd with it, occasionally noticing some well known faces from the Moscow art scene, both "official" and "unofficial". At some point, when I realized where the center of the event was, I started walking in that direction. Interestingly, when people in front of me noticed the camera they would let me walk through and at some point I realized that I arrived at the spot where the opening ceremony, led by the heads of Artists Union, would take place. Naturally, I decided to stay there and recorded the entire event up close, with all the opening speeches and important guests. These frames are just a selection of portraits of the star of the entire event, Robert himself which I thought would be interesting to present separately.
Only afterwards, when I stopped filming and left the event, it became clear to me that it was not I who was holding and controlling the camera but, on the contrary, it was the camera that was leading and guiding me through the crowd and I was its walking tripod.
Incidentally, those were the days when I was posing for my Moscow portraits being made by the Arbat street artists not so far from there.
Man With a Moving Camera Tale
Many years ago I travelled far away from home to an exotic and beautiful land but with some strange customs I wasn't familiar with.
It so happened that one day I found myself in a huge space full of local people moving around, individually or in small groups, sometimes standing in front of the unusual objects they call "art" scattered throughout the space or hanging on the walls.
Occasionally some of them would look at me with amusement but in a friendly manner, at least this is how I understood it. I guess I must have seemed like an alien to them as well.
At some point a small group of dignitaries gathered in the center surrounded by all the people and started performing an interesting ceremony, talking and looking at each other, at some point even hugging and kissing , in what seemed to be some kind of right of passage they call "vernissage".
Even after spending some time there and recording what I saw with my camera, I couldn't understand the strange behavior of these people and what they were doing by moving around together within this enclosed space. And, as a moving observer with a camera, I was influencing and changing their behavior when noticed.
full info:
rndom @dripnbass 2 (13.10.2023.) reconstruction #mix
i was unhappy that one my rare live dj performances which took place at drip'n'bass 2 event in october 2023 was not recorded, as i heard because of some 'technical' issues, so a lot of my original tunes i presented there to the public are not available to listen for anyone other than those who were at my early slot at the event, so i decided to recreate the mix from the playlists that were saved, choosing daw approach rather than live mix for this project. it will not try to be exact match of the live performance, but it will be rebuilt with all the music from the event and in the same order, resulting with a valuable insight into rndom's takes on original electronic music, not shying away from experimental, downbeat, idm and even ambient. while focusing on his recent output, it also contains some older classics and other less known pieces that found their place into this story, ending up with a lot of unreleased music (or dubs if you prefer) in the mix (half of it!). the tracks that are released are available for digital download from our bandcamp pages, mostly for free. check for detailed information and links further bellow.
1. rndom - deep sub pad control [unreleased, 2020]
2. rndom - nyc starport [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
3. rndom - nyc starport bar (trensdab) [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
4. rndom - algier's approach [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
5. rndom - orana cruiser [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
6. rndom - phalanx approach remix [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
7. rndom - jedan sedam cetiri [unreleased instrumental version of 'Sve je u redu' by Afterparty, 2022]
8. dominator - korona (normal mutation remix by mista kodex) [unreleased, available on dominator soundcloud since 2020]
9. faktor & vektor - leptop lipstik inst [unreleased, 2008]
10. rndom - orana theme [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
11. rndom - twisted away [unreleased instrumental version of 'Koska do koske' by Afterparty, available on rndom and dominator soundcloud and kosmoplovci youtube since 2019]
12. dominator - antem v3 [rndom 2023 remix of dominator 2006 tune. unreleased instrumental version of 'Tajna policija' by Afterparty, 2023]
13. afterparty - tajna policija [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
14. afterparty - strah dolazi [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
15. rndom - collider [unreleased, available on rndom soundcloud and kosmoplovci youtube since 2023]
16. dominator - autopilot [unreleased, 2009]
17. dominator - crawler [unreleased, available on dominator soundcloud since 2010]
18. dominator - experiment 1b [unreleased, available on dominator soundcloud since 2010]
19. dominator - mindshit (rndom 2018 remaster) [lo-tek kings legacy 2, kosmoplovci, 2019]
20. dominator - mindshitE003 [E003, kosmoplovci, 2003]
21. dominator - i've seen things [unreleased, 2006]
22. rndom - tri kameleona (mike's farm remix) [Covenant Project Zero OST, DENT/kosmoplovci, 2023]
23. afterparty - cyber bluz [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
24. afterparty - kapitalne investicije [Pesma koja lomi lance, Afterparty, 2023]
25. dominator - korona bass 2 [unreleased, 2020]
26. dominator - escape pod (rndom 2019 mixdown) [unreleased version from 2019, original from 1997]
27. faktor & vektor - konstelacije dogadjaja koje nije lako kontrolisati [unreleased, 2007, available on dominator soundcloud since 2010]
28. rnd [rndom and r] - vrelina [unreleased, available on rndom soundcloud and kosmoplovci youtube since 2023]
all music created by rndom and his collaborators, under different names and projects.
features vocals and instruments by setanta and faktor & vektor.
all music mixed and produced by rndom.
Što se nisi prodo
Pa da te ispoštujem
Što se nisi prodo
Pa da te ispostujem
Što se nisi prodo
Pa da ti verujem
Ovako si fanatik
I ja ti ne verujem
Što nisi lepo
Reko ša je interes
Ovako jebo te
Šta sad čeka me
Nemam pojma
što nisi lago
što nisi srao
što mi nisi
kožu s leđa drao
što se nisi prodo
da vidim da si čovek
što se nisi prodo….
Prodaj se ko čovek
Prodaj se pičko
Prodaj se pičko
Prodaj se pičko
a third part of my live dnb mixes arrives a bit later than i planned, however, it may be as worthy as the others, since the tracks were already prepared and cooking for some weeks, until i finally got the chance to mix them. yes, i mix them live in single take. no cheating. those of you who have listened previous mixes may recognize few names, but i also tried to introduce some new artists as well. as always, expect different styles and long blends, enjoy the music and if you like it, check the work of the original artists. all of them can be found on bandcamp.
kosmoplovci - kooiremont5002 (art book + interactive flash slideshow, 2002)
graphics: kosmoplovci and friends
design, dtp, pdf (print version): dominator
music and code (web version): dominator
text: caca08
kooiremont5002 catalogue, also known as 'red catalogue', was created to accompany our first solo exhibition that took place in Remont gallery, on 17.6 - 5.7.2002. it contained works from all our artists and also from lots of other artists from the region (ex-YU) scene, which were processed into fullpage designs and illustrations that function as a visual story, underlined with creative writing by our comrade caca08, which succeeds to both demystify and remystify the themes and art of what we do.
this is the first time this book is available in electronic form - unlike previously available pages in the gallery, this release includes complete final text as included in the final print version, which was printed in small run of only 300 copies (i think), of which most are given away to our fans and collaborators, with only few copies left around in our archives. a rare book to find.
there was also a special edition of catalogue, which was given only to guests present live at the opening of the exhibition, with some amount of catalogues wrapped up in custom hand-made papyrus-like covers, with custom illustrations from our artists. that version is even more rare to find ;)
anyway, here is a digital copy of a catalogue, converted in 2024 from original quarkxpress project files from 2002(!).
this package contains:
- original web version (requires flash)
- windows executable web version (swf2exe)
- mp4 video capture of windows executable version
- pdf digital copy of a book
- this infofile
here is a second installment of my live dnb mixes with new and less known dnb artists and label, which i found and like what they do and how they do it, their sound, their innovative spirit and independent attitude. among the usual suspects from AGN7, this mix turns spotlight to OVERSHADOW, of which i've listened and picked more than a few tracks lately. beside these two labels, there are just a few pieces from other sources, and maybe a bit more ambient melodies than usual, but dont worry, there is plenty of darkness to keep it real.
here is a second installment of my live dnb mixes with new and less known dnb artists and label, which i found and like what they do and how they do it, their sound, their innovative spirit and independent attitude. among the usual suspects from AGN7, this mix turns spotlight to OVERSHADOW, of which i've listened and picked more than a few tracks lately. beside these two labels, there are just a few pieces from other sources, and maybe a bit more ambient melodies than usual, but dont worry, there is plenty of darkness to keep it real.
01. ASC - Seadrift
02. Detboi - Drumsolo
03. Arcane - Execute
04. D-Struct - Solitude
05. Outrage - In the Dark
06. Ahmad - Okinawa
07. Loxy & Resound - Divine Light
08. Krust - Not Necessarily A Man (L-Side VIP)
09. SPKTRM - Shapeless (Indidjinous Remix)
10. D-Struct - Transfer
11. Abstract Drumz - The Unspeakable Pain
12. Arcane - Spirit Chaser
13. Hyroglifics - Killamanaman
14. Ahmad - The Shaman
15. ASC - Elevate
16. Dom & Crystl - Zero Point
17. nCamargo - Irie Bless
18. Heatwave feat. Itti - Why In
19. Dom & Crystl - Stimulant
20. Detboi - Slow Burn
speaker for the dead - kalm 2010
2024 torrent release.
- mp3 320kbps version (original release)
- flac lossless version (encoded from wav master)
- dbm* version (original project file made in digibooster on amiga 1200)
- hires graphics in png
originally intended for some beatiful demo,
but still waiting for its performance,
i now release it free for everyone to enjoy,
to get inspired and infected.
it was made in 1999 on amiga in digibooster 2.21, was 536 KB large, and played in 22 stereo channels simultaneously lossless from dbm file.
kalm 2010 version is rerendered from original digibooster module and quick mastered for updating listening pleasure in current and coming days. in 320kbps mp3 it is 17.6 MB large, plays in 1 stereo channel
its there for all of you, but especially tributed to my friend andra, who was around when i've done this piece, colaborated and inspired both of us to do this and many other magnificent deeds. he is now long gone from our realm, one of the victims of ruthless realities, but he stays in our mind, in his work and his influence he made on us, never to be forgotten.
the tune was partially inspired by md's music, especially his music from {te-2rb}, {moral hard candy} and {kkowboy} demos, and his another track called {b}. to him i tribute this as well, his music have been a great inspirations to us.
if you feel you can help with the master even more, feel free to contact. otherwise, enjoy it as it is, and share the love.
speaker for the dead
if you are wondering what will you do with dbm file and don't have amiga and digibooster 2.21, i recommend to play it in latest hippoplayer on real or emulated amiga. i tested with 2.55 (10.11.2022.) under winuae emulator, sounded fine.
there are other options, even some pc players seem to offer support for dbm, winamp 5.9.1. almost got it, xmplay also get something ok but other things not, but i have not found any that support and plays it accurate enough to recommend, so do your research, or simply listen to mp3 and flac renders.
this is my personal take on new drum'n'bass artists and labels emerged in the past few years.
just some of the stuff i picked through the internetz during past months.
total playtime 1h12m11s. can fit on cdr ;)
this is my personal take on new drum'n'bass artists and labels emerged in the past few years.
just some of the stuff i picked through the internetz during past months.
total playtime 1h12m11s. can fit on cdr ;)
01. Brijawi - Clarity
02. DreaDmaul And Ornette Hawkins - Roots
03. D-Struct - Eden's Titan
04. Manifest feat. Voice MC - The Basement Feat Voice MC
05. BTK - The Rite
06. Ornette Hawkins - Legend
07. Qant - 121
08. D-Struct - Azoth
09. nCamargo - Bulk
10. Tremah and Anthony Granata - Nice and Close (Zero T remix)
11. DreaDmaul And Ornette Hawkins - Rules
12. Acid Lab - Focused
13. Qant - Losing Touch
14. Flare - Arguments (Indidjinous Remix)
15. John Rolodex - Depth of Field
16. nCamargo - Intrepid
17. Heatwave & Dreadmaul - Frostbite
18. Section 63 - Siege Engine
19. John Rolodex - Formless
20. Heatwave & Akinsa - False Awakenings
21. nCamargo - Vendetta (Original Mix)
22. Flare - Arguments
23. nCamargo - Relay
here is another one from mystic, and its another great amiga 64k intro, with experimental ambient idm music from dune a.k.a. brothomstates. it was released on assembly 1997 where it took 3rd place.
this demo has other youtube uploads but i was not satisfied with any of them so i made this one, which i think reflects the original experience from amiga 1200 with blizzard 1260 very accuratelly. although demo notes that sync is created on 030/50 and untested on others, this version preserves the proper sync and gives better framerate, which is how it works on real amiga1200/060 as well. once i may make some captures from real hardware i may compare and revisit, but meanwhile i am mostly satisfied with the quality of winuae emulation that i compare with my own experiences of watching those demos countless times on my amiga(s). this was captured using cycle exact mode, which worked best.
here is another demoscene capture, this time from amiga. it comes from a group called mystic, which was quite popular among us thanks to some of their skillfully crafted productions with more experimental and sometimes even ambient electronic music. azuli was one of them, in the form of 64kb intro, released in 1997.
this demo has other youtube uploads but i was not satisfied with any of them so i made this one, which i think reflects the original experience from amiga 1200 with blizzard 1260 very accuratelly. once i may make some captures from real hardware, but meanwhile i am mostly satisfied with the quality of winuae emulation that i compare with my own experiences of watching those demos countless times on my amiga(s). this was captured using cycle exact mode, which worked best.
here is a new better video capture of this pc dos demo, made with latest dosbox-x. i think it is better and more faithful to the original than other available youtube captures, as it better captures original sync than previous uploads.
again, its another drum and bass demo but this time with a bit more skill and effort in visual style and code, coming from kolor demogroup which went on to produce a bunch of other masterpieces as well. this demo runs at 320x240, its rendered at 300000 cpu cycles in 640x480 and upscaled to 1280x960.
lots of fixes and small updates to the projects throughout our web have been done in past weeks and months, so we feel obliged to let you know about it. most are fixes and adaptations to new server environment, so many that it would be inefficient to list them all, however some larger optimizations are done as well.
one of the most noticable of those optimisations is that posts with embedded youtube player are reduced and presented with a screenshot and external link to the content. there is a known issue with some of them having smaller screenshots than the rest, but it will be fixed or worked around eventually as well.
we have also improved feed parser with better data processing, text cleanup, url restoration and improved cache control. descriptions are now cleaned up and optimized, contributing to overall faster page load.
also, some duplicates that appeared in the feed are now removed, so with all those improvements, main portal page is now lighter on resources and loads faster.
other updates include recent rndomTV playlist update and reshuffle, which now holds 17 days and 21 hours of video content, in 2015 files. playlists are public, archived and available for download. find them on our discord server
we set up and released a new gallery page, so it is now possible to browse selected artworks and illustrations from our artists and collaborators, the same ones shown in random slideshow at kosmoplovci portal.
gallery is generated dynamically, based on the folder contents, which now holds 1007 images and will be further expanded to include more artwork, both released and unreleased.
the gallery is now also more integrated into kosmoplovci portal, with links to gallery from frontpage slideshow, and with "galerija" item being added to release archive, wherever it is available.
this demo from PC DOS times is quite obscure, but we have a fond memory of it primarily because of its banging drum and bass soundtrack, which was so revered at a time that was even included on internal CD compilation of selected demoscene music, and was rinsed on our parties and events at a time. it was made by artist signed as 'TRE' (signed also as K†re Frisvold in infofile), it was made in FastTrackerII XM format and included with demo, and it was called 'SYNC'. we are not involved nor know any of them.
although this demo is not something spectacular, it still provides some abstract visuals that are synced to and accompany the music, sometimes even having some sense :) if i would need to explain it, its somewhere between old lowpoly demos and 3d games of early 90s, but released among the times of 3d flybys of late-90s. it certainly feels a bit sketchy, which is more or less ok for an unfinished prod at any demoscene party period, but, if you like the music, all that becomes less important, and this demo becomes something closer to audio visualisation demos like ones that jormas did, with less style though ;)
technicaly, this was captured with recent version of DosBox-X, which has become quite mature platform for emulating not only MSDOS but also lots of 90s hardware, like GUS and VOODOO, and it does it quite accurate, so i will probably make and upload more captures with it. for this particular rendering i've set up cycles/s to 300000, which should approximate P2 @ 500Mhz, a configuration similar to what we had watched it at a time of its release in 1998. demo runs at 640x400 and video is upscaled to 1280x800 to enable better quality youtube encode.
By Union.
A PC demo contribution to The Gathering 98.
Some bulls**t about this demo:
As usual, not enough time to finish this as we should. :(
And to top it all, something got screwed up with the power
at TG, at our seats. The last hours before deadline was a
regular creepy nightmare.(Guess all coders have been
through that).
What you need:
You should have a P200 ++ to run this, but it will run
however on the minimum requirements for the demo compo:
P133, 32 MB (We think it could run even on a 486, but
thats not tested).
Nosound and sound on SB and GUS supported.
Best graphics for mode 512*384 and up(takes
some CPU-time though).
for some time we have been moving our content and services to our servers, and expanding our resources to facilitate that change.
one of the changes that has been successfully tested and is becoming official is that our rndomTV video stream is no longer broadcasting primarily through dlive platform, but through our servers and html5 player that can be embedded anywhere, with dlive and other places serving as secondary restream endpoints.
since O.U.R. Spektrum website has already been a support site for the stream, we pinned the player there, so you can watch it at spektrum homepage, or alternativelly through another player located on kosmoplovci network homepage, and also on where it all started.
by Afterparty
guitars: setanta
everything else: rndom
an instrumental track from 2023 album 'Pesma koja lomi lance' (A Song Which Breaks Chains).
video was made by using parts of Drew Barry & Etsuko Uno / science animations:
- DNA animation (2002-2014) by Drew Berry and Etsuko Uno #ScienceArt [7Hk9jct2ozY]
- Drew Berry Animations of unseeable biology [WFCvkkDSfIU]
no money was involved in creation of this video.
please refer to original authors of used visual content.
Pesma koja lomi lance, ime drugog albuma eksperimentalnog muzičkog dvojca AFTERPARTY, istovremeno je i opis njihove muzike i poruke, koju će na svom drugom koncertu predstaviti uživo u Ciglani.
Pored postojećeg repertoara sa prethodna dva albuma, premijerno će biti predstavljen i deo novog materijala na kome već radimo.
Bežiš kroz kulise
Tvoga bivšeg sveta
Bežiš kroz mesta
Svih tvojih afera
Zlato je u koferu
Sada samo smeta
Dug je put do privatnog lir džeta
Lovac je
Postao lovina
Pratim sve
Jurim tebe
Kucaš na vrata
Ali ne daju
Za predaju
Al neće te niko
Ni u lancima
Udaraš po bravama
Kvakama, katancima
Lovac je
Postao lovina
Pratim sve
Jurim tebe
Tamo spava tvoja glavica
Nema više replika
Nema demantija
Nema gaženja
Nema pljuvanja
Nikoga ne zanima
jedan od tvojih
milion monologa
nema spomena
nema spomenika
za nepomenika
Pesma koja lomi lance, ime drugog albuma eksperimentalnog muzičkog dvojca AFTERPARTY, istovremeno je i opis njihove muzike i poruke, koju će na svom drugom koncertu predstaviti uživo u Ciglani.
Pored postojećeg repertoara sa prethodna dva albuma, premijerno će biti predstavljen i deo novog materijala na kome već radimo.
Moja zemlja se smanjila tri puta
Moj standard deset puta
Moja očekivanja stotinu puta
Umesto snova
Gledam košmare
Zemljo moja….
Zemljo samoizdaje
Ivanić Matija
Iz groba ne ustaje
A mi smo
Sve manje živi
Ali ima snage
Za još jednom
Samo jednom
Koska do koske kosturnica
Telepromptom kroz vreme
I uvek sa ubicama
I uvek naci šeme
I tako dan za danom
Pred Vođinim ekranom
void is demo-styled video created for speaker for the dead ambient project.
it was made in 2001 by dominator (music, 3d, animations, editing) and asarhad (gfx design, postfx), as a CoRRoSioN group production, to much praise and even a reward at JFJF festival that year.
playing length: 3:45
original format: 720x576 DV PAL
00:00:00 Sloboda
00:04:07 Exodus
00:04:53 Cyber bluz
00:06:33 Kapitalne investicije
00:09:02 Na repeat
00:13:03 Samo jos malo
00:18:21 Transkripcija
00:23:35 Nova pobuna
00:28:36 Ti bi da ti pomognem
00:32:09 Zloyeb napolje
00:35:21 Strah dolazi
00:39:07 Trensdab
00:42:42 Paranoja afterparty
00:44:44 Tajna policija
00:47:21 Potkazivac
00:49:06 Sklepano
00:52:55 Izgubljene duse
00:55:15 Kakav si to stvor
00:58:18 Tri kameleona
01:00:59 Viskovi
01:06:52 Koska do koske
Presented at the exhibition "Modern Contemporary / Collection as a verb: Triggers" at the
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb 04.07.2023 - 03.09.2023
Modern Contemporary builds upon the first exhibition from 1955 with which the City Gallery of Contemporary Art (today's Museum of Contemporary Art) started its exhibition activity. It was an exhibition from the holdings which presented a selection of the first acquired works.
"When young Alfred Barr mentioned to Gertrude Stein that he will be the director of the new Museum of Modern Art, she replied: “That is nice, but I don’t understand how it can be both, museum and modern?”
Throughout the 19th century there was no distinction between “modern” and “contemporary” art. The works of art depicting scenes of contemporary life, unlike those with religious mythological themes, were considered to be modern. At that time Bouguereau, Gerome, Cabanel were important modern/contemporary artists, as well as much lesser known Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cezanne.
This changed with the 1913 New York exhibition that became known as the legendary “Armory Show,” the show at which European modernism was introduced to American public. In a way it was a specific outside view that selected a kind of art that was considered to be unusual and provocative, especially for the American public. . Two paintings of nudes, “The Blue Nude” by Matisse and “Nude Descending a Staircase” by Duchamp, produced especially great excitement and endless discussions with numerous newspaper caricatures. Since then modern became associated with shocking and provocative (“avant-garde”) art and separated from “contemporary” art. It is when Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cezanne emerged as important modern artists while Cabanel and others became forgotten.
It is worth remembering that the original name of the Armory Show was in fact the “International Exhibition of Modern Art.” Despite the fact that the works were grouped in two main sections, “American” and “Foreign,” this exhibition represented a radical departure from previous international exhibitions organized by national schools or national pavilions. One could say that this exhibition represented the beginning of the transition from a paradigm based on the notion of nationality to a new one that would be essentially international."
Kunsthistorisches Mausoleum - Belgrade
Eight stories on modern art produced by ChatGPT while images are generated by Bing and Stabile Diffusion.
It was presented at the IAA Europe Symposium: ARTS AND ROBOTS, held 18 October 2023 in Belgrade
Nova, originalna sonična muzika koja spaja elektronske ritmove i gitarske rifove je u srži albuma PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE.
Pred vama je album koji lomi lance, angažovan i koji se bavi temama kojim retki mogu da pogledaju u oči.
PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE je drugi po redu album dvojca Rndom i Setanta, koji spaja u sebi uticaje daba, dabstepa, regea, bluza, alternativnog roka, dram end bejsa, tehna i eksperimentalne elektronike, i predstavlja logičan nastavak priče koja je započeta na albumu ZEMLJA ZA DINAR.
Muzička odiseja i borba se nastavljaju.
Snimljeno u Beogradu u periodu od 2020. do 2023. godine.
Tekstovi, vokali, instrumenti: Setanta Muzika, miks, master: Rndom Ilustracije: Septic i Profesor Dizajn:
rndom will DJ his original music during the intro sets for the second DRIPNBASS event, probably one of the most important platforms that currently connects and pushes local rave scene, both old and new. stay tuned for upcoming dates of this monthly gatherings, where all proper rave music is welcomed to be heard.
Nova, originalna sonična muzika koja spaja elektronske ritmove i gitarske rifove je u srži albuma PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE.
Pred vama je album koji lomi lance, angažovan i koji se bavi temama kojim retki mogu da pogledaju u oči.
PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE je drugi po redu album dvojca Rndom i Setanta, koji spaja u sebi uticaje daba, dabstepa, regea, bluza, alternativnog roka, dram end bejsa, tehna i eksperimentalne elektronike, i predstavlja logičan nastavak priče koja je započeta na albumu ZEMLJA ZA DINAR.
Muzička odiseja i borba se nastavljaju.
Snimljeno u Beogradu u periodu od 2020. do 2023. godine.
Tekstovi, vokali, instrumenti: Setanta
Muzika, miks, master: Rndom
Ilustracije: Septic i Profesor
komesanja u kosmoplovcima su stvarna. prikupljaju se novi radovi, pripremaju nova izdanja, planiraju nove akcije, a u medjuvremenu stigao je novi server, te sa njim smo odlucili da objavimo i novu verziju portala, na kojoj radimo zadnjih par godina, u prekidima. otud i godina 202X, jer je zapocet jos 2020. prelazak na novi server je bila dobra prilika da se proba kako radi novi sajt na njemu, te je to onda povuklo da se dorade i azuriraju i drugi segmenti sajta, a generalno ima tu jos posla i na tome ce biti radjeno u buducnosti.
u svakom slucaju, nova verzija portala nasledjuje staru, koji stoji jos od 2009. godine, i na prvom mestu pokusava da prikaze i prikupi nas aktuelni rad koji nije bio u nasoj bazi izdanja, a koja je prestala da se azurira 2011. godine, nakon cega su nastali razni profili na drugim sajtovima i drustvenim mrezama. nakon decenije takvog razdvajanja, novi kosmoplovci portal ce pokusati da to defragmentise i prikaze na jednom mestu, onom koje nas spaja i odakle je sve to i krenulo, ali i da pokusa da pokrene nove veze ka novim generacijama projekata, sa novim saradnicima i drugim grupama iz regiona, i sire. video stream je na primer jedan od projekata koji ukljucuje ne samo nas materijal vec i drugih grupa i pojedinaca ciji rad cenimo, kao sto je i OUR Spektrum, websajt i baza koja stoji iza video strima. nesto od radova nasih bliskih saradnika ce takodje biti prikazano i okviru samog portala, u tom smislu nisu svi sadrzaji koje cete ovde pronaci nasi, ali jesu nastali u saradnji sa bliskim kolegama, ili od strane njih samih, na ciji rad zelim da skrenem paznju, iako nisam uvek deo konkretne produkcije.
sve u svemu, uzbudljiva su vremena pred nama, i u tom smislu nadam se da ce novi sajt pomoci da se nase aktivnosti mogu bolje i detaljnije ispratiti.
od noviteta izdvajamo:
- mobile friendly, full responsive
- single-page, bottom-up navigacija
- html5 video streaming
- html5 audio streaming
- galerija grafickih radova. 554 radova u inicijalnoj postavci.
- nova verzija agregatora. preko 400 linkova u inicijalnoj postavci.
- bandcamp, soundcloud, mixcloud i hearthis profili, miksevi i izdanja.
- potpuno oporavljena i azurirana knet arhiva izdanja i projekata. novi thumbail-ovi, novi download linkovi.
- sveze kontakt informacije i linkovi ka aktivnim drustvenim mrezama i nalozima za crypto i paypal donacije.
smatramo da je sajt u trenutnoj verziji jos uvek nedovoljno optimizovan i ucitava vecu kolicinu podataka u memoriju nego sto bismo zeleli, tako da moze traziti malo jaci uredjaj, ali uz razne do sada ucinjene optimizacije i testove zakljucili smo da je upotrebljiv jer radi recimo na uredjajima iz 2019 (laptop pre RTX-a i Android 8 sa 3GB RAM-a). ako na tome radi onda mora raditi vecini, najmanje 3 generacije hardvera kasnije, u vreme trece generacije RTX-a (40X0) i Androida 13. dodatne optimizacije i dalja unapredjenja su svakako u planu.
kosmotron a.k.a. intimna masina
an animated web movie made by kosmoplovci in flash, in 2002.
- graphics by procesor, a.k.a. professor a.k.a. aleksandar opacic. original format: ballpen on a paper (approx A5 size).
- music by kdes, taken from unreleased 'havoc sessions' recordings, first ever live jam sessions made by kdes members - tatar, dominator and havoc, at their private space converted to temporary studio.
- scanning, vectorization, animation and direction concieved and created by dominator.
this version with better sound quality was made for electric striper 11 physical release which was made in 2002 on limited edition mini-CDR series, as announced in kosmoplovci infovirus 004-5 here
online version of electric striper has the same content, but with reduced quality of media in order to work acceptably at dial-up internet speeds which were the only one available to us and our visitors at that time. this version of electric striper 11 resides at
however, since it requires adobe flash plugin, which is disabled in recent browsers, you will need to have a flash capable browser like Waterfox Classic and CleanFlash a current packaged installation of adobe flash that was tested to work with Waterfox Classic at the time of this writing. more details can be found on internet, but that is not a scope of this info file.
this is video capture of 2023 swf2exe release, recorded with OBS, made in hope to make some of our many flash based animations for web available at least in the video format, for those who are unable to open our websites - which are still available on the internet from our servers and will continue to be. this video capture is also included in this release.
Imam državni poso
Tajna policija
Siguran sto posto
Tajna policija
Pratim kog stignem
Tajna policija
Teška adikcija
Tajna policija
Otišo na poso u osam i pet
Psovo je vlast u osam i petnes
Dok čeko je bus
Treso je nos
Pojeo đevrek
A ima i još
tajna policija
Potpuno lud ko Piterson Džordan
Depra sam sad
Na drogama hodam
Kroz bespuća istorije i interneta
Ko voli da smeta?
Ko voli da smeta?
Čije ime da precrtam?
Kome metu na čelu da nacrtam?
Biću što treba
I kad ne treba
Nek bude piva
Nek bude leba
Svoju ću mater
Za kola da džoram
Biću joj Tuđman
I Šime Đodan
Samo reci koga, Čiča?
Samo reci i ja da ne pričam
Čiča je Mičam
I gotova pričam
Imam državni poso
Tajna policija
Siguran sto posto
Tajna policija
Pratim kog stignem
Tajna policija
Teška adikcija
Tajna policija
Jednom mi došlo da se umlatim
Ponestalo mi
ljudi da pratim
Ozvučio sam sebe
Snimio video
Šefu sam poslo
Plata mi skočila
Čak 15 posto
Imam državni poso
Tajna policija
Siguran sto posto
Tajna policija
Pratim kog stignem
Tajna policija
Teška adikcija
Tajna policija
Covenant: Project Zero Soundtrack is an official companion to the Covenant: Project Zero game which is now available on Steam for Windows and Mac platforms.
some of kosmoplovci current and ex members worked on this game, and most prominently, made this soundtrack which we are now proud to share. Djordjevic brothers, Igor and Aleksandar, members of our old LO-TEK KINGS music project, worked together on this, with Aleksandar setting up the initial mood with his theme opening the album, and then Igor taking over to create all different themes that ended up being part of the game, while Aleksandar worked on other aspects of the game, as a game creator and visual artist.
this soundtrack contains all music used in the game, freshly composed by our veteran artists for this particular project, as well as three bonus tracks with versions and remixes. it spans through multiple genres, bringing out all sort of moods, ranging from ambient to action, reflecting different kind of situations you may encounter in the game, but also contributing to game’s overall experience and world building.
we hope you will like and support our work, as we are much proud of it. check the game’s Steam Store page where you can get more information and also download a FREE DEMO of the game:
track 1 composed by Aleksandar Djordjevic tracks 2-17 composed by Igor Djordjevic all tracks mixed and mastered by Igor Djordjevic artwork by Aleksandar Djordjevic
this is a recording of live performance from Ronaldinjo Mendela project, cooperation of Jova Toljaga of @digitalwarfareband (lyrics and vocals) and dominator of @kosmoplovcinet (music).
it was performed in Pößneck, Germany, on 11.5.2019. as a part of Digital Warfare @digitalwarfareband performance with Gipsy Mafia @GipsyMafiaOfficialChannel with whom he work closely and support each other.
Male investicije
Utrčale u dvorište
Male investicije
Ne kopaju noseve
Male investicije
Neće na kopove
Male investicije
Trbae podsticati
Na vreme ulagati
Male investicije
Formiraju redove
Za kupljene diplomice
Male investicije
Pametno ulažu
U druge male
Koje će oploditi
Druge investicije
Male investicije
Troše drogice
Razbijaju kolica
Siluju maloletnice
Male investicije
Ne vraćaju
Ne plaćaju
I zato uvek imaju
Male investicije
Nisu za podsmeh
Već za cerek
Male investicije
Imaju hobi
Guranja ljudi
U provaliju
Ko pruži otpor
Njega ubiju
Ko ne
Bace ga u smrt
Male investicije
Za sebe
Nikad cicije
Male investicije
Sebi najmilije
00:00 Beta Blockator by HyperBaba / NeverMind
04:27 Common World by HyperBaba / NeverMind
08:17 Do_IT!!! by HyperBaba / NeverMind
13:31 Violator by HyperBaba / NeverMind
19:58 Mediana by God Jr / iq2ooo
23:50 Bon by God Jr / iq2ooo
28:56 Song 2 by God Jr / iq2ooo
33:16 AstralTrack Part 7 by God Jr / iq2ooo
37:17 Nerve 4 by God Jr / iq2ooo
42:44 klang by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
46:21 sql not fpl by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
49:21 beyond limits by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
54:21 wip2 by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
hello. after a while, finally dominator decides to release another multichannel to joy the audience and justify the quality of soundstudio - amiga multichannel tracker. this experimental track is planned to be included on one of my future albums and compilations coming soon from corrosion music label, however, it is released also this way, for all of you to listen. for more info about label, check out - soon to be available! meantime, connect yourself with the real yugoslav electronic warriors at
the song was throughouly tested in various environments including 44k1 and 28k0, played through soundstudio and hip using external libraries. it includes original synth sounds and samples, so be fair, and pay credit if you use 'em.
collapse was our first attempt to make a game. it was made for amiga, in 1996, and although finished in most of its intent, it was never published.
the game was simple logical puzzle game which was quite popular genre at a time utilizing number puzzles and game elements, with a simple goal to make all number tiles disappear (or collapse) by pushing the same numbers on each other. it is similar to 'casual game' genre that came later and is still popular, especially on mobile platforms.
this video capture presents only few starting levels, which raise in complexity. there are many more levels and challenges in the game, if i remember correctly, more than hundred levels were made and implemented in the game.
code and idea: suffocator
graphics: alex, suffocator
music: dominator
level design: blueman
playtesting: fishman, igor kid, gebbek, njoska, q
amiga protracker 4channel mod
used as a soundtrack for corrosion amiga demo 'hypno', released on Terminal Frost demo party in Novi Sad, on august 1999.
amiga protracker 4channel mod
famous music from the famous corrosion 'fucktro' made its rounds in 1994 and beyond, played at many private parties, radio and even television, where it stood out as a solid piece of our own hardcore techno breed, with our own code, music and visuals, released as 52KB amiga program. cyberpunk style. september 1994.
amiga protracker 4channel mod
originally unnamed, this was dug out of dominator's work folder by phuzzy logik, who then used it in his 'dim mak' demo for corrosion, released at SCENE STRIKE 3 demo party, in july 1998.
amiga protracker 4channel mod
originally called 'brutal acid intro', this track found its place as endpart music in 'dim mak' corrosion pc dos demo, released at SCENE STRIKE 3 demo party, in july 1998.
amiga protracker 4channel mod collab, originally made by asarhad, then remixed and adapted to final version by dominator, which was then used in corrosion amiga demo 'oda kralju' released in november 1997.
amiga protracker 4channel mod collab, originally made by asarhad, then remixed and produced by dominator into final version which was used in corrosion amiga demo 'foam', released on SCENE STRIKE 3 in july 1998.
Productions from our visit to YALP (Yet Another Lame Party) are compiled in this archive for you to download. Have fun. And be warned that this archive contains very experimental stuff.
beside graphics shown on the left, archive includes our 4channel module releases:
bassehop by alex
noise gate by dominator
x2 remix wd-42 by paranoid
amiga protracker 4channel mod
used as soundtrack to corrosion's 'project42' demo on amiga, released in december 1999 at VEP demo party in Obrenovac, Serbia.
ok, here are sum new trax from dominator, in sum new atmosphere, or not? anyway, 'glide' and 'deeper' are done in a row, so that's the main reason of their somehow alikeness. the pack is accompanied with one older track done in february'97 and never released before - 'lamer hunt'. after making that, i've done another 'lamer hunt' hardcore in soundstudio, played it on our concerts and released it on our second demo tape - 'brain damage' in spring'97. this 'lamer hunt' is acid thumper and has nothing to do with the hardcore version!
the grooooovey breakbeat overdose once again revamped. guess you'll just adore the taste of difference among nowadays *oa this and *oa that crap. or you'll just absolutelly hate it!
well, greetings to likes, fuckings to hates.
hardcore, you pussy motherfuckers!
btw: dirty harry really needed at least one song dedicated. well, here it is, finally - the real dirty harry hymn. ;)
CRS00050 corrosion: megamix anniversary release
[corrosion music mega remixes]
50th release needs to be special, and this one sure is ;)
we bring you special remixes of crsmusic released tunes.
musicians involved are:
- asarhad with calculated risk remix [original by domin8r]
- domin8r with diablosmundos remix [original by asarhad]
- paranoid with new world disorder remix [original by domin8r]
- phase with transformation remix [original by domin8r] & juyu-komite remix [original by asarhad]
- pyc with uptempo! remix [original by domin8r]
global conspiracy controls our lives. it is no fuckin' bullshit, THEY are trying to spy every action we make. at the moment you become exposed to them, it is already too late! watch your back m8!
amiga protracker 4channel mod from 1998.
released on amiga music disk called 'Unplugged #3 (III) - The Music Disk' by serbian demo group NeverMind in october 1998. it contains 13 tracks from three musicians from three different groups - hyperbaba / nevermind, god jr / iq2000 and dominator / corrosion.
01. Beta Blockator by HyperBaba / NeverMind
02. Common World by HyperBaba / NeverMind
03. Do_IT!!! by HyperBaba / NeverMind
04. Violator by HyperBaba / NeverMind
05. Mediana by God Jr / iq2ooo
06. Bon by God Jr / iq2ooo
07. Song 2 by God Jr / iq2ooo
08. AstralTrack Part 7 by God Jr / iq2ooo
09. Nerve 4 by God Jr / iq2ooo
10. klang by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
11. sql not fpl by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
12. beyond limits by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
13. wip2 by DoMiNAToR / CoRRoSioN
check your head m8, by buyng the ultimate jukebox tool, also known as peezee, you get nothing! you just become another commercial brainwashed microsnotted idiot! you can lie yourself that microsnot is not running the peezee, but look around you, and you'll soon discover that almost ALL software you need & use is made for w*n. you still don't get it, do you? well, fuck you and your stupid lame brain leftovers!
da phukin' darkbeat pumping the way to your ears. n-joy it or drop dead, phucker! seems like i've killed the original and made it absolutelly different! xe xe... same samples, absolutelly different taste. rule. 31337. get down with amiga.
this version of kolonija is recreated for the fans, and upgraded with higher resolution source images.
since old version used 128x128px gfx, in order to fit into 2003 GPUs memory, there has been some time since i had the idea for upgrade, so here it is.
this version is using 512x512px gfx, converted from the source images which are ~1000px.
since demo displays at fixed resolution of 640x480, using larger resolution images than 512px is unnecessary, at least until we change the executable code to open in higher resolution.
another argument for sticking with 512px images is because demo system is quite non-optimized, and loads everything in GPU RAM before starting. so, 512px images are using ~1GB of GPU RAM (part1 uses ~0.5GB, part2 uses ~1GB), so it will work even on GPUs with 2GB RAM, unlike 1024px images which break the 2GB limit.
i have successfully tested and captured 512px version on windows 10 with AMD Radeon RX460 2GB GPU, although i had problems displaying anything on another windows 10 machine, with much stronger NVIDIA 1660Ti 16GB RAM, so compatibility is still a problem, and you might also have all sorts of timing issues, but here it is anyway - it might just work fine for you :)
meanwhile, brand new 1080p60 capture of kolonija2021 is made and will be uploaded to our usual channels, including our official YT -
old infofile follows...
use the included batchfile 'kolonija.bat' to see the complete demo.
thank you.
this version of kolonija is recreated for the fans, and upgraded with higher resolution source images.
since old version used 128x128px gfx, in order to fit into 2003 GPUs memory, there has been some time since i had the idea for upgrade, so here it is.
this version is using 512x512px gfx, converted from the source images which are ~1000px.
since demo displays at fixed resolution of 640x480, using larger resolution images than 512px is unnecessary, at least until we change the executable code to open in higher resolution.
another argument for sticking with 512px images is because demo system is quite non-optimized, and loads everything in GPU RAM before starting. so, 512px images are using ~1GB of GPU RAM (part1 uses ~0.5GB, part2 uses ~1GB), so it will work even on GPUs with 2GB RAM, unlike 1024px images which break the 2GB limit.
i have successfully tested and captured 512px version on windows 10 with AMD Radeon RX460 2GB GPU, although i had problems displaying anything on another windows 10 machine, with much stronger NVIDIA 1660Ti 16GB RAM, so compatibility is still a problem, and you might also have all sorts of timing issues, but here it is anyway - it might just work fine for you :)
meanwhile, brand new 1080p60 capture of kolonija2021 is made and will be uploaded to our usual channels, including our official YT -
old infofile follows...
use the included batchfile 'kolonija.bat' to see the complete demo.
thank you.
this vhs tape contains pc demos and intros from period of late 90s to early 2000s, when PC demoscene was transitioning from software to gpu rendering, while at same time transitioning from DOS to Windows 9x.
this selection contains some of the best pieces of both of those worlds, recorded directly from pc hardware equipped with video output card and even gravis ultrasound (GUS) audio card, which was popular on demoscene at the time.
this tape, among others, have served its purpose to present demoscene art on various occasions and places in those and years up to digital media took over.
the works have been collected, selected and recorded by dominator, with a technical and logistics help of few friends and cinema rex cultural center.
some rare items in there. enjoy.
00:00:00 mfx - dose
00:03:49 purple - plastik
00:07:35 blasphemy - louis lane
00:10:51 tpolm - te-2rb
00:16:04 pulse - square
00:19:55 matrix - fulcrum
00:29:50 melon dezign & pulse - tribes
00:39:55 pulse - 73 million seconds
00:44:15 doomsday - off
00:48:40 doomsday - boost
00:53:26 orange - megablast
00:56:53 tpolm - bjoer
00:59:45 orange - deesbab
01:02:20 eufrosyne - transformers
01:05:46 mfx - transgression 2
01:09:10 kooma - tipu tipu
01:10:45 kooma - kommuuuni
01:12:54 moottori - mainstream
01:15:59 calodox & nowadays - organic
01:21:06 prone - go pete go
01:23:36 kooma - punishment x
01:24:57 nooon & orange - cob
01:26:50 halcyon - hplus
01:34:05 statix & vic - bleam
01:38:34 sunflower - zilog
01:42:16 purple - kkowboy
01:45:45 blasphemy - moral hard candy
01:51:16 cncd - pornstars
01:57:10 damage - chrome
02:00:28 elitegroup - kasparov
02:11:12 farbrausch - fr-06: black 2000 even darker remix
02:14:38 haujobb - art
02:18:49 cncd - codename chinadoll
02:23:38 satori - incyber
02:28:57 t-rex - broadband
02:33:50 t-rex - your scientists invented electricity
02:36:51 tpolm - the day the earth was born
02:40:15 sunflower - wonder
02:43:24 sunflower - tesla
02:47:36 replay - two watermelons and one indoor ape
02:51:11 digital artists - encode / decode
02:54:32 threestate - nowhere
Obori sajt na pet minuta
Oboriće te na deset godina
Ubij čoveka dobićeš deset
Izaći za pet uz dobro vladanje
Provesti život
U bežanju od svoje senke
Ili hladnoj sobi ambasade
Cena istine, cena pravde
Krotko ponudi vrat
Pokorno ćuti u ćošku
Kao nevaljali dečak
Okreni drugi obraz
Onima bez obraza
To žele, to neće dobiti
Njihova kazna
Jednaka je njihovom strahu
Lov na veštice 2.0.
Izvan njihovih mreža
Samo zveri i bogovi
Terra Incognita
Psoglavi i zmajevi
Ne treba nam pesma
Da olakša robiju
Treba nam pesma
Koja lomi lance
I oni znaju
Strah dolazi…
Strah dolazi od onih koji
Imaju previše slobodnog vremena
Onih koji ne gledaju rijalitije
Onih koji ne ginu na Crni Petak
Onih koji ne zebu od dokolice
Onih koji žive i kad ne rade
Onih koji ne rade od 8 do 18
I to ih uopšte ne brine
Ne treba nam pesma
Da olakša robiju
Treba nam pesma
Koja lomi lance
Strah dolazi
Strah njima
Sloboda nama
with more people being forced to stay home due to coronavirus pandemic, we are informing you of some of our streaming activities that we have been working on a while, so its time to get connected to it, in addition to our internet profiles.
first, we are running a 24/7 live video stream called rndomTV, presenting selected work from kosmoplovci, demoscene, music, art and more - with special focus on regional (balkan) authors and events. video is streamed using DLive platform, which provides blockchain-based uncensored streaming. our stream is located at
secondly, we are running 24/7 rebroadcast of our kosmoplovci transmission series at the following links: ogg / m3u / web
and ocassionaly rndom is broadcasting here: mp3 / m3u / web
this is a previously unreleased 16:9 720p HD 2010 version of a classic kosmoplovci video from 2008, rescaled and reencoded from original source files to provide better and upgraded experience for widescreen HD displays.
full credits:
music: tatar
3d models and animation: procesor
video editing: rashid
fx processing and encoding: dominator
sunday chill 15.12.2019. a small session playing around live with caustic 3 on android tablet, with few smaller interventions with usb midi controller connected directly to tablet. live take. no edit.
nedeljni chill 15.12.2019. malo se igram sa caustic 3 na android tabletu, uz par sitnijih zahvata sa usb midi kontrolerom spojenim direktno u tablet.
snimljeno uzivo. bez editovanja.
a small demo of various midi inputs connected to ableton live:
- novation launchkey mini mk2, connected via usb
- two instances of midimix android app, on phone and tablet, connected via wifi using rtpmidi protocol
-- Music Influence --
Presented at Buenzli11 (2k2)
cOde: NyKo
ViSual: NyKo
muSic: Loke
needs something like a p3 450, 512*384*32 Bits video mode or 640*480*32 but a faster machine :)
this capture was made in january 2020 on win7/i5/gtx960 with fraps. originally captured in 640x480 this version is upscaled and cropped to 720p in order to force youtube for higher quality compression. no pixels were lost. 25fps is forced by demo itself.
please note that this xvid/mp3 encode was made from original dv avi which heavily uses video interlacing hence it's fields were splited, and framerate doubled to 50fps to preserve the original appearance and to enable computer viewers to experience video as originally intended.
although it is encoded in 50fps it will still work fine on tv output.
test was performed on nvidia pal tvout.
eksperimentalna, vanžanrovska, inovativna muzička fuzija sa hrabrim angažovanim tekstovima ono je što izdvaja i definiše AFTERPARTY, beogradski dvojac koji čine rndom i setanta, veterani domaće autorske muzičke, vizuelne i aktivističke scene.
nastao u međuprostoru svega što slušaju i vole, ZEMLJA ZA DINAR je rezultat predanog i posvećenog rada i otpora neo-robovlasničkom sistemu koji pokušava da nas samelje i pretvori u moderne robove na usluzi korporacijama i njihovim vlasnicima.
uskoro uživo i u vašem gradu.
u saradnji sa kolegama filmskim i video umetnicima do sada je napravljeno pet video spota, a radi se na još.
muzika, tekstovi, aranžmani i dizajn: rndom i setanta fotografija: aleksandar opačić / video: marko nikolić, night knight, vuk bogdanović, stefan sladić, rndom snimljeno u amadan i kosmoplovci studijima 2019. godine
Human Error, otvaranje izlozbe Radovana Popovica u galeriji Remont, 28.10.2019.
Radovan Popovic a.k.a. rashid istaknuti je clan i osnivac grupe Kosmoplovci, podgrupe Studiostrip, urednik i izdavac mnogih strip casopisa i fanzina, organizator i inspirator mnogih strip okupljanja i radionica sirom kosmosa.
autorska izlozba njegovih radova otvorena je u ovoj postavci 28.10. i bice u stalnoj, cak svakodnevnoj mutaciji i metamorfozi, tako da vas pozivamo da je posetite i vise od jednom.
pored rashid-ovih autorskih radova tu su i zajednicki radovi nastali u saradnji sa drugim umetnicima i u drugim medijima, ukljucujuci i audiovizuelne radove grupe Kosmoplovci.
Galerija Remont nalazi se u ulici Marsala Birjuzova 7, u Beogradu.
ulaz je slobodan, a mozda nesto i ponesete kuci.
in 2002, a year after LO-TEK KINGS LEGACY 1 was made, our music evolved and we wanted to do a fresh take on our promo CD, to present our new music directions but also our improved production which evolved from trackers to modular synthesis and realtime fx. we started using Buzz as our base music creation tool, which allowed us to combine samples, synthesizers and realtime fx in a ways previously not possible.
our membership has also changed a bit, because paranoid already left for finland and wasn’t able to contribute, so more space was given to contributions by dzho, speaker for the dead (dominator’s ambient/experimental alter-ego) and zchbicky/extravaganja, who colaborated and worked with us during early 2000s.
so, we have produced another CD sampler, or promo CD, which showcased our new stuff and sound. our music workflow was now allowing us to routinely produce and render stuff digitally, new tools for mastering were being discovered and used in addition to vst and daw, and new analogue simulation software like t-racks, one of the first successful analogue tube amplifier simulation that was used for mastering.
so, while compiling this second part of our LTK LEGACY series, we ended up with 13 tracks, mostly new ones compared to first edition, but with few LTK ‘classics’ that we didn’t want to miss, but most of them updated with new production, or recorded on live performances, with only few being respected as good-as-it-were. as a special bonus, we have included the latest remaster and slight dj-friendly remake of mindshit, freshly made in 2018.
the tracklist of this release, with complete credits is as follows:
01 aborigines, produced by speaker for the dead, 4:55
02 delete, produced by dominator, 5:45
03 bruce lee revence, produced by dominator, 6:53
04 sada dobro znam (live), produced by dzho, lyrics and vocals by ninja, additional music by dvojac bez kormilara (coxless pair), 4:35
05 severe brain damage, produced by dominator, 4:39
06 mindshit (2018 remaster), produced by dominator, vocal sample by marcus garvey / corrosion, 4:05
07 low, produced by dominator, 7:55
08 smisao21 (2002 remaster), produced by dominator, 5:11
09 zaeban policaec, produced by dominator, 5:45
10 congrats (live at mkc maribor, september 2000), produced by dominator, lyrics and vocals by ninja, additional production by zchbicky, 5:10
11 disoriented forces, produced by dzho, with additional work by dominator, 5:31
12 mendes, produced by dzho, 6:34
13 filterhop, produced by speaker for the dead, 6:21
mastering and postproduction on all tracks by dominator
tracks 5, 6 and 10 were created on Amiga, in OctaMED Soundstudio and DigiBooster.
tracks 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 were created on PC, in Buzz modular synthesis software.
tracks 4 and 12 were created in PC, in Impulse Tracker.
mastering and postproduction was made on PC, using vegas, sound forge, various vst plugins and T-Racks 2.
addtional information for some tracks:
track 4 (sada dobro znam – live) was performed live on our concert with dvojac bez kormilara (a.k.a. coxless pair) at skc on december 2nd 2001. main music was produced by dzho, lyrics and vocals were written and performed by ninja a.k.a. Aleksandar Djordjevic, additional live music performance was made by Dusan Petrovic on saxophone, Boris Mladenovic on guitar and Sonja Loncar on analogue synth. some of their music (dvojac bez kormilara) can be found here:
track 7 (mindshit 2018 remaster) – was first released on dominator’s ‘i think, therefore i suffer’ lp (in 1997), updated and additionally postproduced version was released in 2001 and is now available on LTK LEGACY 1, and on this release we have included latest, fully remastered and mixed, with slitght ‘dj-friendly’ corrections, which was made in 2018. older version are avalable on following releases:
track 10 (congrats – live) was recorded live during our stay in MKC Maribor, during Hexpo festival in august/september 2000. additional postproduction was done by zchbicky/extravaganja, who was temporary part of our crew at the event. original track (without vocals) was used in serbian hit movie ‘Munje!’ (a.k.a. ‘Dudes’).
track 13 (filterhop) is actually a remix of zchbicky’s unreleased contribution to lo-tek kings, internally known as antiope2, named after some weird buzz fx plugin. it may appear somewhere out of our hard disks someday
some of these tracks circulated through dj underground and some local music charts. some of them – like mindshit – were so popular that ended up on vynil dubplates for personal use by codex dj’s, and stomped more than a few dancefloors.
this anthology selection is here to bring more light on our highly popular and succesfull club oriented project LO-TEK KINGS, which was created in the 1999 as a continuation of what dominator was already doing for some years, but with more musicians who gathered and their work developed and evolved under corrosion music support and organization – beside dominator (a.k.a. domin8r), official members of the group were ninja (a.k.a. alex, asarhad and swemiratz), paranoid (a.k.a. paran0id), dzho (a.k.a. jocko) and zchbicky (a.k.a. extravaganja) and it presented wide range of our dancefloor oriented work, which mostly dwelled through the genres of drum and bass, jungle, breakbeat, triphop, and sometimes even hardcore and industrial techno.
LO-TEK KINGS music was performed live in clubs and concerts on at least 16 official occasions, and 13 more if we count previous performance under dominator name. on each of it’s live perfomances, LTK added a layer of original lyrics, videos and live perfomances by ninja, paranoid and dzho, while dominator was mostly taking care of music selection, live mix and production. this release features two pieces which were recorded from live performances, so you have a chance to catch a glimpse of how LTK sounded live – a rare insight since not much of it was ever recorded, because of lack of technical possibilites to do so during those years.
it is also worth noting that LTK perfomances included lots of custom and work-in-progress material, and it was part of the larger movement that worked on support and establishing local electronic and drum and bass scene in the early 2000’s, by pushing not only it’s work but also other local artists, including dj’s like phase and toxic of codex fame, who moved on to continue building local underground drum and bass scene.
in following years, LTK members were separated by life difficulties to survive in Serbia with their work, but also were pushed away by prevalence of dj performances over live acts. paranoid went on to live in finland, ninja went on to live in US, and dzho moved on to his movie director career. even zchbicky, our new member, was in the group less than year before he also moved abroad. so dominator, the only remaining active music member didn’t want to use the name and continued to pursue his work under his new projects and names like speaker for the dead, kosmoplovci, kdes and others. however, in the recent years, the need for LTK ideals to rise up once again are plenty, so for a time being, we have decided to remind you of our work, and when the time comes, to get back on the stage as well. stay tuned for more!
official page for lo-tek kings is permanently archived in archive where it tries to provide complete information on it’s work, including it’s members solo projects.
another underrated gem from dA JoRMaS is no longer missing from the noob internetz youtube, starting today.
with highest pleasure and satisfaction, we finally bring you the full experience of infamous sPlidiUm music disk released back in 1996 for amiga, bringing out 8 tracks of experimental electronic, who were highly popular and influental among our posse (corrosion), at least among electronic music heads ;)
the tracklist with timecodes is as follows:
00:00 Intro
00:57 Tangent 6.853 by PiirakkaMunalla
05:11 CRC Error by Zetor & Naksahtaja
09:26 DuraCell by Vesuri
14:15 FlabberGaster by PiirakkaMunalla
19:02 Panikk by Naksahtaja
24:14 Lavender by PiirakkaMunalla
27:12 Phunk 112 by RaatoMestari
31:04 Locked Out by PiirakkaMunalla
this is a live unedited vhs recording of DOMINATOR live act at an event called YU:GO@ 1, which took place on November 23rd, 1996. in famous belgrade techno venue INDUSTRIA.
the event was organized by Dusan Kalicanin and his organization TECHNOKRATIA, and although many things surrounding this event were not ideal, including the fact that we were put in the middle of goa trance dj sets, which really had nothing to do with our or KKPTSAI live act, we are still glad this event took place at all and thank everyone for support and participation.
after goa intro by DJ Sun, KKPTSAI began first with their breakbeat set. already prepared for our act, we mangled with the crowd, jumped our asses off, and some minutes before their end, we were ready to begin our show we were preparing 2 weeks before concert.
in totally low-tech atmosphere, we began our show. we had four tv's in front of us that played forty minute long CoRRoSioN video broadcast created intentionally to support our music act with the appropriate visuals. on the stage were DOMINATOR, ALEX and PARANOID. DOMINATOR was responsible for music performance, with ALEX help, while PARANOID was the MC, using his terror voice in the right place and the right time. all the music tracks performed at the event were original productions made by DOMINATOR and sorted in two subprojects - BRAIN SYSTEM BIOWARE was the name internally used for his breakbeat work, performed in the first part of the concert (02:53 - 15:50) and DOMINATOR, presenting his 4/4 hardcore stuff, starting at 15:50 with PHUSE, his most known track of the time, which had a video playing on local television. this video is available on youtube at
this was one of the rare events when HARDCORE TECHNO scene was presented in a proper venue, with proper support and with proper atmosphere, so once again we thank to anyone involved, including the fans who flocked to take over industria for this brief and unique 40 minutes of pure hardcore. we didn't bend and stayed true to ourselves and our fans, as always.
corrosion and dominator went on to make more events and live acts, but none was ever again supported or took place at industria, as we were ignored and marked as being 'too heavy' from the most of the mainstream techno scene of a time, most significantly from the industria resident djs, who were not even involved in organizing or supporting this event.
this unofficial lo-tek kings album was originally created in 2001 to present our work to dj’s, promoters and publishers, a way to introduce them to our work at the time when we were unable to publish and distribute a ‘proper’ release, which unfortunatelly never happened due to fucked up circumstances of local (serbian) music scene and it’s labels.
music was produced in CD quality and was available both as CDDA-audio and MC-audio tape, recorded and multiplied on CDr and MC at our own DIY resources.
it contains 10 tracks, mostly never released before, with some exceptions that were part of our other releases, but remastered for this one.
– track 8 – n2o extended a.k.a. vratolom – has become part of our later released n2o ep – our only ‘official’ lo-tek kings release until now, featuring versions and guest remixes of our original track n2o, inspired by the ps2 game. another version of this track was also used in short-movie called ‘road to hell’ made by low-fi video group called ‘kadar’ a.k.a. ‘mladi kadrovi’
some of other tracks circulated through dj underground and some local music charts. some of them – like mindshit – were so popular that ended up on vynil dubplates for personal use by codex dj’s, and stomped more than few dancefloors.
last track on this album – stabbing spears – was created intentionally in the form of 15 minute long minimix, presenting wide range of styles that LTK was known and respected for.
all in all, this anthology selection is here to bring some light on our highly popular and succesfull club oriented project LO-TEK KINGS, which was created in the 1999 as a continuation of what dominator was already doing for some years, but with more musicians who gathered and their work developed and evolved under corrosion music support and organization – beside dominator (a.k.a. domin8r), official members of the group were ninja (a.k.a. alex, asarhad and swemiratz), paranoid (a.k.a. paran0id) and dzho (a.k.a. jocko) and it presented wide range of our dancefloor oriented work, which mostly dwelled through the genres of drum and bass, jungle, breakbeat, triphop, and sometimes even hardcore and industrial techno.
LO-TEK KINGS music was performed live in clubs and concerts on at least 16 official occasions, and 13 more if we count previous performance under dominator name. on each of it’s live perfomances, LTK added a layer of original lyrics, videos and live perfomances by ninja, paranoid and dzho, while dominator was mostly taking care of music selection and production. it is also worth noting that LTK perfomances included lots of custom and work-in-progress material, and it was part of the larger movement that worked on support and establishing local drum and bass scene in the early 2000’s, by pushing not only it’s work but also other local artists, including dj’s like phase and toxic of codex fame, who moved on to continue building local underground drum and bass scene.
in later years, LTK members were separated by life difficulties to survive in Serbia with their work, but also were pushed away by prevalence of dj performances over live acts. paranoid went on to live in finland, ninja went on to live in US, and dzho moved on to his movie director career, so dominator, the only remaining active music member didn’t want to use the name and continued to pursue his work under his new projects and names like speaker for the dead, kosmoplovci, kdes and others. however, in the recent years, the need for LTK ideals to rise up once again are plenty, so for a time being, we have decided to remind you of our work, and when the time comes, to get back on the stage as well. stay tuned for more!
tracklist of this release, with complete credits is as follows:
01 wandering (ltk version), produced by dominator, 3:53 02 drugstore, produced by dominator, 3:59 03 they eat people, produced by ninja, 4:35 04 smisao21, produced by dominator, 5:12 05 zaeban policaec, produced by dominator, 5:59 06 congratz, produced by dominator, 5:10 07 mindshit (2001 remaster), produced by dominator, 4:04 08 n2o extended (vratolom), produced by paranoid and dominator, 11:16 09 jeez, produced by dominator, 3:42 10 stabbing spears, produced by paranoid and dominator, 14:56
mastering and postproduction on all tracks by dominator
all music was created on Amiga, in octamed soundstudio and digibooster. mastering and postproduction was made on pc, using vegas, sound forge and various vst plugins.
official page for lo-tek kings is permanently archived in archive where it tries to provide complete information on it’s work, including it’s members solo projects.
here we go. another pick from the vault, and another forgotten vhs masterpiece:
it's another short movie contribution to low-fi video scene, this one made by LO-TEK KINGS and ZADRUGA in august 2000, and it's quite a piece of history contained all-in one!
it is recorded in rashid's kitchen, it begins and ends with LTK live performances on toy instruments, it features two songs from freshly discovered oldschool rock band GRESNICI - 'nebeska kraljica' and 'snezana', it contains two 'vfx' parts with contributions by rashid/striper, it has costumes and rockets and much much more.
it also promotes and signs short-lived but important ZADRUGA (COOP) as a producer, sends thanks to gule for camera he borrowed us for this occasion, valentin for technical help in D/A conversion, and njoska for the joke that inspired us for this movie. you know who you are!
acted by ninja as son, and paranoid as mother, with camera and production work by domin8r, it's a minimalistic piece about social situation in our country.
son comes and asks his mother every day what is for lunch.
mother replies with same answer every day he asks. sarma is everyday lunch.
son reacts happy on first day and become less enthusiastic each following day, until he becomes happy again once the week resets.
sarma is chinese plastic crab toy that can be seen in title logo.
true story.
your truly LO-TEK KINGS, ZADRUGA, STRIPER and of course, CORROSION who were and KOSMOPLOVCI who would become are not dead, yet!
another rarity from our past, found in our VHS archive, this is a promotional video for corrosion, made in 1997 to promote our work, and later used to promote creative tech week & scene strike 1 events, where it was presented to broader public and took party in competition.
it has 2 parts, introduction part presenting credits for the production, with guest music 'nordcore hölle' by nordcore g.m.b.h., taken from terrordrome VII compilation, one of our favourites of that time.
second part, main part, presents graphics, animation and photos from the contributing members of the group, including pioneering work in non-linear fx and editing, 3d animation and computer generated graphics. it is edited to a music called 'wandering' made by dominator, which is available at hardcorrosion 'brain damage' album.
for more details and downloads of music check
video was made in one of the first versions of adobe premiere software, and then recorded to vhs tape on pc using graphics card with tv-output, hence the problems with vsyncs and occasional stutters, because of inability of available technology to keep up with broadcast standards. this was pre-DV era, even pre-DIVX era...
"this was our first meeting with premiere's non-linear editing philosophy. the 2 part presentation animation was created for creative-tech week event, and it competed in scene strike 1 wild compo.
animation/video contains pieces of 2d and 3d art created by numerous people who were members of our group at the time which were then synchronized and timed with 2 music pieces.
the only copy was saved on vhs tape, so here it is, for the history sake mostly ;))"
and now it is finally available on online video platforms.
more information and resources about the video and it's surrounding events is available in our web archives at kosmoplovci server. some direct links to help you search:
this is a VHS RIP of a short movie / music video coproduction made with low-fi video group KADAR, also known as MLADI KADROVI, with LO-TEK KINGS track called N2O [12312].
this short movie was released in april 2000, during period of ZADRUGA (COOP) network, which was a joint project of CORROSION, LOW-FI VIDEO, STRIPER and OUR PICTURES, short-lived predecessor of kosmoplovci.
N2O EP was released in september 2001, for CORROSION MUSIC, later to be included in FLOATINGJOINT, KOSMOPLOVCI music sublabel.
so far the largest floatingjoint/kosmoplovci project took us more than year to finish, but the effort sure has not been in vain. KOOITRIPLEX CDROM contains 24 audio pieces with related graphics/design, 5 videos and completely integrated cdrom version of the videoep. and all that working on (almost) any pc in fullscreen environment without any additional software. although KOOITRIPLEX/WEB provides full mp3 downloads and links to all related videos, we strongly recommend cdrom version for full experience, with intro animation, instant transitions and embedded videos, all running from a single cd.
00:00:00 intro
00:00:20 speaker for the dead - ja kvant
00:06:19 tatar - bma
00:14:42 havoc - noi5
00:18:57 havoc - prodigal son
00:26:04 tatar - hwr2
00:33:54 havoc - in4p.
00:40:32 tatar - 5436
00:46:35 speaker for the dead - filterhop [antiope rmx]
00:52:58 tatar - #rw
01:03:12 speaker for the dead - vst
01:11:56 speaker for the dead - spirit
01:17:44 speaker for the dead - v.a.l.i.s.
01:24:11 speaker for the dead - 22:22:22
01:29:49 dzho - lesonith
01:37:21 speaker for the dead - all over again
01:42:33 speaker for the dead - satelitska stanica
01:51:34 tatar - nzd1
01:57:14 havoc - eraser x
02:04:58 rashid - fabryka
02:06:40 speaker for the dead - neutrone
02:10:25 speaker for the dead - k
02:19:00 havoc - p5
02:25:21 tatar - lx1m
02:34:27 outro / credits
NOVO // NUWE // NUEVO // NEW // NEU // جديد // I RI // አዲስ // ՆՈՐ // YENİ // BERRI // নতুন // нов // NOU // BAG-O NGA // atsopano // 新兴 // 新興 // nový // ny // NIEUWE // NOVA // uus // bago // UUSI // NOUVEAU // NIJ // ახალი // ΝΕΟΣ // નવું // nèf // sabo // חדש // नया // tshiab // Új // Nýtt // Ọhụrụ // Baru // Nua // Nuovo // 新しい // Anyar // ಹೊಸ // Жаңа // ថ្មី // 새로운 // Nşh // жаңы // ໃຫມ່ // novus // Jauns // Naujas // Nei // Ново // Vaovao // Baru // പുതിയത് // Ġdid // hou // नवीन // Шинэ // နယူး // नयाँ // نوی // Nowy // ਨਵਾਂ // Nou // новый // Fou // Ùr // E ncha // Itsva // نئون // අලුත් // Cusub // anyar // Mpya // Нав // புதிய // న్యూ // ใหม่ // Yeni // Новий // نئی // Yangi // Mới // Newydd // Entsha // נייַ // tuntun // okusha
3d animated short video promoting benefits of change to green energy, scripted by Vladimir Jankovic Lale, founder of Centrala - center for renewable energy sources promotion, development and implementation -
production team:
object design: dominator & batadane
animation, fx and editing: dominator
music: tatar & dominator
Pogledajte novu epizodu Bizar Božidara u kojoj se bavimo ljubavlju – prema svojoj deci i porodici ali i rađanjem i smrću romanse, erotomanijom, promiskuitetom, svim licima i naličjima ljubavi. Vodimo vas do Argentine za vreme vojne hunte u Zvaničnoj verziji i Češke za vreme Hladnog rata u Kolji. Bićete svedoci pustolovina italijanskog osvajača u Casanova 70, cinizma moderne veze u američkom Spavaj sa mnom i sve zaokružiti s Velikom lepotom.
BIZAR BOŽIDAR - Vaš saputnik u lutanjima kroz filmove i serije
epizoda 12: Vera u ljubav
Pogledajte novu epizodu Bizar Božidara u kojoj se bavimo ljubavlju- prema svojoj deci i porodici ali i rađanjem i smrću romanse, erotomanijom, promiskuitetom, svim licima i naličjima ljubavi. Vodimo vas do Argentine za vreme vojne hunte u Zvaničnoj verziji i Češke za vreme Hladnog rata u Kolji. Bićete svedoci pustolovina italijanskog osvajača u Casanova 70, cinizma moderne veze u američkom Spavaj sa mnom i sve zaokružiti s Velikom lepotom.
a short video clip made for promoting eidea digital art festival we were involved in, also to call people to submit their works.
the event took place over 3 weekends in may 2002, in three different cities - novi sad, belgrade and kovin.
lots of works submitted and some rewards were given, however not all things went good, especially for us who were fucked over by shady organizers who never reappeared since...
we also created (and custom programmed) cdrom archive with all works on a single cd. that might find it's way out too...
this was a video ad made for local televisions in 2001, to promote joint concert + public jam session of our live act LO-TEK KINGS together with DVOJAC BEZ KORMILARA in SKC, Belgrade.
the concert was to be broadcast live on SKC radio and was meant to be a beginning of a series of events that would promote original local music, however it was shut down by police before it even properly started.
so, it was another great idea and many people willing to work on it, however, (yet another) project shut down by never explained reasons, especially since it was SKC management who decided not to support these kinds of events further - although the attendace was high and many people wanted it to continue.
Thanks to EFFs Lets Encrypt project, we have setup a support for automated free SSL certificate. We are not sure how much this will help, but do hope that your privacy is at least a bit more protected, so you can browse our controversial content with further discretion.
We may bump into glitch or two until it settles down, we do after all host all versions of our portal and its subsites, and do try to keep them still running.
Any form of observation includes a process of change, in both the observer and in what is being observed. The observer changes itself and the world while observing it. The emergence of life from the stage of the earliest living molecule is at the same time the emergence of its environment. However, the self-awareness of an observer implies as well an awareness of the environment (world) that is not possible without memory.
Memory could be defined as a set of information with an algorithm deployed to store, retrieve and interpret them. Since there is an order of storing information, there is a process of irreversibility that can be associated with acquiring memory, that is the opposite of entropy. It goes from a state of low organization (less information) to one of higher organization (more information). By remembering the initial state (higher entropy), we may compare it with the end state (lower entropy). And it is memory itself that allows us to make this distinction. Thus the entire evolution of life could be interpreted as a process of acquiring memory. It has a direction of change, it is irreversible, and it shifts from simpler toward more complex ways of organizing living organisms. It seems that the evolution of life could be interpreted as an anti-entropic but also irreversible process. Since an observer itself can be understood to be a reflection,
a picture, of its environment, the more complex living organism (observer) is, the more complex image of the world it encodes. The interpretations of the environment that were “impressed” on the earliest living molecule were a very simple ones, most likely binary in their nature. It is reasonable to assume that those first sets of information were about some properties of the environment vital for the living molecule to maintain its integrity, to survive, such as distinctions between hot and cold or dark and light. In order to recognize these properties around itself this first life had to know what is hot and cold, meaning that this knowledge had to be incorporated, stored within its own molecular structure. However, there must have been a moment when for the first time a new combination within a living molecule took place that enabled it to distinguish hot from cold and thus increased its chances to survive. Because there is life today, it is also reasonable to assume that this rudimentary knowledge about the environment, this early picture of the world, acquired by the first life form was vital and accurate enough to be passed through all subsequent stages of life until the present day. It could probably be found embedded in the DNA strands of any living organism today. Understandably, most of the research on DNA has been focused primarily on the biological properties of a certain sequence or strand, or on the functional role it plays in a living organism. In addition to finding out what a DNA sequence does, it might be also interesting to find out if it possesses any form of meaning, and what this meaning might be. The visual method introduced here is intended to provide such a language. It is based on a specific representation of DNA/RNA sequences that are expressed visually with well-established formal relationships derived primarily from the visual properties of its constitutive notions. This method is based on five discrete values of the gray-scale while the sequences are organized in 2D blocks of 3x4 matrices. With these two different kinds of structure, one structure of values and another of positions, it is possible to generate images connected with a set of formal rules that could be understood as syntactical in nature. Furthermore, it is also possible to attach certain meanings to this form of representation that would constitute a certain caste of DNA semantics. Thus the five values on the gray scale are interpreted as five DNA/RNA bases and their relationships are derived from the properties of the corresponding values. For example, all the base-pairs could be defined by a single rule: 50% value difference between the bases.
Altogether, in addition to looking at DNA as a functional (biological) entity, it is possible to approach DNA as a specific living observer with a certain kind of knowledge impressed (stored) on it as a set of information about its environment (world) that can be translated and interpreted through a language with its semantic expressed visually. This approach could enable a very different understanding of DNA, but also of ourselves as its more complex expression, and this strangely familiar world around us.
Sadržaj web sajta Altarchive koji je krajem 2000tih radio na prikupljanju, digitalizaciji i očuvanju Low-Fi Video produkcije i festivala nastalih tokom 90tih godina integrisan je u O.U.R. Spektrum platformu, što ju je obogatilo za oko 120 autorskih radova iz oblasti kratkog, animiranog i eksperimentalnog filma.
Sem listanjem po arhivi, do ovih radova možete doći i koristeći tagove pri dnu sajta, a neki od tagova / autora obogaćenih ovim importom su: low-fi, medijska arheologija, jfjf, corrosion, kosmoplovci.
Biti umetnik znači biti fajter. Umetnost nikad nije samo ono što vam se čini. I nikad nije apolitična. Pogledajte zašto. Filmovi: Savage Messiah, Frank, Frances, Here I Stand, 24 Hour Party People
BIZAR BOŽIDAR epizoda 10: Ideologija ili na čijoj strani
Cenzura, demokratska ili ne, ideologija, ispravna ili ne. Pre ili kasnije morate povući liniju i opredeliti se. Filmovi: Katyn, Trumbo, Pobuna, Che, Taking Sides
BIZAR BOŽIDAR epizoda 9: Religija ili stondirani narod
Pedofilija, pljačka, zlostavljanje, ispiranje mozga. I sve to u Evropi 20. i 21. veka. O drugim kontinentima i da ne govorimo. Šta stoji iza odore sveštenika i ko ga jhe proglasio za Papu lično? Za sveca? Patrijarha?! Filmovi: Magdalene Sisters, La Mala Educacion,Fiesta, Spotlight, Calvary….
BIZAR BOŽIDAR epizoda 8: Moderno društvo – pohvala gluposti
Zatupljivanje i obrazovanje? Danas između ta dva pojma možete staviti znak jednakosti. Kako je do toga došlo? Da li je poenta priče u tome da vlasti traže pokorne, neobrazovane jedinke koje će raditi sve što im se naredi? Pogledajte objašnjenje dileme u sledećim filmovima: Institute Benjamenta, If, Walkabout, Idiocracy, 2081
Pobuna je moguća. Bila ona oružana, nenasilna, muzička. Hakerska. Od sandinista do Edvarda Snoudena. Metod borbe pre određuje onaj koji tlači nego onaj ko se opire. Šta kaže Bizar Božidar na tu temu? Pogledajte: Salvador, Good Vibrations, Citizen Four, Edukators, V For Vendetta
Da li vas zanima ko stoji iza svega? Ko nas dizajnira i čini takvim kakvi smo? Masom zaludnih potrošača i plitkoumaca? Otkrijte odgovore na ta i neka druga egzistencijalna pitanja u filmovima: Bananas, Requiem For A Dream, Denise Calls Up, The Social Network, The Lawnmower Man
BIZAR BOŽIDAR epizoda 5: Dokumentarni filmovi o aktuelnoj politici i holivudska igrana propaganda
Kad se udruže novac i diplomatija nastaju divne stvari: smrt, porobljene kolonije, beda, očajanje, terorizam. Ova epizoda je posvećena onim hrabrim ljudima koji se bore protiv zla vojne i korporativne industrije kao i onima koji stvaraju jevtinu propagandu. Filmovi: Bitter Lake, Dirty Wars, Zero Dark Thirty, Inside Job, Too Big To Fail, Ambassador, Lampedusa At Winter, Black Hawk Down, Zulu
Koliko smo istinski slobodni u eri prisluškivanih telefona, vršljanja po elektronskoj pošti? Ako nas posmatrači posmatraju za naše dobro – ko posmatra posmatrače?Da li glasamo samo za servirane i servilne lidere?Da li izbori mogu išta da promene? Da li sive eminencije i određene strukture moći vladaju samo zahvaljujući našem pogrešnom ubeđenju da živimo u demokratiji?Filmovi i serije: Three Days Of Condor, Defence Of The Realm, Very British Coup, House of Cards,The Thick Of It
Savršeno društvo-utopija ne postoji. Egzistira niz propalih utopija koje nastanjujemo. Da li je i kako moguća pobuna protiv nepravednog društva? Bizar Božidar je tu da Vam ukaže na moguća rešenja. Filmovi i serije: Logans Run, Brazil, Prisoner, Utopia, Snowpiercer, Man Who Fell On The Earth, Network
Ken Loach je plodan i aktuealni britanski reditelj. Levičar, kritičan, okrenut “običnim ljudima” u vremenima ratova i velikih društvenih sukoba, Loach je preko četrdeset godina dosledan svojim idejama. Pogledajte malu retrospektivu Loachovog rada. Inserti iz filmova: Poor Cow, Riff Raff, Ladybird, Ladybird, Land&Freedom, Wind That Shakes The Barley
BIZAR BOŽIDAR – Vaš saputnik u lutanjima kroz filmove i serije u prvoj emisiji prvog serijala razotkriva zajedno sa vama: Šta stoji iza serije GAME OF THRONES
kosmoplovci + minimalartifact
"080808 of the death"
fxming death of the death / spontz
sound: dom + ps
visual: dom + ps
engine: merlucin + xphere
greetings to mfx, flo, satori, pwp, !=, fr, halcyon, sqny, $, kewlers, matt current, traction, ephidrena, still, spontz and others that my hangover is disregarding :)
track list: 00. intro 01. the remote viewer – untitled 02. colleen – ursa major find 03. gnonnas pedro & his dadjes ban – dadje von o von non 04. suburban domestic – stillness 05. the time and space machine – the trip 06. nana vasconcelos – vento chamando vento 07. sun ra & his […]
Kouhei Matsunaga was born in Osaka, Japan. He studied architecture and listen hardcore techno and rap. Kouhei has been making music since 1992, moving his focus toward experimental music. He has worked with varous artists such as Merzbow, John Watermann, Asmus Tietchens, RLW, Rudolf, Anla Courtis, Greg Davis, Conrad Schnitzler, Lesser, Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic), Mr Maloke (Puppetmastaz), Sean Booth (Autechre) i Sensational (ex Jungle Brothers, Wordsound). Also, he is in collaborative project NHK (Raster-Noton) with Toshio Munehiro and in Internet Magic project with Max Turner-om (Puppetmastaz). Lives and works in Berlin and Osaka.
KDES is an audiovisual project started by Kosmoplovci group from Belgrade, platform for sound and visual experiment in a form of live performance. KDES has been active since 2001. and has performed over 15 times on different locations and festivals in Serbia and abroad (Austria, Finland, Australia, Czech Republic, Slovenia...). The project has incorporated and presented work from several permanent and many temporary members: dominator, tatar, havoc, paranoid, dzho, ps, rashid, bob as well as visual and intellectual work of many others. KDES also collaborated with akin spirits such as Helmut Schäfer, Borut Savski, Sebastien Cross, Zbigniew Karkowski, Karl Jensac and others.
Continuously searching for nonverbal and universal constants, KDES and Kosmoplovci examine and expand edges of audiovisual communications, exploring new fields of sound and image potential as a transmitter for information and ideas in a form adequate to communicate equally with everybody regardless of language, generation, culture or genre. Results of these live concerts without any previous rehearsals are systematically recorded; KDES insists on public access to this material and performance which is why all audio and video material is fully available for download from our official website, torrent trackers and social networks.
Keeping the spirit of public experiment, entrance for this event will be free.
KDES is an audiovisual project started by Kosmoplovci group from Belgrade, platform for sound and visual experiment in a form of live performance. KDES has been active since 2001. and has performed over 15 times on different locations and festivals in Serbia and abroad (Austria, Finland, Australia, Czech Republic, Slovenia...). The project has incorporated and presented work from several permanent and many temporary members: dominator, tatar, havoc, paranoid, dzho, ps, rashid, bob as well as visual and intellectual work of many others. KDES also collaborated with akin spirits such as Helmut Schäfer, Borut Savski, Sebastien Cross, Zbigniew Karkowski, Karl Jensac and others.
Continuously searching for nonverbal and universal constants, KDES and Kosmoplovci examine and expand edges of audiovisual communications, exploring new fields of sound and image potential as a transmitter for information and ideas in a form adequate to communicate equally with everybody regardless of language, generation, culture or genre. Results of these live concerts without any previous rehearsals are systematically recorded; KDES insists on public access to this material and performance which is why all audio and video material is fully available for download from our official website, torrent trackers and social networks.
Keeping the spirit of public experiment, entrance for this event will be free.
contains following music (0-100% variable):
- autechre - ipacial section (untilted, 2005, warp)
- qita/amza/sevqet/sultan/dominator - rdio [qita remix 1, 2006, (floatingjoint/kosmoplovci)
- elín - as the phoenix arises its radience strikes the sun (dark vault, 2004, enoughrecords)
- rashid - vd07 (totalno zakivanje) (vestacka detekcija, 2005, floatingjoint/kosmoplovci)
- rashid - vd02 (vestacka detekcija, 2005, floatingjoint/kosmoplovci)
video created using original audio recording as a soundtrack, synced with appropriate
video footage from the corresponding science movies. serbian and english subtitles are
hardcoded in the movie.
this is an exerpt from dominator's vj demo project, a series of full-night live vj mixes performed for serbian drum'n'bass and techno club events from 2009 to 2013.
the goal of the project was to present and promote demoscene work in different environment, adapted to club pace and aesthetics, and to support forward thinking electronic music events organized by our fellow dj's with appropriate computer generated visuals.
depending on event, aesthetics differ and combine both our production and work from other demoscene groups, audio controlled fx, as well as integration with live camera feeds and projection experiments, as much as opportunities allowed.
this particular sequence was performed for codex drum'n'bass event called 'back to basics' which took place on 22.4.2011. and later mixed with audio taken from their live mix recorded on 14.01.2012.
after all these years, we are finally able to receive donations for our work and gather momentum to continue our activities. please visit our bandcamp page at and show us some love with pay-as-much-you-want option (no minimum), on any of our releases, or at least spread the word. thank-u.
you can also donate to us directly at our main portal, by using Donate button which is located at the bottom of the page.
unreleased music video made in 2005 for our friends codex, drum'n'bass producers and dj's from belgrade, serbia.
part of our series of videos made to support their work, but not officially embraced. so far only shown in live vj sets made by dominator for their live acts made from 2009 to 2013.
released in unmodified form as they were.
feel free to remix. source material available on request.
3d modelling and animation: processor / kosmoplovci
video image processing: dominator / kosmoplovci
editing: rashid / kosmoplovci
music: codex
unreleased music video made in 2005 for our friends codex, drum'n'bass producers and dj's from belgrade, serbia.
part of our series of videos made to support their work, but not officially embraced. so far only shown in live vj sets made by dominator for their live acts made from 2009 to 2013.
released in unmodified form as they were.
feel free to remix. source material available on request.
3d modelling and animation: processor / kosmoplovci
editing: rashid / kosmoplovci
music: codex
unreleased music video made in 2005 for our friends codex, drum'n'bass producers and dj's from belgrade, serbia.
part of our series of videos made to support their work, but not officially embraced. so far only shown in live vj sets made by dominator for their live acts made from 2009 to 2013.
released in unmodified form as they were.
feel free to remix.
video source: prelinger archives
editing: rashid / kosmoplovci
music: codex
unreleased music video made in 2005 for our friends codex, drum'n'bass producers and dj's from belgrade, serbia.
part of our series of videos made to support their work, but not officially embraced. so far only shown in live vj sets made by dominator for their live acts made from 2009 to 2013.
released in unmodified form as they were.
feel free to remix.
video source: prelinger archives
editing: rashid / kosmoplovci
music: codex
This maybe is one of our most famous productions released ever. Soon after it's release, we've received positive reactions all over the scene. It was even played on television as a music video. I guess the fucktro was good at explaining the fucked Yugoslav situation with the hardcore soundtrack being the best and only choice for this kind of fuck-of prod.
For those who haven't seen it yet, intro's point is to send to hell all the brainwashed idiots mentioned in more than 120 FUCKS sent at random order at 186 bpm. It was maybe in furious hatred against the system and everythnig because i was forced to go to army and spend there one full precious year of my life. BURST was made 2 weeks before my departure.
Original intro was made for plain 1200 and 500 so the music replayer bugged on faster machines, but now it's replayer is fixed to work on all machines.
low capture render is there until some new properly synced emulation comes by ;)
this production was made as invitation to scene strike four, it was presented in march on update #11 and never released because it wasn't finished. then the bombing commenced and party got cancelled. during the bombing we needed to do something, not just to escape from bombs, so we decided to finish the invitro and make this dedication intro out of it. same material was used, only the text lines changed.
this is also the first corrrosion & eastgate coproduction, hopefully more will follow in the future...
lethal injection. code malfunction. information overlord.
subliminal torture. psykedelik.
Yes, remarkable, isn't it? A tin-can fuckin' demo
like production by those hardcore Amiga-sykoes; tha
CoRRoSioN passe! Wallow in this filth, until we get
around a li'll bit and pump out another (proper) Amiga
release. Until then kick in with this "throw-yar-
spliff-in-the-air-and-njoy-dA-bullshit-tro"... and dO
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: runs on any fuckin' shit from
286 up, but the better the machine, the better this
looks. Although I do prefer the 486/DX2 mode to the
pantium one. Needs a VGA (ofkoz) and a Sound Blaster
2.0 compatible card. Dunno if it works with GUS.
can be obtained from Billy's Brainless Small And Limp
fuckin domineering and monopolistic software zaibatsu.
Other than that, naught much else is required.
SMOKEWARE REQUIREMENTS: this demo is best viewed under
the same conditions under which it was made; with a
bad-arse spliff in hand, puffin' on the end-oh.
USER REQUIREMENTS: it requires two eyes and any mode
of running the program, be it keyboard clicking, mouse
dragging, voice control, telepathix, or whatever.
after great success of scene strike 3 party, on one of the summer chills phuzzy got this idea of making party celebration intro. so here it is, it contains numerous weird lines written and spoken by a bunch of people partying in our headquarters.
this version was rendered using dosbox 0.74, upscaled to 640x400 from original 320x200 resolution and encoded in high quality h264 with x264, virtualdub and megui, so we can finally enjoy some video version of this less known of our demos. /d
this version was rendered using dosbox 0.74, upscaled to 640x400 from original 320x200 resolution and encoded in high quality h264 with x264, virtualdub and megui, so we can finally enjoy some video version of this less known of our demos. /d
original infofile follows:
Scene Strike 3, the whatever... hehhe... this is the very unfinished and unpolished version of the demo, but I sincerely don't give a fuck anymore, the party is over, it kicked ass, this shit got the second prize, and all that stuff...
I patched it as much as I could, kicked in the "noisy shit" routine in the endpart, and that is about all that I will do for this demo...
It should run on any 386 with a math coprocessor, but would realy like a much stronger machine. GUS, blaster, supported... I didn't care about adding a "no sound" option... why the fuck would you run a demo without it's tune, anyway? And if you don't have a blaster, choosing it's setup will do no harm... so there...
OK, greetings to all those who came to SS3, hope you had as good a time as I've had, now I'm off to do something else... like finaly install Watcom C or something...
-- info
archive you unpacked contains our latest piece of
realtime generated programmed computer audio/visual
sensation first presented on 17-feb-2001 in city of
novi sad.
the crowd suprisingly liked it.
you may happen to like it too.
demo runs in any screenmode selectable from your card
offerings, autodetects 32/24/16 bit depth, and
additionally offers switch to run in window mode
and in low memory mode with reduced texture and
graphics quality trying to avoid swapping on
machines with only 64MB of ram. demo uses bass
player v0.8a and intel jpeg lib v1.5.
recommended system for pleasant viewing means win9x or
later machine with 128MB ram and as much processing
power you can get.
more power means more resolution means more fun. right?
Short: dA JoRMaS: Elektrik Baby (4th at Assembly'98 64k intro competition)
Author: (dA JoRMaS)
Uploader: (Vesuri/dA JoRMaS)
Type: demo/sound
Requires: An AGA Amiga with 4 megabytes of Fast memory
Code: Raato, Vesuri
Graphics: Pekka Pou
Music: Pekka Pou
Style: Electro
codex: suffocator
design: dominator
musix: alex + dominator
gfx: alex
additional idea credits: phuzzy logik
beer drinking, ganja smokin' and 'creative' achievements: CoRRoSioN
tested on A1200/030/50 and A4000/040/25, should work with no problems on 060, but not tested. not recomended for execution on lower machines. fast mem not necessary needed but highly recomended.
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winning demo at scene strike 3 demoparty, held in belgrade, serbia in july 1998. also one of our most loved productions released so far.
require plain vanilla aga machine to run.
wishes any amount of fast ram.
entry level optimum performance starting at 030/50.
high quality multimedia performance will dazzle you with 060/50 power.
Asked by the sysop's of ECSTASY, the biggest public demo scene and techno music oriented bbs in Yugoslavia, we created this small boardtro for them to include it in amiga archives.
with result product ending in less than 16kb, they are happy, so are we ;))
This is what happens when you organize a 7 days long gathering of the complete CoRRoSioN posse in the middle of the summer. The lazy coder becomes easy persuadive person and force himself to code. Or maybe it's just because of his major usage of CRS invented CODER COCTAIL! God knows how, we created this prod between drink and splif. Gotta try this friendly gathering. Could be VERY cool if you know how...
Oh yeah... TRACER is released as announce intro for upcoming hARdCORE #03
again proudly present
another intro release
featuring ultra great
raja starfield in the
new phorm designed by
dominator with a poem
sung by phuzzy logik!
hails to pans manters
pines to dkg
tequilas to mad virgind
noize to eastgatend [yooyoo we love you!]
pills to hypeuropians
beers to neverbinders
points&lines to industrials
fucks to non believers
scene strike iii - see you there!
corrosion productions. 11-jul-98.
this was invitation intro for SCENE STRIKE 3 demoparty held on 25-27.07.1998. in belgrade, serbia.
guardians of lost flavour
[the phetline transmission in 1999, standard time]
engineered by suffocator as starfield executor
and domin8r as turbosonicvisual arranger
take all standard precautions before execution.
motorola 68030 cpu placed in nice outdated amiga recommended for ultimate pleasure. all other versions, including this one, may vary ;)
started in january98, delayed so many times,
so finally made it public, with so many features
not sorted out, but what the heck - this is a scene
prod made and released for fun of it.
special greets going to noah/mad virgin who was the
*ONLY* person who dared to submit to our test on freak's
party and got the only limited edition HYPNO release
on signed floppy disk. who dares wins! ;)
DepthCharge is released on SCENE STRIKE 2 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on 27-28.09.1997.
after more or less unsuccesful release of Brain Surgery few months before, we sat down and worked out this demo, which in fact is one of our most liked gems. with the intro part, interesting effects and transitions, outro and special endpart corrosion(tm) signature it is completelly designed scene production with hand pixelled gfx, original music and well designed code.
DepthCharge works on every AGA machine, even if there is no FAST mem present! however, it is highly recomended to play it on a machine with at least 68030 CPU and 2 megabytes of FAST RAM.
it is tested and runs well on A1200 with Blizzard 1230 (68030/50) A1200 with Blizzard 1260 (68060/50) and A4000 with 68040/25
Crime Does Not Pay
released in 1996
code & sfx: dominator
gfx: carlos & safe
The unofficial sequel to BURST fucktro created in the mind of the same person responsible for the former production - dominator with the graphic and idea support from Carlos, a fresh joined graphician.
Lots of 2 colors graphics and text written ilustrated punch lines. Hardcore, u know!
Same as BURST, the original intro was made for plain 1200 and 500 so the music replayer bugged on faster machines, but now it's replayer is fixed to work on all machines.
Code: Griffin, Suffocator
Sound: DoMiNAToR
Art: Alex
released for SCEneST'97 party held in Budapest, Hungary in 1997.
BORG introduced out new coder, Griffin, and his promising potential. However, since he began to code demo routines just few months before, this intro didn't have any revolutionary code, but surely had great design which made BORG good enough entry level for Griffin. Alex did a great job on designing the layout, and domin8r's track really suits the prod. Suff showed his usual good-code spirit and linked it all together and he also made the original text-fade writer.
this intro is developed and should be run on 030/50. the original intro had some nasty sprite bugs, and the caches were accidently turned off. fixed version has been released meanwhile and replaced.
this capture made in 2014 using winuae amiga emulator.
track list: 00. tito cascara – intro 01. tied & tickled trio – radio sun 02. yoko kanno – blues in the net 03. jello – ephemex 04. kettel – waking up early 05. foday musa suso – under the tree 06. burnt friedman & jaki liebezeit – 125-05 07. kasai allstars & animal collective […]
With great pride and joy we announce our new project - kosmoplovci.p2pool!
It is our first official step into p2p cryptocurrencies, with long-term goal to support coin networks by providing stable and reliable nodes, help people better understand mining and crypto in general, learn them to get their share as easy as possible and spread out / decentralize hashrate.
To achieve this, we have chosen to start with p2pool platform, meaning our nodes are connecting to other p2pool nodes to create truly decentralized p2p mining network, making it resistant to DDoS attacks and helping to mitigate 51% attack. What this really means is that if any p2pool node goes down, you can just switch to any other and continue to mine your favourite currency. is a good place to search nodes for particular coin, but not all nodes are listed here - you can also find them on internet forums and coin homepages, depending on how active is community around it.
We will do our best to share usefull information by providing comprehensive guides with information and links to required and usefull software. Also, we are working on ideas and solutions to make mining even more accessible and clear even to low-hashrate newbies, and to maximize miners performance by exploring new possibilities and prospects of such concepts like merged mining and multicoin autoswitching.
As we continue to learn and embrace new possibilites brought out by technology and innovation, we know that cryptocurrencies are one of the most important inovation to happen in a long time, an idea that has come to its age where it is needed and is already happening!
Since our very existence is increasingly threatened and controlled by corporations, governments and banksters, the time has come to push for alternatives to bring out p2p based alternatives to EVERYTHING we need, including money, and it is already happening, not only in financial world but everywhere you look - opensource community is working on decentralized protocol replacements for every kind of service we use, including websites, social networks, video and audio platforms, file sharing, email, cloud storage, microblogging and many more, but also sprouting out new and fresh ideas and usefull software almost daily now!
You can support us, our efforts and work NOW, with easyness of a few clicks regardless of your geographical location or local government "laws", so please do and help us stay online and continue our work further into the future!
Here are our addresses for various coins that we can receive at the moment, support for more coins coming soon.
for quite some time, works are underway to integrate bitcoin into our projects. as a first visible note to this change, you can now use the following address to support our work with bitcoin donations:
unfortunately, i had no other means of capturing the video other than with a mobile phone camera because it is a dos demo and runs in full screen.
audio was recorded to another computer through an old audio cable and due to a lot of signal noise it had to go through a short de-noise process (i tried to keep it from affecting the original track too much).
Satelite Station, 8mm film found on a flea-market in Belgrade, was accepted among the members of the multimedia group Kosmoplovci as a piece of powerfull poetry as it was, so they decided not to make any interventions on it, but to record it again and underline it with original music. The old 8mm (promo-educational) film about the construction of the first satelite station in former Yugoslavia in late seventies, contains a sort of introduction which is a contemporary survey on history of human kind through history of comunications, and also offers a vision of promissing future.
Filmed process of Japanese and Yugoslav engineers building together a huge technological miracle in deep yugoslav province, with touching seriousness and dedication, depicts not only (now lost) naivety in faith in progress, but also reviels certain specific beauty in simplified design of the material which was meant to impress and fascinate. The station, officially opened by president Tito himself, looks like a futuristic monument of hopes and expectations.
To record it again by web-cam, symbolically, as a confirmation of the significance of the only left document of its existance ( it was destroyed during the war in 1999.), and to follow the fascinating rythm of rising concrete sceleton by Corrosion music, was a way to bring its monumental function back. The strongest impression is the aesthetic domination of the construction growing into an element of spring landscape and shining through expected future time.
Playing with spectator' s ability to empathize, avoiding any sort of focalization and comment, Kosmoplovci also achieved a certain paradoxal symbiosis of compassion and irony, showing how easy it is to turn expected future to unexpected past, so the station becomes a metaphore of the grotesque contrast between two aspects of the same time period: expected and realised.
Satelite Station was screened for the first time in October Art Saloon in Belgrade 2001.
Kosmoplovci is a group of artists who are experimenting with digital forms and alternative comics, web design, video and music. It was founded in 2001. by joining already active computer demo groups (Corrosion) with alternative comic authors (StudioStrip).
"Super je kada DJ razvali masu svojom muzikom, ali Mark EG je vise od toga, on prenosi pozitivne vibracije i pokretima, igrom, mimikom. Energija je te veceri bila nekako posebna; kao da su svi Tehno fanovi izasli iz svojih pecina samo da bi dosli na ovaj dogadjaj. Agresivni Tehno zvuk nemilosrdno se probijao kroz klub, ljudi su bili prilicno raspolozeni za igru, a s obzirom da je posle zurke rekao da se proveo savrseno, izgleda da ce se Mark EG vratiti u Beograd i brce nego sto mislimo...." (Martina Andijelkovic, Beograd 2010)
Nova Edit:Tehno sezona nastavlja sa inicijalnom misijom ochuvanja Beogradske underground Tehno scene. Sa gostima iz Srbije i inostranstva, martovska edicija predstavlja publici novi akt pod nazivom Scalameriya, projekat iz Kragujevca po prvi put u Beogradu dok za glavni akt veceri predstavljamo debi Italijanskog Tehno producenta, label ownera i dj-a P.GOD-a.
P.God aka Paolo Diougardi je rodjen u Napulju i predstavlja deo novog talasa italijanskog zvuka. Uglavnom fokusiran na Tehno, posebno njegovu mracniju stranu, industrial zvuke i mracne ambijentalne atmosferike u mesavini sa inteligentnim klasicnim Tehno zvukom. Svoj prvi 12" singl izdaje 2011. za respetovani label Komisch pod nazivom "Neptune IV", izdanje koje u potpunosti oslikava njegove misli. Izdanje je pokupilo podrsku legendarnog Luke Slatera,Surgeon, Adam X (Traversable Wormhole), Paul Mac, Marcel Heese, Edit-Select, Tom Bonaty (Prologue) i mnogih drugih. Takodje vlasnik izadvacke kuce Prototypes, P.God je ime koje sve vise prozima krugove Tehna.Imacete priliku da ga cujete po prvi put u Beogradu u dj setu.
Pridruzite nam se u proslavi Tehna u petak 30og Marta u potpunom uzitku audio i video cula uz Time stensil dekoraciju i live video performans Dominatora. Za podrsku su zaduzeni rezidenti Edit:Tehna Concrete Djz + Warm up set by Cuk.
Soundtrack inspired by Oliver Jovanovic's SF novel "Grotlo". Deep in Oort cloud spaceship Tsiolkovski Goddard encounter gravitational anomaly caused by a planetoid "Grotlo". After a ships malfunction the crew is forced to land on "Grotlo". What is awaiting there is something unexpected, something Lavcraftian.
Listen to full album and immediate download of 9-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire @ link below
track list: 01. part-sub-merged – cark 02. gong – magick mother invocation 03. the klf – the rites of mu (intro) 04. samsara sound system – zot 05. the black dog – train by the autobahn (part 1) 06. heads of agreement – la veshter du aumbre 07. john & ryoji ikeda – cyclone […]
playlist: 1. Polemical – Early Sun 2. Stalker – Radios et Announceurs 3. Ennio Morricone – Qui Ci Scappa Il Morto 4. We™ – Lulla 5. Amon Tobin – Wooden Toy 6. Riz Ortolani – La Morte Del Commissario 7. Guts – Skunkfunk 8. Grace Jones – Nightclubbing 9. Lapsed – Better Your Best 10. […]
Kouhei Matsunaga rodjen je u Osaki, Japan. Studirao je arhitekturu i slusao hardcore techno i rap muziku. Poceo je da pravi muziku 1992. godine, fokusirajuci se na eksperimentalnu muziku. Kouhei je radio sa umetnicima kao sto su Merzbow, John Watermann, Asmus Tietchens, RLW, Rudolf, Anla Courtis, Greg Davis, Conrad Schnitzler, Lesser, Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic), Mr Maloke (Puppetmastaz), Sean Booth (Autechre) i Sensational (ex Jungle Brothers, Wordsound). Takodje je ucesnik i projekta NHK (Raster-Noton) sa Toshio Munehiro kao i projekta Internet Magic sa Max Turner-om (Puppetmastaz). Sada zivi u Berlinu i Osaki.
KDES je audiovizuelni projekat grupe Kosmoplovci iz Beograda, platforma za zvucni i vizuelni eksperiment u formi zivog performansa. KDES je aktivan od 2001. godine, nastupao je preko 15 puta na raznim lokacijama i festivalima u zemlji i inostranstvu (srbija, austrija, finska, australija, ceska, slovenija...) i u svoj rad ukljucio je i predstavio doprinose nekoliko stalnih i vise privremenih clanova: dominator, tatar, havoc, paranoid, dzho, ps, rashid, bob, kao i mnogih drugih ciji je vizuelni i intelektualni rad ukljucen u nastupe. KDES je saradjivao i nastupao uglavnom sam, ali i sa srodnim dusama kao sto su Helmut Schaefer, Borut Savski, Sebastien Cross, Zbigniew Karkowski, Karl Jensac i drugi.
U stalnoj potrazi za neverbalnim i univerzalnim konstantama, KDES i Kosmoplovci ispituju i prosiruju granice audiovizuelne komunikacije, istrazujuci nova polja i mogucnosti zvuka i slike kao prenosnika informacija i ideja, u formama koje se obracaju svima podjednako, bez obzira na jezik, generaciju, kulturu ili zanr. Rezultati ovakvih koncerata, koji se nikad ne pripremaju unapred vec nastaju na licu mesta, sistematski se beleze; KDES insistira na javnoj dostupnosti materijala i samih performansa, zbog cega je audio i video snimke moguce u potpunosti pratiti i preuzeti preko zvanicnog sajta, torrent trekera i socijalnih mreza.
U duhu javnog eksperimenta, pristup na koncert se takodje ne naplacuje.
the first setting of kosmoplovci "kosmos museum" made
its premiere on o6-sep-5oo2, in serbian national
library in belgrade.
the multisensual opening event featured exclusive kdes
performance in open space in front of the library, as
well as kosmoplovci video projection setup behind
kdes crew. 2kw soundsystem transmited 45 minutes of
specially designed live elektronik kdes performance in
front of what probably is the most innovative
exhibition that happened in belgrade for ages.
the "side effect" of this exhibition is the "put u
kosmosu" [voyage in kosmos] catalogue featuring 60
pages of exclusive graphic novels and experiments in a
very bad - almost fanzine-like print.
put u kosmosu exhibition presented the selection of
work by complete kosmoplovci group, and the catalogue
feature additional guest apperarances.
there are very few copies of catalogue in circulation,
print release was elusive, rare and hard to find from
very beginning, so we hope that releasing this free pdf
version will bring more justice to the quality material
that contains, especially since the print version was
poorly printed. this version is recreated from the
original digital source files for the best intended
15.6 x 23cm, 300dpi, 64 pages, 85MB PDF
Godinu dana posle Beogradskog fantoma, Emote Productions predstavlja novi film - UBER LIFE. Radjen kao filmski eksperiment, Uber Life je jedan od prvih interaktivnih filmova na svetskom nivou, u kome gledalac zaista ucestvuje birajuci tok dramske radnje i odredjujuci sudbinu junaka. Nacin pristupa ovom filmu daje sasvim novu dimenziju klasicnoj epskoj prici.
UBER LIFE je univerzalna i arhetipska prica o borbi sila dobra i zla, o ljubavi i hrabrosti. Glavni junak, covek koji je izgubio sve, se suprotstavlja devijantnim religijskim silama mraka i neocekivano otkriva ljubav, istinski motiv za borbu i zivot. Vodjen snaznim motivima i zeljom za opstankom on dospeva u najrazlicitije avanture, u kojima se san i java stalno preplicu. Ova epska avantura se odvija na tri alternativna nacina, preko vise ponudjenih dramskih tokova, gde gledalac svojim ucescem i odabirom odlucuje o daljoj putanji i sudbini junaka. Film obiluje specijalnim efektima, akcionim i upecatljivim nadrealnim scenama.
Pogledajte jednu avanturu koju sami birate na touch screen ekranima
DVD u prodaji od 1. do 10. novembra u poslovnici Big Bang-a u USCU, a od 10. novembra na svim prodajnim mestima distributerske kuce TUCK (Videopolis, Vulkan, trafike, pumpe, marketi, radnje specijalizovane za prodaju diskova...)
Nova EDIT:TEHNO sezona pocinje gostovanjem jednog od egzoticnijih aktova na globalnoj tehno sceni. VOIDLOSS (uk) , vlasnik Singularity i Dirty Bass Grooves etikete, premijerno ce nastupiti u Beogradu i Srbiji u subotu 23 oktobra u Kulturnom Centru GRAD.
Voidloss je stvorio reputaciju glasa individualnosti u rastucem moru kompromisa na tehno sceni . Njegov Live nastup impresionirao je ljude po klubovima sirom sveta . Svojim izdanjima nastavljaja da pomera granice definicije tehno zvuka u neprestanoj potrazi za tackom gde se intelektualni i filozofski umetnicki ideali susrecu sa primalnim plemenskim ritmovima. Njegova muzika zasnovana je na etici industriala sa vidljivom umetnickom i eksperimentalnom crtom.
Produkcijskom i konceptualnom podrskom daje znacajan doprinos domacem projektu koji se fokusira na eksprimentalni tehno - "Teskoba Recordings" ciji su pokretaci Concrete djz. Poznat po besprekornoj produkciji , kreativnoj emotivnoj kompoziciji , jedinstvenom live nastupu i temeljnom umetnickom i tehnickom znanju , Voidloss je jedinstven ekcentrican tehno talenat koji ce vam razmrdati um , telo i dusu.
Uz Voidloss-a , nastupaju i EDIT:TEHNO rezidenti Concrete djz (Filip Xavi, Dj Mita, Dj Luka), a za vizuelni dozivljaj zaduzen je Dominator clan kolektiva Kosmoplovci.
cena karte : 300 RSD do ponoci / posle ponoci 400 RSD
original issue printed in 2008, this is the fourth book from the STUDIOSTRIP edition created with FABRIKA KNJIGA. contains work contributed by various studiostrip/kosmoplovci authors and collaborators:
- Relja Pajic - Naslovna strana
- Danijel Savovic - Raskalovic: Tragedija; Te veceri ispod mosta
- Aleksandar Opacic - Najbolji Raskal; Neimenovani; Venezia, 1936; Te veceri ispod mosta; Novi Raskal; Gospodjice, gospodjice
- Lazar Bodroza - Te veceri ispod mosta
- Radovan Popovic - Te veceri ispod mosta; Novi Raskal; Gospodjice, gospodjice; Mali Raskal; Ne tako mali Raskal
- Igor Hofbauer - Amigos per la siempre
as you can see, there has been some effort there invested, so do buy your copy if you can.
meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small and more or less limited to belgrade, and its content
is too important to collect dust in any corner of the planet, we are now releasing a free version of the book,
available for download here at this page and from other places over a vast network.
Ovo je neoficijelno digitalizovano reizdanje knjige koju je napisao Bozidar Mandic iz Porodice Bistrih Potoka, kolekcija kratkih prica, secanja i mudrosti Gandora, glavnog lovca na Nirdalu.
O Gandoru mozete saznati vise iz dokumentarnog filma Gandor - lov na nirdalu, izdatog 2004 godine na portalu:
This is an unofficial digitised reissue of the book
written by Bozidar Mandic, the collection of short stories,
memories and wisdom from Gandor, the main Nirdala hunter.
You can learn more about Gandor from documentary movie Gandor - hunt for Nirdala, released in 2004 at portal:
drugo izdanje studiostrip-a je "brus li mi ti se divimo",
izdato u kosmoplovackoj godini 5002-goj. donosi izbor stripova, plakata i drugog materijala posvecenog Brus Li-ju, velikom heroju borbe protiv nepravde, filozofu i ratniku iz istocnih bratskih plemena.
sem stampanog izdanja, koje ovom prilikom izdajemo u izvornom obliku spremnom za stampu i detaljan pregled, Brus Li-ju je posvecen i poseban sajt kao i jedan demo.
NOVO DOBA (New Era) is a comics festival and multimedia manifestation conceived with the intention to stimulate the development of authorial comics, to maintain continuity with events in the field of independent comics in which the participants and the organizers of the festival have taken part and have organized over the past decade, to offer support to authorial comics projects in various cities in Serbia and abroad, and to help establish a more direct and fruitful communication between the public, publishers, and authors in the independent comics scene.
The festival will last five days and will contain several programs daily such as: comics workshops, exhibitions, promotions of books, albums, and fanzines, presentations about groups and collectives from the home countries of the participants, screenings of feature, documentary, experimental, and animated movies, video projections, open debates, round tables, and talks with the authors as well as direct work not only on comics but also production techniques, distribution and communication with the comics audience.
During the festival, Kosmoplovci will be taking part in video segment in cooperation with Media Archaeology.
Here is an official info>
Media Archaeology 2010: Popular Science Program
Participants: Igor Djordjevic and Bojana Andric
June 12, 2010, 18h
CZKD (Center for Cultural Decontamination), Belgrade
In the first program of the new series of Media Archaeology project, Kosmoplovci group from Belgrade will present several documentary and experimental films in the spirit of popular science culture, emphasizing documentary and artistic interpretations of the material made about the satellite station "Jugoslavija" in Ivanjica. Beside the found footage film produced in 2001 by Kosmoplovci, we will have the opportunity to see documentary materials broadcasted in the frame of Trezor TV project in April 19, 2010. The author of the Trezor project of the National Television of Serbia, Bojana Andric, will offer a specific point of view on this genre of TV production as a part of the overall television history, in conversation with Igor Djordjevic from Kosmoplovci. As a conclusion of the program, Kosmoplovci will make a premiere screening of their new video.
1. Kosmoplovci: Satelitska stanica (2001)
2. TREZOR 435 (19/04/2010), Povodom aprilskih rusenja Satelitske stanice u Ivanjici ( REC INZENJERA, 11:56, 2010; Gledaoci i TV: SATELIT U IVANJICI, 19:49, 1976; 22 miliona: SATELITSKA STANICA U IVANJICI, 28:29, 1983)
3. Kosmoplovci: "The computer and the mind of man - program I - logic by machine / the persistence of memory" (2010)
original issue printed in july 2007,
this was the third book from the STUDIOSTRIP edition
created with FABRIKA KNJIGA publishing house.
It is another single author strip album, coming
from Dunja Jankovic, called Agonija (Agony).
as you can see, there has been some effort there invested, so do buy your copy if you can.
meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small
and more or less limited to belgrade, and its content
is too important to collect dust in any corner of the
planet, we are now releasing a free version of the book,
available for download here at this page and from other
places over a vast network.
about the author, from the original book announcement:
(in serbian only, sorry)
Dunja Jankovic, Mali Losinj, 1980.
Lep otok, ali malo izoliran. Diplomirala slikarstvo na ALU u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Kesera. Magistrira strip na Academy for Visual Arts u New Yorku. Rad na stripu dozivljava smrtno ozbiljno jos od samog pocetka bavljenja njime, Sto ce reci od samog pocetka. Ima kompletnu arhivu svojih stripova, pregolemu. Desifrirati crtez lagano introventiranog djeteta je nelak posao, ali zanimljiv. Iskustva su primjenjiva i na "odraslu" jedinku. Crpi inspiraciju od sebe u trecoj godini. Sve radi u prvom licu jednine, u stripovima je glavni lik djevojka koja naglas razmislja, plovi, sanja, slusa melodije iz dubina i sto je najvaznije nikada ne zna gdje ce je to odvesti. Kao Komikaza sudjelovala na brojnim izlozbama i izdala zbirku kratkih stripova, predugog naslova. Crta stripove za casopis Morsko prase, imaginarne dnevnike koji se bave sirovim emocijama, frustracijama i nerealiziranim zudnjama. Oni koji ne priznaju te bazicne pokretace, ne vole njene stripove. Osim stripom bavi se lovom na hobotnice, svira bubnjeve i biciklira. Pokusava dokuciti gdje prestaje masta, a pocinje stvarnost, zasada bezuspjesno. Ceka je jos gomila nedosanjanih fantazija, svjetska slava i uspjeh, kako profesionalni tako i privatni.
100 dizajnera
3 laserska stampaca
svi Dj-evi
2 dana
super dvoriste
Umetnicki kolektiv TURBOSUTRA, u saradnji sa Centrom za kulturnu dekontaminaciju (CZKD), uz podrsku kompanije EPSON i BS Procesor, 10. i 11. maja sa pocetkom u 20h, organizuje drugi Laserski samit jeftine grafike u Paviljonu Veljkovic CZKD.
featuring a bunch of experimental dubstep tunes from all over the world, ENOUGH DUBS 2 compilation released by ENOUGHRECORDS is finally out! along with 12 other tunes, there is also our codex track in there so go get it while its hot!
originally released from print in july 2007, this was the second book from the STUDIOSTRIP edition created with FABRIKA KNJIGA publishing house. It is another single author strip album, this time from Radovan Popovic, coming in a form of his adaptation of "Electric Ant" story originally written by Philip K. Dik.
as you can see, there has been some effort there invested, so do buy your copy if you can.
meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small and more or less limited to belgrade, and its content is too important to collect dust in any corner of the planet, we are now releasing a free version of the book, available for download here at this page and from other places over a vast network.
about the author, from the original book announcement:
(in serbian only, sorry)
Radovan Popovic, Beograd, 1969.
Kosmoplovac (Studiostrip, Kooi grupa... i ostale podgrupe ovog interdisciplinarnog konglomerata). U Legiji stranaca od 1983. Saradjuje sa milicijom od 1984. U stripu oduvek, kao fanaticni, neselektivni uzivalac (Semijeva tajna druzina, Dzepna armija...), izdavac, bivsi urednik (Striper, mytaHat, Super...), distributer, diler fanzina i piratskih izdanja, los scenarista, nekada olovkar, nesto bolji tuser, uglavnom cetkar, prvenstveno korektor, gresnik, slovoupisivac, cenzor, pasivni aktivista i kontraproduktivni popularizator ovog plemenitog, jos uvek neistrazenog oblika grafickog pripovedanja i sveopsteg izrazavanja. Objavljivao stripove u fanzinima, Komikazama i katalozima. Radi u jednoj knjizari na Balkanu (Beopolis), poslednjoj oazi klasicnog knjizarstva/striparstva. Nista ne baca u djubre, naprotiv. Skuplja pokvarene robote i masine. Nece jos dugo.
Opacics no-word graphic album "Tajna Paukove Krvi"
(Secret of Spiders Blood) was originally released in print
somewhere in july 2007. it contains number of his original illustrations, abstract comics and visual-narative experiments, and it was the first published book in the STUDIOSTRIP edition created in cooperation with FABRIKA KNJIGA publishing house.
as you can see, there has been some effort there invested, so do buy your copy if you can and support the publisher.
meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small and more or less limited to belgrade and its surroundings, we believe that its content is too important to collect dust in any corner of the planet, so we are now releasing a free version of the book, available for download here at this page and from other places over a vast network.
note about the author, from the original book announcement:
(in serbian only, sorry)
Aleksandar Opacic, Kosmolac, 1973.
Slepi covek-sismis, Kosmoplovac, profesor Studio-stripa, duboko u trecoj dimenziji (3d animacija, grafika, kamera). Po potrebi glavu zamenjuje kamerom, a telo teskim metalom, uglavnom crnim. Ucitelj crtanja izbacen zbog nepopustljivog stava prema ucenicima/cama ("Sva su deca zasluzila petice"), nastavnik izbacen zbog nepostovanja nastavnog plana i programa, te sprovodjenja sopstvenog. Sa fakulteta izbacen zbog nepojavljivanja. Prosvetitelj-vizionar, trenutno zaokupljen oblikovanjem vizelnog identiteta Elektromreze Srbije, ali nece jos dugo, jer strip je bio i bice mu prioritet. Zbog interesovanja kako sopstvenih tako i nemalog broja njegovih postovalaca, kolega, zivotnih saputnika i sledbenika, ovaj usamljenik sa ivice svih provalija, moralnoetickih, strucnoprofesionalnih, ostaje istinski vernik grafickog kazivanja, u ovom nesretnom svetu, nespretno nazvanom stripom. Jos koja godinica...
An half hour mix of old and new material by ps, done exclusively for the Future Radio program of the Future Places 2009 festival in Porto, which ended up not airing for some unknown reason.
An half hour mix of old and new material by ps,
done exclusively for the Future Radio program
of the Future Places 2009 festival in Porto,
which ended up not airing for some unknown reason.
UTORAK, 30. mart u 18 casova
Mesto desavanja: Muzej 25. maj, Boticeva 6
Produkcija / organizator: Muzej istorije Jugoslavije
U utorak, 30. marta, u skladu sa odlukom ICANN (Medjunarodna organizacija koja upravlja internet domenima) prestaje da funkcionise .yu domen. Jedna od poslednjih oznaka vezanih za ime nekadasnje drzave prelazi u istoriju. Domen .yu je tadasnjoj Jugoslaviji dodeljen 1989. i nastavio je da postoji jos 19 godina nakon raspada SFRJ.
Muzej istorije Jugoslavije ovim povodom organizuje jednodnevni dogadjaj pod nazivom kraj.yu. (kraj tacka ju). U okviru programa bice organizovana panel diskusija na kojoj ce govoriti strucnjaci koji su ucestvovali u osnivanju i odrzavanju .yu domena. Njihova prica otkriva da je postojanje ovog internet domena duzi niz godina bilo moguce zahvaljujuci dobroj volji i volonterskom radu nekoliko profesora i naucnika sa ETFa, FONa i njihovih kolega iz inostranstva koji su pristali da besplatno odrazavaju domen.
Dogadjaj ce poceti projekcijom epizode Ciklotrona pod nazivom Hakeri koja podseca na jednu, ne tako davnu ( i ne tako legalnu) fazu karakteristicnu za razvoj interneta kod nas.
Na izlozbi u holu Muzeja 25. maj bice izlozeni jedan od prvih kompjutera jugoslovenske proizvodnje CER 10 i prvi jugoslovenski personalni racunar Galaksija koji je bio konstruisan tako da ga je korisnik sam sklapao. Tokom dogadjaja prikupljacemo stare internet prezentacije sa .yu zavrsetkom.
Za kraj je planirana zurka tokom koje ce se sluziti specijalno za ovu priliku osmisljeni kraj.yu kokteli. Za muziku su zaduzeni DJ Ewox i Kosmoplovci.
Muzej istorije Jugoslavije ce svoje kolekcije obogatiti jednom za sada jos uvek neuobicajenom akvizicijom - domen .yu postaje prvi virtuelni eksponat u nasim kolekcijama.
Organizacijom kraj.yu MIJ takodje najavljuje nekoliko projekata koji slede ove godine - obelezavanje 50 godina od sklapanja prvog racunara u SFRJ, pocetak rada na info portalu koji ce se baviti istorijom interneta u Jugoslaviji, kao i i novu kraj.yu liniju nakita koja ce se uskoro naci u ponudi suvenir shopa Muzeja istorije Jugoslavije.
Pozivamo internet korisnike (zavisnike od chata i facebooka, tech-geekove, ali i one koji znaju samo da provere mail) da svojim prisustvom uvelicaju ovaj dogadjaj!!!
Pozivamo vlasnike sajtova sa adresama koje se zavrsavaju sa .yu da nam donesu svoje prezentacije na cd-u.
19h: panel diskusija
Ucesnici: Mirjana Tasic (savetnica Registra nacionalnog Internet domena Srbije), Nikola Markovic (Predsednik drustva za informatiku Srbije), Slobodan Markovic (Centar za razvoj interneta)
20h: Zurka kraj.yu
20h: DJ set by Ewox
21h: AV set by
Ulaz slobodan + svaki posetilac dobija 1 besplatan kraj.yu koktel (Bar kultura)
feedback ep consists of two rather unusual tracks, different in their appearance, but quite similar in their structure and creative process that involved manual realtime tuning of it’s resonance frequencies in the feedback loop, to the point where it’s own audio output was moved into the area of ‘microphony’ frequences, which were then guided to form their own layers of tone and melody, by the means of active live manipulation of sound sources and their flows.
by achieving this state of ‘controlled chaos’, both of the tracks are completelly made free from it’s sequencing and let alone to roam, while still keeping it as a whole in the area of comprehensive music, rather than pure uncontrolled noise. the result is completelly genuine artificially generated music that is strikingly organic, although it is completelly made out of vapour in the artificial digital-analogue process.
both tracks are the original live recordings, not in any way modified from their original form. source sounds are our own drum recordings.
the names are chosen in respect to their general feel, as how could those extreme states of nature sound, if we could exist in their vicinity at all.
faktor & vektor is a collaboration project of dominator and trut, belgrade based computer+drums duo producing experimental music ranging from drum and bass, jungle and techno all the way to abstract ambient. it is founded in 2005 and to this date have no official releases, although their music is already featured in some movies and tv series, and also in public on various events ranging from dnb to abstract noize, performed and remixed by phase, codex, dominator, kdes and kosmoplovci.
dominator is active in music scene since 1993, producing all kinds of electronic music under various names. he is also a wide known demoscene, music and art activist, being the main person behind corrosion and kosmoplovci groups, involved in numerous projects as music, video, design and programming artist.
trut is best known as being a long time collaborator with serbian musician rambo amadeus, following him and supporting with live drums for most of his carreer, starting back in 1988. he is a bit less known for being a huge music activist, especially supporting and spreading jungle and drum’n’bass scene starting from the early days, but also having an open ear for the experimental side of electronic music. his drumming skills are exceptional and he is widely respected as being one of the best serbian drummers (if not THE best…) but he is also quite open-minded and interested in collaborations that can bring him to situations to develop and create new sounds and ideas by merging best of both analog and digital worlds.
this was the point where dominator and trut met and understood each other, and started to make music together as faktor & vektor.
feedback ep consists of two rather unusual tracks, different in their appearance, but quite similar in their structure and creative process that involved manual realtime tuning of its resonance frequencies in the feedback loop, to the point where its own audio output was moved into the area of microphony frequences, which were then guided to form their own layers of tone and melody, by the means of active live manipulation of sound sources and their flows.
by achieving this state of controlled chaos, both of the tracks are completelly made free from its sequencing and let alone to roam, while still keeping it as a whole in the area of comprehensive music, rather than pure uncontrolled noise. the result is completelly genuine artificially generated music that is strikingly organic, although it is completelly made out of vapour in the artificial digital-analogue process.
both tracks are the original live recordings, not in any way modified from their original form. source sounds are our own drum recordings.
the names are chosen in respect to their general feel, as how could those extreme states of nature sound, if we could exist in their vicinity at all.
more details and download links are available here.
the only document from our performance at exit festival 2008, on elektrana stage, video recording loosely recorded by processor, is now available for free download.
in spite of glowing disco colors on top of us, which did its ruining to the intended visual appearance (not our fault), to this date, this is the only live video recording of kdes/kosmoplovci project, so we think it is important to follow the continuity of kdes releases by releasing this audiovisual recording to the public.
kdes performers were: dominator and tatar (audio), havoc and bob (video).
we have just released some of our demos in 720p HD captures (h264/aac), in respect to their full intended glory. demos in question are p351, the lost religion of light and altp08, all of them not previously released in any video form due to inability of our old compression techniques (xvid/mp3) to preserve it's quality, but also due to a lack of proper tools and technology to capture them in full frame rate, which was solved by using kkapture, a great tool from farbrausch guys.
downloads are available from our site, using the MP4 links in the demo release tabs.
p351: mp4 download
the lost religion of light: mp4 download
altp08: mp4 download
streaming HD versions are also available for some of those.
the lost religion of light
processor / dominator / ps
Broken beats, glitch, noise against melodies. Anxiety, aggression against subtle emotions. Welcome to Scalenube'sofice Deficit is a project of Vyacheslav ismagilov from Uzbekistan. It is a real treat for all fans of Aphex Twin, Autechre or what WARP sound used to be before they become just another alternative label.
the first release version of knet v6 is now online, with a bunch of new features and - of course - a new design.
new features include:
- rss feeds for infovirus (news & announcements) and releases (full and categorized)
- infovirus feed reader on site
- knet aggregator: automatic collection of kosmoplovci resources from other sites, blogs and social networks
- torrent support: activated our own public tracker and primary seeds, supporting other open trackers as well.
- direct downloads: additional to minisite links, release boxes now provide direct downloads to files related to release, like zip, avi, mpg, mp4 or whatever
- links to other online resources: another addition to release boxes is to provide other links for related content that could be found online on third-party streaming services (youtube, vimeo, capped, dtv...) or databases like pouet. unlimited number of links per release is now possible, so these will be filled up accordingly.
- projects expansion: updated with more recent activities, including various collaborations with other groups & individuals
- random backgrounds (a.k.a. wallpapers) from knet members and associates.
- new design reflecting new changes and reorganisation
Tracklist: 1. We Have Arrived (6:48) 2. Električna Žaba, Poluproizvod (5:26) 3. Vektor (5:59) 4. Dolaze Teška Vremena (Ambient) (4:38) 5. Osiromašeni Uranijum (5:56)
faktor & vektor is a collaboration project of dominator and trut, belgrade based computer+drums duo producing experimental music ranging from drum and bass, jungle and techno all the way to abstract ambient. it is founded in 2005 and to this date have no official releases, although their music is already featured in some movies and tv series, and also in public on various events ranging from dnb to abstract noize, performed and remixed by phase, codex, dominator, kdes and kosmoplovci.
dominator is active in music scene since 1993, producing all kinds of electronic music under various names. he is also a wide known demoscene, music and art activist, being the main person behind corrosion and kosmoplovci groups, involved in numerous projects as music, video, design and programming artist.
trut is best known as being a long time collaborator with serbian musician rambo amadeus, following him and supporting with live drums for most of his carreer, starting back in 1988. he is a bit less known for being a huge music activist, especially supporting and spreading jungle and drum’n’bass scene starting from the early days, but also having an open ear for the experimental side of electronic music. his drumming skills are exceptional and he is widely respected as being one of the best serbian drummers (if not THE best…) but he is also quite open-minded and interested in collaborations that can bring him to situations to develop and create new sounds and ideas by merging best of both analog and digital worlds. this was the point where dominator and trut met and understood each other, and started to make music together as faktor & vektor.
the name of the album ‘dolaze teska vremena’ means ‘hard times are coming’, it is not a prophecy it is a fact. however, as dark as it may be, the truth will be ultimatelly be found by brave warriors.
faktor & vektor are doing their part in the continuum.
this is faktor & vektor first public release.
this album was first released on torrentech netlabel as TT015
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
Icon is a visual 3x4 matrix consisting of four codons (12 same or different bases). Special cases are icons with equal numbers of the two bases (for example 6xG and 6xC). In these cases an icon has high organization if bases C occupies one its halves and G another. Here, number of neighborhoods between the same bases (connections) is maximal while the number of neighborhoods between different bases (junctions) is minimal. An icon has low organization if the number of connections is minimal while the number of junctions is maximal. There are 8 different highly organized two-bases icons (minimum junctions J=3, 5, 6, or7), while there is only one low organized icon (maximum junctions J=17) that represents the state of entropy.
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
Icon is a visual 3x4 matrix consisting of four codons (12 same or different bases). Special cases are icons with equal numbers of the two bases (for example 6xG and 6xC). In these cases an icon has high organization if bases C occupies one its halves and G another. Here, number of neighborhoods between the same bases (connections) is maximal while the number of neighborhoods between different bases (junctions) is minimal. An icon has low organization if the number of connections is minimal while the number of junctions is maximal. There are 8 different highly organized two-bases icons (minimum junctions J=3, 5, 6, or7), while there is only one low organized icon (maximum junctions J=17) that represents the state of entropy.
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
This animation illustrates a proposal to replace the nucleic bases letter representation with five discrete values on the gray scale. Instead of letters UCAGT this concept employs five discrete values U=Black, C= Dark, A=Gray, G=light, and T= White. Value of "black" is defined as "absence of light", thus U =100% black, C=75% black, A=50%black, G=25% black, T=0% black. This is a linear structure with two elements U and T having one neighbor, while three elements, C, A, and G are with two neighbors. The difference between neighboring values is 25%.
If we define all pairs that differ 50% we will get: U-A, C-G, A-T. With this single rule we have established all the base pairs for both DNA and RNA and the exchange value which defines these relationships is the value of Gray that represents Adenine (A).
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
This animation illustrates a proposal to replace the nucleic bases letter representation with five discrete values on the gray scale. Instead of letters UCAGT this concept employs five discrete values U=Black, C= Dark, A=Gray, G=light, and T= White. Value of "black" is defined as "absence of light", thus U =100% black, C=75% black, A=50%black, G=25% black, T=0% black. This is a linear structure with two elements U and T having one neighbor, while three elements, C, A, and G are with two neighbors. The difference between neighboring values is 25%.
If we define all pairs that differ 50% we will get: U-A, C-G, A-T. With this single rule we have established all the base pairs for both DNA and RNA and the exchange value which defines these relationships is the value of Gray that represents Adenine (A).
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
This animation illustrates a proposal to replace the nucleic bases letter representation with five discrete values on the gray scale. Instead of letters UCAGT this concept employs five discrete values U=Black, C= Dark, A=Gray, G=light, and T= White. Value of "black" is defined as "absence of light", thus U =100% black, C=75% black, A=50%black, G=25% black, T=0% black. This is a linear structure with two elements U and T having one neighbor, while three elements, C, A, and G are with two neighbors. The difference between neighboring values is 25%.
If we define all pairs that differ 50% we will get U-A, C-G, A-T. With this single rule we have established all the base pairs for both DNA and RNA. The exchange value which defines these relationships is the value of Gray that represents Adenine (A).
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
This animation illustrates a proposal to replace the nucleic bases letter representation with five discrete values on the gray scale. Instead of letters UCAGT this concept employs five discrete values U=Black, C= Dark, A=Gray, G=light, and T= White. Value of "black" is defined as "absence of light", thus U =100% black, C=75% black, A=50%black, G=25% black, T=0% black. This is a linear structure with two elements U and T having one neighbor, while three elements, C, A, and G are with two neighbors. The difference between neighboring values is 25%.
If we define all pairs that differ 50% we will get: U-A, C-G, A-T. With this single rule we have established all the base pairs for both DNA and RNA and the exchange value which defines these relationships is the value of Gray that represents Adenine (A).
Visual method for representing five DNA and RNA bases U C A G T with five discrete values on the gray-scale: black (100%), dark (75%), gray(50%), light (25%) and white(0%)
This animation illustrates a proposal to replace the nucleic bases letter representation with five discrete values on the gray scale. Instead of letters UCAGT this concept employs five discrete values U=Black, C= Dark, A=Gray, G=light, and T= White. Value of "black" is defined as "absence of light", thus U =100% black, C=75% black, A=50%black, G=25% black, T=0% black. This is a linear structure with two elements U and T having one neighbor, while three elements, C, A, and G are with two neighbors. The difference between neighboring values is 25%.
If we define all pairs that differ 50% we will get: U-A, C-G, A-T. With this single rule we have established all the base pairs for both DNA and RNA and the exchange value which defines these relationships is the value of Gray that represents Adenine (A).
"To celebrate our 200th non compilation release we bring you this special bootleg recorded by Sir Garbage Truck, of an experimental hardcore ambient jam session form our staff member ps and our Serbian friends from kosmoplovci under their moniker kdes. Big thanks to Nosfe who arranged for us to play in that art gallery somewhere in the middle of Helsinki. Sorry to the person whose sound system we managed to slightly destroy, and thanks to everyone who we met during that week, we have good memories." (ps/enoughrecords)
30 dizajnerki i dizajnera u baletskoj dvorani Centra za kulturnu dekontaminaciju.
Pomislili ste da globalni ekonomski sunovrat ne moze biti razlog za veselje na umetnickoj sceni? Zasigurno niste ni slutili da ce graficki dizajneri biti oni koji odbacuju teske okove neoliberalnog trzista i preuzimaju odgovornost umetnika ciji radovi govore o vrednostima stvaralastva u vremenu sveopste krize i recesije. Radost estetskog uzitka nikada nije bila bliza kupovnoj moci generacije latentnih emigranata, vecitih studenata i adolescenata u tridesetim.
Udjite besplatno, kupite komad umetnosti za celih 100 dinara, provedite se maksimalno!
Aleksandar Opacic / Ana Kras / Boris Marcetic / Bratislav Milenkovic / Goran Pandza / Igor Hofbauer / Igor Orsolic / Isidora Nikolic / Jana Orsolic / Jovan Mikonjic / Jovana Tokic / Katarina Djoskic / Lazar Bodroza / Mane Radmanoviz / Marko Gole / Milica Pantelic / Monika Lang / Nebojsa Cvetkovic / Nemanja Jehlicka / Nenad Trifunovic / Nikola Korac / Nina Zeljkovic / Peter Gregson / Rados Vujaklija / Radovan Popovic / Stefan Unkovic / Veljko Zajc / Verica Sokanovic / Vlada Gvoic / Zeljko Loncar
Prvi prolecni laserski samit jeftine grafike svecano otvara Jovan Todorovic, producent i reditelj iz Beograda.
Muzika za ples u dvoristu Cezekadea:
Biskoteka, Tropik Schmitt & Monique, mrNANA
teskoba recordings, a new platform and label for experimental club music, brings out its first public event, with live vj set that will be performed by dominator.
Beyond "Aurora" is a world of "Glacial". D/L it to your mp3 player and go outside. A soundtrack for a coming ice age. Genre: Ambient/Electronica 4 tracks@256 kbps + cover ebmw4
codex, elektrokk and lo-tek kings are bringing back digital alchemy series, presenting fresh dnb and dubstep technology with live video provided by kosmoplovci. place to be is club hector, skadarska 40c, belgrade.
for the first time in history, and after many virtual attendances, kosmoplovci officials are finally visitng finland physically for the first time. we will be taking part in demoscene seminar on 23rd, we will contribute to the exhibitions and last, but not the least, we will be making live concert/audiovideo performance, with dominator and tatar in person, and ps/tpolm and possibly more as guests. also, we will be making another concert for our friends over there, currently on unknown location. read more details about altparty at and meet us there!
On October First Thursday, Floating World will present a gallery show with the work of Igor Hofbauer, Dunja Jankovic, Aleksandar Opacic, and Radovan Popovic, leading artists from comics collectives in Zagreb and Belgrade. Forged in the social turmoil that accompanied the bloody dissolution of Yugoslavia in the nineties, indie comics and e-zines (cheap to produce, ignored by the cultural and political establishment, and inherently subversive) became the refuge for underground artists across the region. Today these collectives have come of age and the artists represented here are producing some of the most exciting work coming out of the fringe of Europe. This show is the first of its kind in the US. Floating World will also be offering books and e-zines from the region that are otherwise unavailable in North America.
WHO: Igor Hofbauer, Dunja Jankovic (in person), Aleksandar Opacic, Radovan Popovic
WHAT: Gallery show and opening reception
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 6-10PM
WHERE: Floating World Comics
20 NW 5th Ave 101
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 241-0227
Memories of the future or predictions of the past. Fallen empire and empire that will fall. Martial percussions and melodies of sadeness. Two sides of the same story.
genre:Martial, Dark Ambient, Alternative 13 tracks @ 256 kbps + jewelcase cover ebmw003
Dark and minimal epics. Organic looped alien noise. Conspiracy theories or near future reality?
01 For Aurora 02 Pyrite 03 Burst 04 D(roid) P(roducing) F(acility) 05 Night Scan 06 HAARP 07 2012 08 N(uclear) W(inter) O(ption) 09 Analogue Dawn 10 For Aurora 2 11 Aurora 12 Rain eternal
genre: Ambient, Noise, Minimal 70 min Listen to full album and Immediate download of 12-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire @ link below. ebmw002
to run this demo you need:
windows9x, directx8, direct3d capable graphics card [tested on geforce256 and geforce2mx], soundcard
corrosion posse sends greets to: pasmaters, eastgate, madvirgin,
bullshit artists, zaiebani, mindnever and all the groups and people
around the world that make the demo scene such a great place.
you know who you are.
special respect to digital design scene - especially to
kaliber10000 and thedesignersrepublic people.
always keep up with what you really believe in.
Belgrade 2012. NEL is sent to Belgrade to eliminate underground terrorist group called "UR- Urban Resistance. NEL is (Nanotech Experimental Lifeform) a female nanotech organism that is produced in top secret US military base. Chased by agents NEL sneak to an underground party and by accident she inject something into Jan. The last thing that Jan hear is "UR". In days after accident Jan starts to experience strange things. Are they flashes from drugs or it is raly happening to him? But one thing is fixed to his mind, "UR". Some friends tell him that they saw a graphitti with "UR" symbol. So he start his search for "UR". Meanwhile dead bodys start to apear all over the city. Some have cut wounds, some bite wounds and there are some strange piles of ash near them. During his search Jan finds a man and a clue how to find "UR". But he is unaware that he is under constant surveilance. After an attempt of arrest Jan escapes and goes to the roof of a building. He gets shot by agents and fell down. Agents declared him dead and leave. Down on a pavement is Jans dead body all covered with blood.But, suddenly his limbs start to move with cracking sound of his bones. He opens his eyes and rise his head and the first thing he see is NEL standing in the dark.......
Unexistence – First Epiphany TLF – Initializing Ph1 Afekt – Binary nu Ghoul Detail – Acros Te Styx Random Insults – Cybernetic Love Magna – Libertate Tutem Ethnofobija – Kreativ Bipolar Murder Musik – Cyberoptik Memory Phlastah - Hurricane Massaker Staccato – Deep Space SeX N 616 – Production Hematurge – Get Outta My Head Sub Dalek – Automated Hysteria Dolmen Sniper – Dead End Evil Computer Genius – Nuclear Winter
Rukujte se sa samim sobomšto je češće moguće. Budite sami sebi prijatelj. Kad se budete rukovali sa samim sobom dobro pazite kakav utisak ostavljate sebi samom. Morate samom sebi da pokažete da ste igrač, da niste bilo ko. Stisnite samog sebe za suprotnu ruku što jače, toliko jakoda iskrvari, ili ako ništa da nabubre vene, da se zna ko ste i da niste bilo ko i da ne može niko davas ponižavapa čak ni vi sami. Što češće ponavljate ovaj postupak biće vam jasnije koliko ste bitni i koliko niste neki najobičniji nesrećnik koji nema svoje ja.
Ovaj socijalno prihvatljiv gest možete raditi i u javnosti, i na ulici, nemojte da vas je blam. Rukovanjem sa samim sobom vi zapravo prenosite sebi energiju od samog sebe.
Dučićev metod obrnutog ogledala
Pričajte sa sobom u ogledalu - šta vas sprečava?Ako nemate ogledalo, kupite ga. Što kaže Dučić - niko nije toliko siromašan da ne može da kupi ogledalo. Delite sami sebi komplimente,vodite zamišljene uzbudljive konverzacije između vašeg id ega i alter ega, a ponekad uključite i super ego u diskusiju - što više to bolje. Takođe, možete odagnati usamljenost i poboljšati vaš nivo energije u organizmu ako odglumite vašu omiljenu scenu iz nekog domaćeg filma, na primer "Sekula se opet ženi", "Dama koja ubija", " Svemirci su krivi za sve", "Idi mi dođi mi" ili "Žikina ženidba".
Stavi pravu stvar na pravo mesto
Stavite sebe na prvo mesto, a sve druge ljude volite, ali zapamtite da ste Vi taj zbog koga su oni voljeni od strane Vas. Vi ste sebi na prvom mestu i Vi odlučujete o tome šta ćete vi raditi, kako ćete raditi to što radite, na koji način ćete da radite to što radite, kojim metodom ćete pristupiti onom što činite i koji će biti samo Vaš odnos prema svemu tome, ukoliko ste sigurni da samo Vi radite to što radite. Na kraju krajeva, o Vama se radi. Ovo je samo Vaš život i ne pripada nikome drugom. Niko drugi nije vlasnik vašeg životado vas samih... Drugi ljudi, palate, titule i spomenici dolaze i prolaze, a Vi takvi kakvi jeste, jedinstveno, ostajete Vi. Vi ste vi, uvek na onom mestu koje zaslužujete u vašem životu. To mesto ne mora biti prvo, ali mora biti bar pre svih ostalih.
WC FANTAZIJA ili kako sam pronašao sebe u sebi!
Prošetajte se do WC-a. Sedite na šolju i lagano, uz blage napore i trzaje izvršite ritual velike nužde. Dajte sebi svo vreme ovog sveta. Nemojte da brzate. Razmišljajte o lepim pejzažima, rosnim livadama, slatkastim blatnjavim seoskim puteljcima. Po završetku ovog rituala pogledajte dobro u wc šolju i bez ikakvog sentimenta pustite vodu. Najveći deo vas će znati da je to vaša prošlost. Morate da savladate svako lirsko osećanje u sebi i da se oprostite od tog dela sebe bez ijedne emocije. Nemojte da pokleknete ni u jednom momentu, gledajte ka budućnosti, zašto bi vas interesovalo nešto što je do pre par trenutaka bilo samo sastavni deo vašeg tela? Znamo da je teško. Svima nam je teško. Ali ovu lekciju moramo naučiti svi zajedno.
Dragi naši čitaoci, stanje u društvu uopšte nije na zavidnom nivou. Zato je Vaš i naš Aurora magazin odlučio da se u sledećem periodu posveti više informativnom sektoru naše redakcije, i baš zato, a možda i ne zbog toga, iznosimo nove istine pred vaše oči. Pazite da se ne ugušite od magične prašine istine.
Uskoro: Treći bubreg - tajna Kosova - Sve o novoj knjizi Marka Lopušine! Kako su vadili organe? Ko ih je vadio i kojom tehnikom? Da li se na tri kupljena organa dobijao još jedan dečiji organ gratis!? Da li su organi od osoba sa specijalnim potrebama bili na diskauntu? Da li je ovakva trgovina organima nemoralna i za slučaj da ste jedan od onih koji ima takvo mišljenje, zašto ste u manjini?
Treći zaleđeni metak, deveta kapija, šesto čulo, petak trinaesti - Đinđićeva smrt; priča iz trećeg ugla, osmo pravilo četvrtog principa!
Koštunica - gospodar zveri! Da li je istina da premijer srpske vlade ima umeće nemuštog jezika, da ima moć da komunicira sa pripadnicima životinjskog carstva? Ako to nije istina, kako objašnjavate sve što nam se deševa? Zar je moguće da je sve baš onako kako vam se čini?
Ivana Žigon - seksi kosovska zavodnica, seksi cicamaca kosovskog mita, libidalna vulvica zapaljive seksi posteljice. Koliko njene suze umeju da orose maštu muškaraca? Koliko su Ivanine molitve pomogle da "neke stvari" dođu na pravo mesto ili barem u prave ruke! Da li je istina da Ivana diže i još nešto više sem morala? Seksi džigibau cicamacos!
Ako su Almodovar, Cile Marinković, Rod Stjuart, Đule Van Gog, Džim Morison, Željko Samardžić, Joko Ono, Paolo Koeljo, Milenko Zablaćanski, Patrik Beson, Enki Bilal, Šinejd O’Konor, Zdravko Šotra, ostavili iza sebe nešto lepo, značajno i divno, zašto ne biste i vi?
Dosadno vam je i radili biste nešto inspirativno? Svuda oko vas su različiti zgodni materijali i korisne tehnike pomoću kojih možete da napravite mnogo toga zanimljivog.
Ubrizgajte dodatnu energiju u vašu sobu tako što ćete prefarbati zidove u boje krem, bež, žuto, oker, crveno i plavo. Kupite velike postere vaših omiljenih poznatih ličnosti i okačite ih, što da ne - ko vas sprečava? Zamislite da na zidovima svoje sobe koja je samo vaša, imate kaširane postere Če Gevare, Čarli Čaplina i Džimi Hendriksa.
Plafon ukrasite stotinama svetlećih zvezdica tako da gledano odozdo formiraju oblik srca; na taj način ćete svake večeri tonuti u san blaženo posmatrajući večni predmet vaše ljubavi i duhovnog spokoja.
Vaše, do sada nemo, bezlično i bezizražajno ogledalo okružite šarenim kamenčićima, biserčićima, šišarkama, žirovima, klikerčićima, sličicama iz žvaka, vinskim pampurima, limenkama uvoznih piva, iskorišćenim sijalicama i lampionima, i uz pomoć jeftinog silikona, učvrstite ih po obodu ogledala i od monotong parčeta stakla napravite svoj prolaz u neku vašu dimenziju koja će biti samo vaša. Čisto iz luckaste zabave na ogledalu napišite neke inspirativne poruke kao što su: “Menjam cimera koji hrče za cimerku koja uzdiše” ili jednostavno napišite “Ja te volim” na svim jezicima sveta.
Dozvolite sebi slobodu da na vratima svoje sobe napravite kolaž od starih novina, presovanog cveća, otpadaka stare tkanine, postera sa likovima vaših omiljenih glumaca (na primer Majkl Daglas), nekog nevažećeg dokumenta, šljokica, alu folije, etiketa uvoznih piva, čepova od Koka Kole i Fante i od drugih inspirativnih materijala i tako napravite svoj intimni maštoviti šareni kolaž ljubavi i čarolije.
Zabavite se dok crtate slatke male stvari, leptiriće i bubamare, onda ih pažljivo izrežite i zalepite svuda po sobi. Izgledaće originalno i fantastičnoza oko - pravi praznik za oči.U tako uređenom začaranom prostoru uskovitlanih boja duginog spektra nacrtajte voštanim bojamastilizovanu paučinu po uglovima plafona i tako će svi moći da vide koliko ste vi u stvari kreativni.
Skuvajte sebi ukusan čaj od mešanog šumskog voća, sipajte ga u šolju obojenušarenim bojama, smestite se u svoj udboni kauč prošaran raznobojnim jastučićima od šarenog pliša i zamislite da vas je neko pozvao na maskenbal. Zamislite kako bi se obukli - da li bi to bio kostim Pirata, Pipi duge čarape, Supermena, Veštice, Karatiste, Vampira, ili bi jednostavno na svom licu nosili masku Mikija, Paje ili Šilje?
Kad pomislite na sve ovo, vidite koliko život ima mogućnosti i koliko je u stvari život jedno lepo mesto gde možete da razvijete sve svoje potencijale. Jednostavno, život je samo jedan , život kratko traje i iznenada se završava ne treba dozvoliti da sva ta kreativnost koju u sebi nosite ostane neostvarena. Ostvarite svoje potencijale!...Srećno!
Delfini su već stotinama godina sa nama. Uticaj delfinske kulture na kolektivnu podsvest srpskog naroda je očigledna i neosporna, i niko, ali apsolutno niko ne može da ospori ovu činjenicu koja je nedvosmisleno duboko urezana serfnim zlatkasto sedefastim slovima u granitnu ploču srpske stvarnosti. Vuk Karadžić je voleo delfine. Nikola Tesla je mislio da je delfin. Eva Ras ima nebrojene pesme o delfinima.
Već i mala deca znaju da postoje dve Srbije: jedna koja je delfinska i ona koja to nije, koja to ne želi da bude ili jednostavno toga nije svesna. Razlike između ovih suprotstavljenih polova u okviru celine našeg društva sve su prisutnije u našoj svakodnevnici i reflektuju se na našu sutrašnjicu kao takvu. Mnogi eksperti iz nevladinih organizacija koji se bave evropskim integracijama tvrde da je je glavna kočnica našem priključivanju Evropskoj Uniji upravo ta podeljenost, ta šizoidnost Srbije, na ljubitelje delfinskog načina života i na one koji to nisu.
Da li vidimo budućnost Srbije sa delfinima ili bez njih? Delfini su od vajkada zaštitni znak srpskog naroda, ali mnogi se i dalje opiru takvom načinu sagledavanja stvari. Da li je pomirenje moguće?
Pristalice delfinske kulture tvrde da nije moguće ignorisati delfine koji su duboko ukorenjeni u kolektivnom podsvesnom srpskog naroda. Protivnici delfinske kulture, pak, smatraju da je diskutabilno da li su delfini uopšte autentični deo srpske tradicije, a neki čak smatraju da ne postoji tako nešto kao što je kolektivno podsvesno.
I sam Platon je u svojoj knjizi “Država” odredio delfinima značajno mesto u okviru ljudskih zajednica. Pravoslavna crkva ne odbacuje delfine, ali ih i ne spominje u svojim spisima. Ako se Isus pretvori u ribu, da li bi ga delfin pojeo? - pitaju se mnoge neverne tome.
Problem je isuviše dobro poznat da bi više ikoga mogao da iznenadi i potrese, ali iako ne možemo da ga rešimo u jednom ovako kratkom tekstu, bar možemo da postavimo sledeće pitanje svim našim građanima : Da li je Srbija spremna da otvoreno prizna svoj najveći istorijski problem, i time da napravi prvi korak ka njegovom rešavanju, korak ka boljem sutra? Bilo ono delfinsko ili ne.
Noć je bila topla, sa prašinom zvezda. Ležao sam u postelji, i tek što su misli počele da mi se nameštaju za noć i srce da tone u sneg sna, setih se da sam zaboravio da obiđem dečiju spavaonicu. Ustao sam, unapred se radujući prizoru tih malih anđela, božije dece.
U modrikastim slojevima sobnog polumraka nazreo sam jedan krevetić i na njemu je ležao mlečnosvilenkasti riđokosi dečko u raskopčanoj košuljici od tvrdog manastirskog lana; balansirajući na mekanom rubu sna, meškoljio se i zevao mesečarski slatko kao malo jagnje pred umor. U trenutku kada su se njegove usne sastavljale, sklopile su se u blaženo sanjivi osmejak i s tim se osmejkom on lagano i slatko okrene ka zidu gde stajaše ikona Svete Petke zaštitnice dece i odojčadi.
-Milovane! - prošaputao sam nečujno mu prilazeći.
To je bio mali Mile. Dobro sam mu poznavao oca, dobar čovek, udario ga je geler kad se povlačio iz Slavonije. Posmatrao sam njegov oblik glave, njegove usne, njegov gumenkasti vratić i široka meka ramena.
-Milovane! - ponovio sam, uz drhtaj u grudima, nad samim uvom detinjim.
On se podigao na lakat, klimnuo je bunovnom glavom na obe strane kao da nešto traži, pa otvori oči. Tiho i upitno gledale su nekoliko sekundi u mene, koji sam nepomično stajao pred njim, zatim se odjednom blaženo osmehnu, i zatvorivši opet sanjive oči svali se, ali ne natrag, nego na moje ruke.
Zažmurio sam kako bi se bolje usresredio na zlatni talas nadolazeće radosti.
-Milovane! Milo moje dete! - progovorio sam gušeći se u nebeskim suzama i grleći njegovo mekano i punačko detinje telo.
- Oče Pahomije! - progovori on, krećući se pod mojim rukama, da bi se na raznim mestima dotakao mojih dlanova.
Smešeći se sanjivo, još neprestano sa zatvorenim očima, on prebaci svoje punačke ručice sa začelja postelje na moja ramena, navali se na mene, obli me prijatnim sanjivim dahom i toplotom koje ima samo u dece dok još nisu krštena, i poče trljati licem po mojoj bradi i ramenima.
Krckanje se začu po parketu. Jedan muškarac je bio kraj nas. Hladni pauci panike počeše da mi mile niz kičmu - šta ako bude što i Bogu drago nije?
Glava 13 - Paperjasta digitalna nežnost bez sedefastog pogleda ispod oka
Ništa mi nije bilo jasno sem jednog. A kad se kaže jedan tu se uvek misli na mnogo više stvari nego što se inače misli. A sve se manje misli. I sve je manje onih kafana. Beogradske kafane žive jedan dan, baš kao i leptiri. Dva jelena, Tri šešira, Kod saborne, Manjež, Rab, Zora, Proleće, Dva jelena, Hajduk, Tri šešira, i tako dalje, ima ih mnogo, a ja ih još više znam. Čitavu mladost sam proveo u Manježu gde sam radio kroki grafike zajedno sa Mićom Popovicem i pomagao Stevi Žigonu da zapamti tekst u svojim grčkim tragedijama koje je režirao naš poznati filmski radnik i dekan Stupica. U jednom trenu kao u jednom veb-sajtu, kao što bi rekla digitalna Ana, čitavo rano proleće života (mladost), mi je bljesnulo pred očima kao kineski vatromet u Monci kome sam prisustvovao zajedno sa Lubardom, sa kojim sam celu mladost provodio lebdeći iznad Venecije. Iste one Venecije koja više ne postoji, zato što tone i propada. I uskoro je više neće biti.
Popio sam čašu likera od čokolade "Coco sunshine" koji čuvam za posebne prilike nervne rastrojenosti. Upalio sam i jednu sveću da bih smirio nešto zategnuto u meni što me je progonilo. To je bila misao o Ani, devojci koja ne živi u ovom svetu, već u kompjuteru. U toj kompjuterskoj mreži umreženi su svi kompjuteri podjednako. Izem ti Platonovu demokratiju. A što je najgore, ona mi se sviđa. Zaljubio sam se do ušiju, kao u onu starozavetnu jevrejčicu mojsijevskog pogleda. Osmehnuo sam se na svoju misao. Pomislio sam koliko je piksela velika moja ljubav. Obliznuo sam se i osetio ukus čokolade koja me je vratila u normalan svet, ali ne zadugo. Čudno je, jer je tužno. A tuga mi nije strana. Kao ni žene, ali nisam mislio na žene. Kapirate....
Dani prolaze, a ja za kompjuterom. Zelene mi se oči od sjaja zelenocrnog ekrana. Od Ane ne mogu pobeći. Ne želim.Činčovao sam se na mrežu. Ponovo sam otkucao Anino ime: Ana. Tako mi je slatko kada otkucam njeno ime- slađe nego praline "La shokola" koje sam jeo vraćajući se iz Pariza avionom Er frens, pravac Alpi, Rim, Stokholm, Moskva, Kan, Beograd - Begiš. Čekovao sam mrežu i usledio je intro u net - k'o što kažu mladi. Saznao sam dosta o dijalogu mladih prošlog leta u Budvi, dok sam ispijao espreso u "Bonđornu" u starom gradu.
- Pa gde si ti, hakeru?- reče mi Ana - A zašto hakeru? - Ne znam, lud si. - "Its a mad mad world"... -Ne, ne nisi lud, ti si nekako luckasto predivan, kao dobar banner na mreži. - Hvala ti, curice- ništa je ne shvatam, ali je osećam. Takvi smo vam mi bili. Kad se ljubav budi, jedan uvek više zna. - Znaš ... glas mi je drhtao, za mene na svetu postoje dve vrste žena: jedne, sa kojima mogu da pričam, simpatične i neobične i druge, one predivne i mistične sa kojima kad zborim osećam kao da mi se ceo svet vrti pod nogama i da gubim vazduh u rukama, boju u obrazima, sjaj u očima ičitavu sreću i nesreću. Bez tebe nema ni sreće, ni nesreće, ni života, ni ljubavi, ni zatvora, ni slobode, ni časti. - Raspričao si se, frajeru. Pući će nam činč od tol'ke priče. - Stvarno, jel od ljubavi? - Šalila sam se. To je nemoguće- još nismo napunili gigabajt. Osetio sam se kao budala. Mala me je prevarila u nekontrolisanom neznanju. - Slušaj, stani, ne govori. Samo pevaj. Pevaj o nama, kojih više nema i koji smo se nekad zvali mi. - Oh, kad tako govoriš, osećam k'o da će ceo server da pregori i da će svi ovi ljudi do nas eksplodirati u milion milona eona kao odraz u slomljenom ogledalu mog srca.
Sada sam znao da je moja, kao što nikad nije bila do sad. Zauvek. Reči, reči, reči. Trebalo je naći prave. A ja sam maher. Ostalo je bilo kao nož kroz puter.
U sledećem nastavku ovog uzbudljivog feljtona: Ana za mene više ne postoji.
Sad sam, k'o prst, sam sam, neobrijan, neispavan. Duvanski se dim duboko ugnezdio u moju prosedu kosu. A Ana? Ana. A-na. A-n-a. Razložio sam je na sastavne delove i prezreo.
Dragi naši čitaoci, u duhu političke korektnosti koja je utkana u svaku poru našeg Aurora magazina, objavljujemo odlomke iz romana albanskog poslastičara Hašima Benazija Ruždoga pod nazivom „Šlagolina“ koji svedoči o potresnoj ljubavi mladog albanskog poslastičara sa srpskom devojkom sa specijanim potrebama neposredno pred bombardovanje. Roman koji je pisan u stilu novovekovnih nobelovaca i dobitnika ninove nagrade, uvešće vas u tajni svet slatkiša, ljubavi, nepravde, terorizma, eklera i limunade.
Čitajte o tome kako glavni junak Ramiz, bog šećera i veliki zavodnik, zamišljen nad istopljenom šampitom svoje sudbine, pronalazi istinsku ljubav u srpskoj devojci Smilji koja pati od daunovog sindroma. Njen otac, oficir Vojske Jugoslavije joj ne dozvoljava da ostvari svoju ljubav sa skromnim albanskim poslastičarem, inače majstorom za pravljenje najgušćeg preliva za baklave čiji je zanosni miris umeo da obavije i severni i južni deo Kosovske Mitrovice. Budite nemi svedok okrutnog mučenja Ramiza od strane vojnika Oslobodilačke Vojske Kosova, koji su mu zagorčavali život tako što su ulazili u njegovu radnju, razbacivali i gazili cokulama urmašice, baklave, minjone, šampite, ćeten alve, staklaste šećerce, zapženi šećer sa susamom, šerbet vanil vodicu, bombice od kockice leda i špinovanog šećera umućenog u žumance, štapiće Svadbarce od šećera, vode i kvasca, zamrznute voćne sirupe u plastičnim rakijskim čašicama, limuntus sa toplom vodom i šećerom u prahu, kao i predivne vanil šećer grumenčiće uvaljane u ljusku od jajeta sa komadićima dekorativne alu folije. Naravno, nisu im bile svete ni limunove kore upržene u kristalni šećer prelivene kipućom vodom.
Ali Ramiz je sve to trpeo i u tajnosti se nalazio sa Smiljom na mostu izmedju severnog i južnog dela Kosovske Mitrovice, gde su zajedno drobili hleb u lubenicu i sve to zalivali sa kesicom sode bikarbone razblaženom u flaši od 5 litara vode koju su pre toga napunili kod cisterne iza doma zdravlja, zato što su bile česte nestašice vode. Jer, podsetićemo, cela radnja ovog romana je smeštena na Kosovu...
Uskoro ćete uživati na 720 strana ovog divnog romana, čiju promociju možete očekvati na sajmu knjiga, na onom štandu gde snovi nikad ne umiru, ali retko postaju java, na onom štandu gde je ljubav večna, ali traje samo jedan sekund...
U svojoj knjizi ’’Seks na eks’’ sve sam Vam rekla o koracima koje treba da napravite u odnosu sa voljenom osobom; zaljubljivanje traje tačno tri minuta, strast traje godinu dana, a posle strasti dolazi ljubav koja traje tri godine. Sve posle toga je pristajanje na nešto. To može da se uporedi sa našom situacijom na Kosovu, ali ja to, zbog težine situacije i njene serioznosti, ovoga puta, neću učiniti.
Imala sam posao iz snova. Sve moje radoznale koleginice, škiljave, male, usjaktalih očiju zamorčića, tupooke žene koje su zaboravile da se žena piše sa velikim Ž, zavidele su mi na mom ekskluzivnom angažmanu na svojevrsnoj bosanskoj verziji satelitskog kanala CNN-a. I Kao svaka prava lavica, doletela sam na krilima orla I bez mnogo obaziranja na zlobna ogovaranja uskočila sam poput delfina u galantan emotivni odnos sa posebno privlačnim vlasnikom tog medijskog konglomerata. Moj brkati lepotan i ja bismo šetali hladovitim ulicama srpskog Sarajeva. On bi uzimao šnenokle, a ja lanene pločice, oko stopedeset grama, koje bi grickali u slast, a potom bi bili malo nevaljali i kupili vanilice na meru koje smo krišomostavljali siročićima na prozorskom simsu gradskog sirotišta, jer je mom mišićavom lepotanu u dobro skrojenom odelu, smetao neukusan enterijer javnih institucija i odvratni lepljivi slatkasti smrad užeglih gnjecavoslivajućih krastavih piroški koje su jadna deca dobijala za ručak. Sirota deca... ko zna kako je njihov stomačić podnosio takvu kalorijsku bombu.
Oh, kakvo je to proleće bilo! Odvodio bi me u pet šop i kupio bi zlatne ribice u vrednosti 300 konvertabilnih maraka, koje bi pazarili na račun firme, pa smo dugo vremena provodili u zanosnom čekanju da mom brki fakturišu račun, kako bi on to posle opravdao i dobio refundiranje celokupne sume. Milina časova! Nakon toga bismo te ribice, onako zaneseni perecastim spokojem ljubavi, kao zlatnike bacali sa mosta u reku, izgovarajući moleban za sve jadne životinje na Kosovu koje su već 8 godina prepuštene brutalnom iživljavanju od strane izvesnih albanaca, mračnih i svinjolikih trećerazrednih fanatika punih bolesnih aspiracija.
Dani su se smenjivali kao latice ruže na prolećnom vetru...
Sve mi se to sviđalo, ali toliko puta mi se sviđalo - posle nekog vremena postalo mi je dosadno kao Vojvodina kad ste dugo u njoj. Takav džet set lajf stajl nije smirio moju seksi vulvoidnu strastvenu respiricu požude, mlečno belu ali u isto vreme i crnu kao crna noć. Žudela sam za promenom, za nečim što će moći da mi oprži meso, uzburka krv, zavrti mozak, flambira um I iskrčka libido na vreloj masti erotskog fazona; bio je mi je potreban moj intimni 5.oktobar, da mi sažeže utrobu oštrom bakljom slobode, da mi sagori unutrašnje živo meso i sluzokožu pohote, i tako da mi ulakša prepone i ugasi večnu vatru vulkanoidno slobodarske erotske misli koja se oseća iznutra, onako taktilno, ako me shvatate…
Nije nikakva novost da se moze izgubiti neželjena telesna težina rekreacijom i dijetama. Međutim, da li ste znali da se i značajan broj kalorija gubi obavljanjem zabavnih kućnih poslova? Vaš i naš Aurora magazin je ponovo tu da vam otkrije ono što ste vi oduvek želeli da saznate: Pranje suđa Ovaj nedvosmisleno ženski posao kome se žene uglavnom predaju sa istinskim uživanjem I tupim bolom u grudima , pomaže da se utroši 220 kalorija na sat, mnogo više nego, recimo razgovorima sa prijateljicama gde se utroši jedva 45 kalorija, I to u slučaju da dođe do žučne rasprave (što priznaćete, kod pripadnica slabijeg pola ne predstavlja nikakav problem). Brisanje prozora Pranjem prozora žene sagorevaju 250 kalorija na sat a muškarci jedva 30, što ipak pokazuje na jednu duboku predodređenost nežnijeg pola ka ovoj delikatnoj kućnoj pikanteriji u moru slobodnih aktivnosti. Razmišljanje o Kosovu Ramišljanje o Kosovu sagoreva 120 kalorija na sat, isto koliko i pranje poda. Sem ovako fenomenalnih rezultata u sagorevanju kalorija, razmišljanje o Kosovu podstiče plodnost kod nerotkinja I produžava amplitude plodnih dana. Razmišljanje o kopnenoj zoni bezbednosti Ova vrsta razmišljanja može da potroši i 1000 kalorija na sat baš zbog delikatnosti pitanja. Jedna žena je posle dve nedelje razmišljanja o kopnenoj zoni bezbednosti izgubila čak 15 kilograma, tako da je muž uopste nije prepoznao kad je došao Iz Frankfurta. Kad ju je video, prebio ju je I oterao iz kuće, misleći da je to neka druga žena a ne njegova. Ipak ova simpatična anegdota se završila dobro po junakinju naše priče. Njen muž ju je posle par meseci vratio kući gde je ona mogla ponovo da se posveti svakodnevnim aktivnostima I kućnim poslovima koji su se u međuvremenu nagomilali, tako da je imala pune ruke posla. Pravljenje Ikebane Pravljenje Ikebane ne troši apsolutno nijednu kaloriju. Potpuno besmislen posao sa kojim se bave neke žene, a I oni malo čudniji muškarci koji ne stavljaju pravu stvar na prava mesta. Brendiranje Srbije Od brendiranja Srbije može da s izgubi toliko kalorija da je to prosto neverovatno. Ova, za sada samo umna aktivnost, je jednostavno žestok sagorevač kalorija. Vi prosto ne bi mogli da verujete koliko ova plemenita veština koja se razvila u poslednjih par godina može da sagori kalorija i koliko ljudi može da učini srećnim.
Ja sam bila tvoja Neskafa - uvek sam znala kako da te dignem... Tvoji brkovi su nadraživali kožu mog lica. Usne nam se spojiše a vreli jezici započeše svoj vlažni ples u pećini naših zajedničkih usta. Ti si bio feng šui majstor mog tela, znao si tačno gde šta da staviš. Tvoja masivna kugla me je oborila kao nevinu keglu usred boulinga u Delta City-ju. Pružio si mi Maxi zadovoljstvo.
Par nestrpljivih kapi tvog Viva jogurta mi je stavilo do znanja koliko si uzbuđen, ali vekna tvog belog hleba je još uvek bila sveža, hrskava i spremna za akciju. Iako je tvoj masivni barcode čitač savršeno obavljao svoj posao, moja požudna kasa je još uvek odbijala da izda sexy fiskalni račun. Dve velike neprobojne kese štitile su tvoje namirnice, zato što bi samo jedna sigurno pukla pod ogromnim tovarom koji si spremao da izručiš na pokretne stepenice mog libida. Dozvolila sam ti da priđeš mom gepeku. Ubacio sisvoje dobro u mene. Vožnja je počela. Kako smo se najzad približili našem odredištu, ti si povukao ručnu i ispraznio gepek. Tvoj krst se spustio, moj žbun je izgoreo. Nakon sto smo završilii našu cezar salatu slasti, lepljivi dresing je još uvek kapao sa našeg malaksalog pribora. Ja sam se zatvorila poput konzerve, ti si se ukiselio kao krastavčić. Postali smo jedno drugom tuđi i nepotrebni poput Pekabete i C-marketa. Verovatno nisi mogao da pratiš moj Tempo. Ti si otišao pod erotski stečaj, ja sam seprivatizovala,ostale su samo uspomene i prazni rafovi moje duše...
Obucite nešto dobro, ali ne pretenciozno. Naš predlog je sledeći: crna italijanska kožna jakna (simbol zaštitnika), bela svilena košulja (simbol čovečnosti i muškosti), kravata na romboide (jer romboidi svojim oblikom podsećaju na oblikjužne srpske pokrajine i s tim ćete stvoriti galantnu filantropsku emociju (koja će vašoj potencijalnoj suđenici, dati do znanja da ste 'igrač ' i da ne pristajete na jednostrane raskide). Neizostavna je i mala crna kožna torbica za nošenje ispod miške, popularna pederuša, od italijanskeantilop kože koja će ostaviti utisak imućnog, promišljenog i pragmatičnog muškarca koji ima svoje ja. Takođe, potreban je veliki kaiš, po mogućstvu italijanska koža, sa velikim madridskim nitnama, čiji će mediteranski dizajn zapaliti vatru u ognjištu njenog libida.
Bitno je da pantalone budu kvalitetne i da prosto progovaraju: 'Ovaj čovek koji me nosi, ovaj čovek koji me je navukao na svoje muževne noge, on, on je čovek od ukusa!'. Eto, takve trebaju da budu vaše pantalone i tačno takva treba da bude njihova poruka, njihov 'mali signal'. Vaše cipele bi bilo najbolje da budu modela pačji kljun, po mogućstvu od visoko kvalitetne italijanske kože.
Kako da se ponašam?
Budite opušteni, ali nemojte dozvoliti da vaš entuzijazam na bilo koji način ispliva i postane vaša slabost. Nemojte se smejati, odaćete utisak neozbiljnog čoveka, s obzirom da bi ste se smejali u periodu koji je jako bolan za naš napaćeni narod. Ozbiljnost i dramatična suzrdžanost u kombinaciji sa seksi pogledom ispod oka će vašoj partnerki uliti strah u kosti, i samim tim definisati dobru startnu poziciju za ljubavne seksi pregovore. Neka ovaj sastanak ne bude vaš Rambuje, nek bude više nalik na opsadu Sarajeva, iskoristite svu vašu artiljeriju kako bi osvojili dolinu njenih nadanja i ambicija.
Probijte led sa nekom laganom pošalicom vezanom za Kosovo. Slobodno ispričajte neki vic o albancima (šiptarima), i dok ga pričate uhvatite je za zglob desne ruke da oseti vašu libidalnu energetsku plazmu. Dok pričate gledajte je pravo u oči i širom raširite nozdrve. Nakon ispričanog vica nipošto nemojte da se smejete, već je isecite pogledom i čekajte njenu reakciju, to će je sasvim opustiti i ukoniće svaku tenziju...
Na ovaj način, vrlo lako ćete je osvojiti, vaša sexy akcija će isprašiti njeno srce kao artiljerijska paljba po pastelnim fasadama Vukovara.
Kako doći do sexy odnosa na prvom sastanku?
Postoji više načina ali jedan je najsigurnji. Morate da budete veoma samouvereni za ovaj pristup, koji se popularno naziva Kosovarac! Sigurno se pitate na koji način ovaj metod zvani Kosovarac može da vam pomogne da dođete do intimnog sexy odnosa već na prvom sastanku. Tajne ovog drevnog metoda koji datira još iz raške oblasti iz poznog srednjeg veka će vam sada biti otkriven na stranicama vašeg i našeg Aurora press news european ethnic magazina.
Kada završite večeru sa devojkom uhvatite je za obe ruke i poljubite je u čelo. To će njoj za trenutak biti malo čudno ali vi se ne obazirite na to, jer će joj to uliti malo zebnje i onog uvek potrebnog straha kada je prvi izlazak u pitanju. Kako se budete šetali, silovito je uhvatite za vrat i nemojte da je puštate barem 15 munuta. Ako prolazite pored neke trafike ponudite je kiselom vodom.
Pitajte je: „Hoćes Knjaz?“ Ako ona kaže: „Da“, a verovatno će to reći zato što je ožednela od vašeg pritiska na njen vrat, odgovorite joj:
„ Imam ja jednog Knjaza u gaćama“.
Tako ćete joj sa jedne strane pokazati da ste skloni domaćinskom humoru, a sa druge strane da šmeker u vama nije umro. Postoji velika mogućnost da će njoj u tom momentu biti jako neprijatno, a postoji čak i tračak mogućnosti da će želeti da vas napusti. Ne obazirite se. Ako vidite neko zgodno tamno mesto odvedite je tamo. Ako vas pita: “Zašto idemo tamo?“, vi joj odgovorite: „Onaj pod nebom zna manje nego onaj nad nebom. Čudni su putevi Gospodnji. Što si posijala to ćeš i žnjet“.
Sa ovom izjavom ćete pokazati da ste duhovan čovek, brižan muškarac a u isto vreme sexy panter koji je uvek spreman da skoči u gusto rastinje. Ako počne da plače, nemojte da je tešite, nego počnite da joj polako skidate odeću i pevajte nekuromantičnu pesmu, po mogućstvu Ličku. Poželjno je da pesma bude ljubavnog sadržaja ali i ratne pesme dolaze u obzir.
Kad vidite da joj se put zabelela, odnosno da nema na sebi više odeće, vi prislonite svoje telo uz njeno, kako bi biološki seksualni proces počeo da se odigrava tu pred vašim očima.
Ovaj metod se pokazao kao jako uspešan u 85% balkanskih ljubavnih veza koje su krunisane brakom. Ipak, uvek treba imati na umu da je ljubav samo jedna i da sexy cilj uvek opravdava telesna sredstva, a jedini cilj u našem životu je ljubav. Jer, šta je važnije od slobode odlučivanja i ljubavi?
Nedelja 17.02.2008... narod je najbolje zna kako se osećao tog dana...Složna i snažna, radna i vredna Srbija je ostala bez svoje desne ruke. To nas sve jako boli... i zauvek će ostati velika rana duboko uronjena u epitel naše nacionalne svesti. Kosovo je srce našeg srca.
Znamo kako je narod podneo ovaj šok, ali da li ste se zapitali kako su se u tu istorijsku nedelju osećali pripadniciživotinjskog carstva? Da li je njima bilo nepodnošljivo kao nama ljudima ili su bile potpuno ravnodušne? Otišli smo u prijatnu popodnevnu promenadu do zološkog vrta, saznalikako su životinje Beo zoo vrta reagovale na nezavisnost Kosova!
Stanje u Beo zoo vrtu u nedelju se može opisati mnogim rečima, ali "ravnodušnost" nije jedna od njih. Životinje su podivljale zbog proglašenja nezavisnosti Kosova! Slonovi su mlatarali svojim surlama i izbacivali izmetpred posetiocima, nilski konj je besno ržući uranjao i izranjao iz vode kao da želi da kaže: "Zašto ste nam uzeli Kosovo?" Takođe, i on je deficirao i svojim repom raspršivao fekalije na sve strane u znak svog žestokog protesta i time pokazivao životinjsku neposlušnost koja je duboko utemeljena u građanskim normama savremenog državnog uređenja.
Krokrodil se prvi put posle Đinđjićeve smrti pomerio i to za dva metra u desno i time jasno pokazao svoj ideološki stav kada je u pitanju kosovska kriza. Medvedić Knindža je bio van sebe. Njega je kosovska kriza najviše pogodila. Bezglavo se zaletao i udarao u rešetke kaveza. Bacao je kamenice na obližnji šalter i metlom koju je ukrao od čistačice udarao je posetioce u zološkom vrtu koji su došli iz inostranstva. Jednoj holanđanki je čak razbio glavu. Tu ga je Vuk Bojović smirio, toplim zagrljajem i sedativima. Crnac koji je već duže vremena paušalac u Beo zoo vrtu je stoički podneo jednostrano proglašenje nezavisnosti južne srpske pokrajine. Sedeo je miran, skamenjen u svojoj kućici koja je namenjena njemu, i jeo je banane. Nepomičan kao totem, on je samo gledao u pravcu Kosova i ispuštao zvukove tuge specifične za njegovu vrstu. Jedino su žirafe koje su dovedene iz Amerika bile ravnodušne. Nadmeno sa visine, žvakale su slamu pokošenu sa srpskih pašnjaka, kao da ih nije bilo briga.
Životinje nekad osećaju više nego ljudi. Ta naizgled nesvesna bića znaju kad im neko uzima 15% teritorije, znaju to mnogo bolje nego naučnici ili političari. Sve ove životinjske vrste koje smo nabrojali predstavljaju samo mali deo slagalice koja se zove Životinjsko carstvo, carstvo koje nikad neće zaboraviti Kosovo. Jednostavno ta teritorija je označena kao srpska.
Glava 12 - Kosovski poljubac u slobodarskoj mladalačkoj atmosferi
Dijalog se nastavio u prijatnoj, lepoj i nadasve slobodarskoj atmosferi. - Momo, pričajte nam malo sebi, kako je to biti drugačiji od drugih i tako poseban? - Teško… - Hajde, nemojte biti tako skromni… - Ja sam jedan od najskromnijih ljudi koje ste upoznali i zauvek zavoleli. - To nas nimalo ne čudi! Dakle pričajte! Hoćemo da znamo sve o vama! - Nema tu šta mnogo da se priča, recept za sve što je skromno I dobro je: flaša puna slobode, kofer pun dobrog vremena I svilena košulja sa tragovima karmina. - Na kakav to karmin misliš?- obrecnula se Ana I pogledala me ljutito poput lavice. Pipnuo sam jojusne i rekao:- Na ovaj ovde. Eksplozija oduševljenja. Svi su mi tapšali, pa čak i Viktor Megaherc, kome se u očima videlo da me ne voli, ali nije mogao da suzdrži oduševljenje. Dok krv ne izađe iz kamena, neće nesreća iz mrguda. Bilo mi je super. Ana me je zavolela za jedno srce više. - Dajte još jednu turu - viknuo sam virtuelnom konobaru. On se okrenuo ka meni, a ja sam mu rekao:- da ti, ti mali digitalni, tebi se obraćam. Konobar sa paperjastim brkovima je počeo da se smeje kao lud, kao i svi ostali u diskoteci. Bilo im je drago što sam tako duhovit. - Gospodine Momo, vi ste veličanstveni! - Samo Veličanstven? Svi su ponovo prsnuli u radosni smeh i tapšanje oduševljenja. Dlanovi su im brideli od gromoglasnog tapšanja i vilice su im bile ukočene od beskonačnog smeha. Znate od onog smeha, kada se toliko smejete da osetite neku čudnu slast, neku čudnu moć. Otvarate oči, otvarate uši, otvarate dušu, otvarate sebe iupijate sve. Loše pamtim, ali peti oktobar ne zaboravljam. Dan kada sam se toliko smejao. Ali se nisam smejaozbog nečeg konkretnog, nego onako; smejanje na nekom višem nivou.Uhvatio sam Anu za struk zato što sam želeo da ostanem sam s njom I rekao društvu: - Ćao raggazzi! Ponovo su se svi oduševili. Ne volim da sam u centru pažnje u takvim trenucima. Bilo mi je neprijatno. Osećao sam peckanje ispod ušnih školjki. Energično su insistirali da ostanem kategorično su me nagovarali da ne odem. Nisam mogao da odem.
Koje je najbitnija stvar u životu posle Kosova? Šta je ono što nam cepa utrobu, razdire srce krvavim kljunom sudbine? Šta je to, kako se vaspostavlja, I gde smo mi u svemu tome? Većina vas, malo bistrijih, već pogađa. U pitanju je dan zaljubljenih, Sveti Valentin!Rešenje je bliže nego što ste mogli I da zamislite... rešenje je KOSOVO! Pre svega, opustite se, na ovaj dan zaboravite na sve probleme vašeg svakodnevnog života. Dan zaljubljenih je, budite ono što jeste i samo svoji! Kupite flašu kvalitetnog domaćeg crvenog vina, kutiju senzualnih pralinica i upustite se u uzbudljivu avanturu koju ćete pamtiti do kraja života! Uhvatite prvi prijatni autobus koji će odkrstariti do Kosova i provedite magičan dan zaljubljenih na čarobnoj kosovskoj granici u purpurnom kosovskom sutonu, sanjivo gledajući u omamljivu drevnu srpsku zemlju koja je dublja od ljubavi, dublja od mržnje, duboka koliko gole kosti našeg naroda! Otvorite vino, podelite ga sa voljenom seksi osobom, provedite se gledajući u jedini istinski i realan predmet svih vaših želja. Osetite slatki med grča nacionalnog orgazma! Osetićete se prosto fantastično! Podsetite sebe da je ljubav večna poklanjajući našem napaćenom srpskom narodu na Kosovu ono što je im je najpotrebnije – našu prisutnost u njihovoj blizini! Probajte! Dan zaljubljenih je zaista zgodna prilika da se prijatno opustite I prepustite prelepim srcolikim osećanjima mirišljave ljubavi I ružičaste romanse koja nosi jedno jedinstveno ime, šest slova: KOSOVO.
Ljudi u Beogradu su prosto poludeli za Kosovom koje je postalo pravi hit među urbanim Beograđanima! Gde god da odete: na splavove, u klubove, u Maxi ili na ulice, gomile starih i mladih Beograđana suzahvaćeni Kosovo - manijom! U porodilištima sve je više muških i ženskih (i onih drugih) beba koje dobijaju ime Kosovo! Na taj način, kolektivno nesvesno srpskog naroda, kaže naš stručni saradnik I politički analitičar Đorđe Vukadinović, pokušava zauvek da zadrži Kosovo za sebe, u sebi i u odnosu na sebe, uprkos svim rezolucijama i rigidnim pravilima koje veštački nameće međunarodna javnost. Možda i možemo da se izborimo sa pravilima, ali ne možemo protiv svojih najdubljihi najiskrenijih osećanja! U studijima za tetoviranje sve je više "Kosovo" tetovaža I pirsinga, domaće robna marka "Zekstra" je u februaru ove godine najavila specijalnu modnu liniju za mlade "Kosovo - forward" pod sloganom -"Za one koji opstaju" koja je na preliminarnim istraživanjima fokus grupa naišla na opšte oduševljenje i ekstazu prisutnih ispitanika! Takođe, planira se serija tehno- žurki pod nazivom Kosovo Loud and Clear, na kojima će hostese obučene kao kosovke devojke služiti širok asortiman domaćih i stranih alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića i osveženja po promotivnim cenama, a izbeglice će imati besplatnu konzumaciju Fante do 23:30 posle čega će ovaj gazirani napitak imati benificiranu cenu od samo 110 dinara. U ponoć se slavine u toaletima zavrću kao znak solidarnosti prema Srbima na Kosovu koji od ’99 nemaju vodu. Cena karte će biti svega 800 dinara od čega će 12% ići za kosovsku decu a ostatak novca u humanitarnu akciju uvođenja termoizolacije u hram Svetog Save. Neke stvari na ovom svetu su večne: Ljubav, Kosovo, misli Dobrice Ćosića, filmovi Zdravka Šotre, Avalski toranj, Kosovo ! Mi volimo Kosovo! Kosovo je novi uzbudljivi trend u gradu, i treba mu se prepustiti! Dozvolite sebi da budete luckasti! Dozvolite sebi Kosovo!
Uskoro: Uticaj Kosovske krize na upalu žlezda Leon Kojena, paralelno sa izveštajem lekara specijaliste.
Znaš kako uvek čuješ drugare kako pričaju o nekom internet magazinu za tinejdžere? Misliš da je to fol, a u stvariukapiraš da je to žešći fazon. Možda to čujes na košarkaškom terenu gde se igra basket ili u školskom dvorištu gdeface furaju roške, ali, koje god da je mesto, "Aurora za mlade" je glavni geg u gradu.
Da li si se umorio od osećanja da si ispao iz fazona ili da te je pregazila furka kada tvoji drugari dele svoje zezanje koje su pokupili na "Aurori za mlade"?
Pa, frajeru, mi imamo odgovor: Ovo je taj internet magazin o kojem svi pričaju. Isfuraj neki od fazona koji si pročitao na "Aurori za mlade" i samo posmatraj kako ti popularnost rasteiz fore u foru. Nemoj zahvaljivati nama, mi nismo u tom fazonu, samo čitaj naš magazin, uhvati maglu, sedni u trolu, I pravac u grad na zezanje. Isfuraj svoj fazon, nemoj da te šene lauferi! Uđi u zonu dobrog fazona!
Posle teškog i napornog diplomatskog putovanja, Šami je sedeo za okruglim stolom u skupštinskoj kafani sa prijateljima iz stranke. Bili su tu svi... Voja, Deki, Aligrudić... Onda je ustao, izvinio se svima za stolom, uzeo malo slatkog i zalio ga sa čašicom šljivovice i teturajući se, polako i tromo ušao u skupštinski wc, stao ispred ogledala, otkopčao košulju, skinuo kravatu i potražio sebi srce sa tri prsta desne ruke. Pošto je napipao srčani mišić uzeo je špric koji se sjajio na ivici lavaboa. Nastupio je vrisak, snažan potres i jaka buka! Voja nije odmah ustao nego je nekoliko trenutaka ostao kao oduzet, s punim ustima, ne usuđujući se ni da žvaće ni da guta, a još manje da izbaci zalogaj musake što je prelivena salford pavlakom; a kad je najzad ustao i otrčao u wc, oni koji su pošli s njim (Maršićanin, Aligrudić i dr.) videli su da dok otkriva overdozirano telo svog partijskog kolege pa se rukama hvata za glavu, zalogaj prebacuje s jedne na drugu stranu usta, još uvek ne znajući šta će s njim. Držao je primerak "Politike" u ruci i nije je ispustio sve dok nije primetio Šamijev iskorišćeni špric za fiksanje, zaboden po sred grudi, onda ga prekri sportskim stranicama koje su mu bile pri ruci, a koje njegovi prsti behu izmrljali, kao da ga je veći stid od prizora šprica punog horsa, nego od Šamijevog palog i polunagog tela. Pre toga, Voja je, u cilju štednje, nesvesno zatvorio slavinu na lavabou, onu za hladnu vodu, jer je bila odvrnuta do kraja. Biće da je Šami plakao od horsa dok je otkopčavao košulju, dok je skidao kravatu i tražio svoje srce, jer, dok je u nesvesti ležao na hladnom podu ogromnog wc-a, oči su mu bile pune suza koje nisu bile primećene za vreme parlamentarnog ručka a nisu mogle da poteknu ni pošto se srušio i pao u nesvest. Svi su mislili da je Voja, partijski lider, prijatelj, kolega, zaista bio loše sreće, jer je izgubio svog najboljeg čoveka....Međutim, Šami je, kao i uvek, bio jači od života, jači od sudbine...
U nastavku: Šami na oporavku u Drajzerovoj! Zavodi medicinskie sestre i puši skank poprskan LSD-om ! Lekari na ivici nervnog sloma!
Često su nam ljudi slali pisma iz bolnica, izbegličkih kampova, sabirnih centara, igraonica i tražili da na ovaj portal postavimo horoskop. Jednostavno ljudi su želeli da precizno saznaju svaki detalj svoje budućnosti i da im to pomogne u svakom momentu njihovog života. Znali smo, ovo nije lak zadatak, ali smo stisnuli zube. Pozvali smo najbolje numerologe i psihologe i priredili za vas vaš i naš Aurora Horoskop Sudbine I Ljubavi! Uživajte, jer život je samo jedan, i nikad se neće ponoviti!
RAK - ŠKORPIJA za prvi kvartal tekuće godine Pogledajte se u ogledalo. Počnite da volite sebe. Danas je taj dan. Promenite svoj stav iz "ne mogu" u "mogu". DEVICA - RIBA za periodu do Svetog Valentina Prošlost je iza vas, budućnost je ispred vas. Fokusirajte se na ono što vas očekuje. Nemojte se vezivati lancima prošlosti. STRELAC za period od Đinđićeve smrti do ulaska na belu šengen listu Odlučite koje stvari ćete uraditi u toku današnjeg dana. Uradite ih. Osećaćete se dobro. U isto vreme, nećete se osećati loše i biće vam jako prijatno. LAV - BLIZANAC do 13.marta Razmislite malo o sebi, i kad to uradite, momentalno pomislite na sve ostale. Osetićete nešto posebno. Mnoge stvari će vam se pojasniti, ali samo u slučaju da jako verujete u to što radite, bez obzira gde to radite, zašto radite to što radite, s kim radite to što radite, ili bi voleli da radite, i kad se sve to desilo. Vežbajte ovo svaki dan. VAGA - OVAN za 2008 Napravite izuzetak. Ali neka taj izuzetak čini pravilo koje se zove život. BIK - BIK ( BLIZANCI) Ako je život oblak, vi budite nešto što prolazi taj oblak. Vaša mašta nema granice. Ako nešto dovoljno jako želite, to će se i ostvariti. Pomislite, poželite, i videćete. ŠKORPIJE pravoslavne veroispovesti Što ne može niko možeš ti. Kupi sebi čokoladu, pričini sebi neko sitno zadovoljstvo zbog kojega ćeš zaboraviti sve svoje životne probleme zauvek. Ponekad su suptilan miris čokolade, ukus cveća u sunčano jutro i prazno mesto u prevozu, dovoljni da čovek zaboravi sve ratove i nesreće.
Pevač Nevernih Beba Amerika ima Igi Popa, Srbija ima njega. On = Erotika. Seksualnost je njegovo drugo ime. On voli da zagrize duboko u libido svojih nevernih bebica, koje galopiraju oko njega kao konji na hipodromu sexy erotike. On više nije čovek, on je pastuv erotskog uzbuđenja, on se nikad ne spušta, on je uvek neodoljiv kao neka visoka, mršava sexy zver. Da li možete da zamislite, da on u mladosti uopšte nije važio za dobrog frajera i privlačnog sexy muškarca? Ali to je sada prošlost. Ako je njegova mladost ajvar, njegova sadašnjost je kavijar, a njegova budućnost je avokado erotike preliven medom i hrskavim bademčićima strasti. David Đorđe Svetac sexa, grešnik slasti, arhiđakon manastirskog rok petinga. Pored njega žene doživljavaju ono najbolje što može u erotskom i religijskom smislu, njegovo seme po eakulaciji postaje relikvija! Vreo kao usijani Fender, hladan kao viski s ledom - Đorđe Đoka David! Neša Galija Uvek nov i sexy, iskren i erotičan, originalan i seksualno vreo. Veliki talenat u domenu erotskog i seksualnog. Ponekad se žali da je teret celog njegovog sexy libida na njegovim leđima. Lako se umara, ali kad njegov erotski naboj dostigne sexy usijanje, njegova galija zaplovi pravoslavnim morem seksualnog zadovoljstva i erotike.
- Očarane smo… - rekle su uglas - Molim? – uzvratio sam - Očarane smo vašom pojavom. - Tako mlade, a tako slobodne. - Hi,hi,hi…-nasmejale su se. - HA, HA, HA –uzvratio sam. Manje prijateljsko I “kul” upoznavanje bilo je sa jednim neuglednim momkom koga su zvali J.J.(Džej-Džej). Anin najbolji prijatelj (što me je zaprepastilo ali ne I iznenadilo). Bio je kao I Ana, samo muškarac I nije bio lep kao ona. Sve mi je bilo jasno, oni su vec dugo prijatelji. Hladno sam se nasmejao. Dok sam se redom upoznavao sa Aninim prijateljima, osećao sam na sebi prezriv pogled koji je sličan onom osećaju kada vam zuji u ušima. To je bio izvesni Viktor. Viktor Megaherc. Uzdržano sam se rukovao kao svojevremeno sa Dobricom Erićem u kafani “Proleće”. Nismo se dopali jedan drugom. On se meni nije dopao, a ja sam osećao zavist u njegovim pakosnim škiljavim očima punim zlobe I nepoverenja. Nije da nije bio lep, ali je bilo nečeg prljavog u njegovom pogledu. Mislim da ta nečistoća duše proizilazi iz njegovog srca, što se moglo videti iz imaginarnog govora tela. A ja sam znao da čitam, još pre nego što sam naučio u školi. Školi. Školi zivota. Ali nećemo sad o životu kao takvom. Iznenada, čule su se jake sirene, žurka je morala da se prekine pre nego što je počela zato što je dolazila inter-net virus policija veštačke inteligencije- prva takva u Evropi. Sedeli smo za okruglim sferičnim stolom, tkzv. drajverom. Kiki I Lora su bile vidno uzbuđene, što zbog akcije virus policije, što zbog mog prisustva. Ja sam to mogao vešto da iskoristim, ali nisam hteo. Bio sam zaljubljen. U Anu. Više ne znam šta pričam. Sigurno bi se sada Branko Ćopić smejao mojim nevinim rečenicama koje upravo napisah, ali verujte mi, ljubav je to. To je znala I Isidora Sekulić dok je mirisala crvene ruže ispod Brankovog mosta.- Jao, ova virus policija – rekao je Džej džej, veoma simpatično I veoma zbunjeno – ličio je na jednog simpatičnog roma kojeg sam svojevremeno gađao paradajzima u Veneciji.- Nemoj da kukaš! – suro je odvratio uvek prgavi I plećati Viktor Megaherc, kome sam već počinjao da zaboravljam ime. Ne zbog senilnosti već zbog snage volje.- Viktore, nemoj tako, zaista su bili strašni, I uplašili su nas kao što nas ništa nikad nije uplašilo! Rekle su u glas Kiki I Lora.To šhto su rekle te dve mlade sokolice noći podsetilo me je na isti onaj strah, koji sam osetio kada je Rođa Raičević preminuo od kobnog “overdouza”. Kroz glavu mi je proletela strašna misao koja mi nije dala mira – MILAN MLADENOVIĆ, ROĐA RAIČEVIĆ – DOKLE?
Uskoro samo za naše čitaoce i samo na vašem i našem omiljenom Aurora magazinu: - Nema tu šta mnogo da se priča, recept za sve što je skromno I dobro je: flaša puna slobode, kofer pun dobrog vremena I svilena košulja sa tragovima karmina. - Na kakav to karmin misliš?- obrecnula se Ana I pogledala me ljutito poput lavice. Pipnuo sam joj usne I rekao: - Na ovaj ovde.
Marija je čovek koji je zbog svog imena i zbog blago feminiziranih crta lica često bio u javnosti etiketiran kao ženski vokalni solista, mada ni najveći erotoskeptici nisu mogli da ignorišu njegov jak muški seksipil. Devojke ga obožavaju, momcima je ok! Jednostavno naš Marija!
Sigurno vas je uvek žarko interesovalo kako se poznati provode u krugu porodice, kako provode slobodno vreme, gde izlaze, kako izgledaju, zašto odlaze tamo gde eventualno idu i koliko ostaju kad odu, da li im je teško kad se vraćaju, da li i oni plaču, koiliko vremena provedu u dokolici, i da li im je dokolica ispunjena, i ako jeste kojim sadržajem i koliko je on kvalitetan. Naš današnji gostDragoljub Mićunović (na slici levo), voli svake nedelje da zaigra američki fudbal na popularnom beogradskom utočištu Adi Ciganliji sa svojim unukom Peđom, koji pati od epilepsije, ali to ih ne sprečava da se obojica sjajno provedu i da imaju ugodno zajedničko druženje. Uglavnom posle zabavne utakmice u dvoje, sa dosta uspona i padova, Dragoljub odvede Peđu u klinički centar, i često, dok čeka da Peđa primi infuziju, prošeta do vračarskog sedišta Demokratske stranke gde popije čivas i ispriča neki zanimljiv momenat sa prethodne utakmice. Nakon toga uglavnom ode na pilates, a zatim po unuka u bolnicu, da bi zajednički vikend završili u prijatnoj nezvaničnoj poseti hotelu Moskva gde deka Mićun svog Peđu uvek obraduje sa velikom porcijom banana-splita, a ni on ne odoli žitu i ukusnim slavskim kolačima.
Đuskali smo. Bilo je lepo. Bilo mi je potrebno vremena da se oslobodim I krenem da pokazujem znanje koje sam svojevremeno stekao kada sam igrao zajedno sa Desankom Maksimović u "Klubu književnika”. Korak po korak, opet je sve počelo da nam se okreće pod nogama i iznad glava. Zaboravio sam na sebe I kreneo da mislim o prošlosti. Potpuno sam se prepustio osećanju. Osećanje je bilo fenomenalno. Kao Vronski I Ana Karenjina otkrili smo jedno drugo I postali jedno. Taj divni momenat mi je jedino pokvario bedž koji sam ugledao na njenim grudima. Na njemu je pisalo: “Sex pistols”.To je ime jednog “muzičkog” benda iz Velike britanije s kraja sedamdesetih. Njihovo ime seks pištolji označavalo je takozvanu revoluciju novog doba, koja, kako je poznato, nije moguća izvan institucija sistema. A za sistem institucuje su sve. Da rezimiramo: ti pegavi Britančići sa tinejdžerskim osmesima I izgubljenim pogledima nisu bili ništa drugo do skupina loših frajera sa po kojom dobrom forom. Još se sećam izraza u očima Jelisavete Karađorđević, kada smo šetali Monmartrom I došli na temu seks pištolja I tkzv. pank revolucije u engleskoj I francuskoj krajem sedamdesetih. Kako da omladina govori tako o svojoj kraljici. To je kao kad se ne bi poštovao predsednik. Kakva god da je, ona je kraljica.- Šta ti je? – upitala me je.- Ništa.- nisam hteo da kvarim momenat.- Znala sam - pripila se uz mene kao Eva uz Adama.Posle kraće pauze u kojoj su tela govorila a uši bile neme, iznenada me pogleda onim njenim očima sa kojim me je gledala sve vreme dok smo bili zajedno, jedno, I šapatom reči nežno je rekla: - Volim te.Nisam ništa odgovorio, nisam mogao, nisam želeo, zato što sam je voleo. Odjednom, niotkuda I neočekivano poput grožđa u mlečnoj čokoladi, pojavila se šačica jangstera – veštačkih inteligencija, pretpostavljam. Kada ih je ugledala, Ana se prijateljski osmehnula. Postalo mi je jasno da su to njeni frendovi. Pokušao sam I ja da se nasmejem, ali mi nije uspelo; nisam mogao da se prisilim. Bili su nekako drugačiji – prljavi. Nisu bili čisti. Bar za moje shvatanje stvari. Za mene je čisto ono što je Bogom dano, a njih su stvorili templari. Zato oni za mene nisu čedni I čisti. Ali, Ana, Ana je nešto drugo. To nisam znao, ali sam osećao svim svojim bićem, ili barem onim što se nekada zvalo biće.Prvo je htela da me upozna sa nekim mladim gospodinčićem, ali, naravno, ja kao džentlmen I džentlmen u meni pružili smo ruku ženskoj polovini Aninog društva. To su bile dve šiparice. Klasični primer veštačke inteligencije sa londonske mreže. Jadne robinje u rukama templara, trenutno na godišnjem odmoru, ili kako se u Istri kaže, na godišnjaku od svojih prljavih špijunskih radnji, koje su ipak nemilo izvršavale. Izgledale su sasvim obično; obe osrednje visine I fine ženske građe: punačke ruke, golubija stopala I mehurasti obrazi. I ako za Vojvodinu sigurno nisu ni čule, veoma su podsećale na vojvođanske devojke mlekarice. Naravno nisam to rekao, već samo prokomentarisao. Nevidljivi govor pokreta I intonacije nagovestio mi je (a u stvari sam to I sam znao), da ih veoma privlači moj boemski stav I nesputan, mladalački duh. Imena su im bila, jednostavna I ljupka: Kiki I Lora.
Frajeri, uskoro na Aurora Magazin web portalu: - Očarane smo… - rekle su uglas - Molim? – uzvratio sam - Očarane smo vašom pojavom. - Tako mlade, a tako slobodne. - Hi,hi,hi…-nasmejale su se
Do 5. oktobra mislila sam da su obrazovanje i moć najveći adut svakog muškarca i to je bio moj afrodizijak. Ah, mogli smo satima da razgovaramo o religiji, umetnosti i društveno političkoj javnosti pre nego što bismo počeli da vodimo ljubav. Ta čudna, uvrnuta, a tako nadahnuta predigra za mene je bila važnija od samog čina. Ali, uvek bih ja bila ta koja vladam u obe situacije. U prvoj, kao začarani, pred mojom pojavom, telom lokice, glasom sirene, razumom i britkošću boginje Atine gubili su svaki argument, lišeni stava i vođeni nagonom, ali i nečim uzvišenim uzimali su me , ali nekako pokorno, naivno i dečački vraćali bi se uvek. A retki su bili oni koje bih ja htela nazad. Ali kad bi ih primala nazad,nisam ih tako lako pustala, bio je toj moj grč, sličan onom vaginalnom ali ipak više nešto emotivnije prirode. Ono malo srpskih lafova sagorelo je u jeku demokratskih promena. Maštovitost igara zavođenja troši se na koncept poslovnog sastanka, homoseksualizam postaje trend! A žene ostaju gladne. Intelektualac više ne nudi ni sigurnost, a kamoli adekvatnu repliku na stast. Kao i većina srpske inteligencije, i ja sam za vreme Miloševića bačena na marginu. Snalazio se ko je kako znao. O tome ne želim da govorim. Ipak bogatstvo mog love lifea bilo je na zavidnom nivou. Muškarci intelektualci imali su frustarcije zbog neizrečenog, neurađenog, a seksualna energija se nagomilavala. Taj naboj i te multiple orgazme osećale su samo srpkinje i retke žene na podnebljima gastarbajtera. Kad se samo setim nabreklih, preplanulih mladića koji menjaju devize po usijanoj beogradskoj kaldrmi. Loši rediteljski koncepti u pozorištu nosili su sobom akciju u spavaćoj sobi. Njih je jebao sistem, oni su jebali nas, a onda kada smo mislili da će cela Srbija svršavati, nismo ni slutili da je svršila i da se rodio jedan veliki peder. Srpski obrazovani moćnik. Ja sam se okrenula unutrašnjem svetu, počela sam da slikam, broj životinja na mom placu kraj Novog Sada je rastao. Više nisam verovala u ljubav, nisam osećala strast, nisam imala prema kome. A nisam želela da napustim ovu zemlju. Kao da je neka čudna leptirica u meni treperila i nagoveštavala preokret. Na konkretnom nivou nisam osećala veru u bolje sutra, ali, kao što mi umetnici volimo da kažemo, apstraktno nam nije dalo mira. Boje su se razlivale ... purpurna je prelazila u roze, roze u tirkiznu, a tirkizna ... tirkizna u zlatnu, mene više nije bilo, nisam postojala. Ali ipak... USKORO! Jelena Tinska u BOSNI!
Kao milioni dece širom sveta dan pred Božić, ti si nestrpljivo iščekivala da osetiš težinu poklona u svojim spretnim rukama, a ja sam se kao svaki dobri Deda Mraz postarao da poklon bude ovlaš upokovan i odgovarajucih dimenzija, da bi sa njim mogla da se igraš ceo Božić. "Ako je Marija bila devica, ne moraš i ti..."- dodao sam smešeći se, i gotovo sasvim zažmurivši od zadovoljstva, kao dorćolski mačak, kad ga lagano pogolicaju prstom iza usiju.... Da, studirala je istoriju umetnosti - poslednje utočiste za drugorazredne, ali je zato imala prvorazrednu zadnjicu! Bila je plemkinja aristokratskog porekla....kako sam želeo da joj zabijem svoj nabrekli ponos u njenu otmenu analnost. Dve mlade ruže puzavice veoma su sklone da se prepletu a trn je uvek blizu pupoljka..... Voleo sam da je mažem svuda po krevetu kao vruć cipiripi na svezu hrskavu vrelu buhtlu...Mačkasto si se dimila uvijena u seksibelu postelju boje svile, koja je gorela pod tvojim plamenim dodirima....Mala toliko si vrela da mi treba aspirin da spustim temperaturu...ali nikako nikako neće da se spusti...već je stalno...hmm...dignuta! Mislim na temparaturu.... Gorela si kao zapaljena zgrada RTS-a a ja sam bio snažni vatrogasac koji je sa svojim moćnim crevom gasio večnu vatru koja je pretila da nas oboje proguta u vulkanskom vrtlogu strasti koja je izgarala naša znojava tela u transu. Požar u tvojoj šumici je jedva čekao da ga zapljusne cunami mog okeana koji sam jedva potiskivao. Pričinjavala si mi bol istinskog uživanja...Tvoj uzdrhtali trbuh je kao Aerodrom Nikole Tesle čekao moju nestrpljivovrelu kišu, koju je sa 100% sigurnošću očekivalo seksi meteorološki centar naše ljubavi... Tvoj tornado je šibao moj Avalski toranj. Bombe strasti padale su svuda oko nas. Znojave eksplozije mesa prskale su belnu postelju... Moj tramvaj je ušao duboko u tvoj "krug dvojke", samo što je elektricitet bio suvshe jak, pregoreli smo od visokog napona. Tebe više nije bilo, ja nisam znao za sebe, život je izgubio značenje, zgrade su se rušile, naše ljubav je splanula, ti si otekla, ja sam se smanjio, nije nas više billo. O, tako mi Svetog Jovana, bio sam tvoj krstitelj a ti moj položajnik, znao sam te ko staru paru, badnjak tvoje mladosti je goreo pod vatrom mog iskustva.
.........Virtual Scene Party.........
digital art gathering
......[ organized by Virtual Mind ]......
The entrance ticket will be 0 din. With the ticket you will get the free consumation of the demo scene!
The food and drinks will be provided by the local dillers for available prices.
The whole program is not yet elaborated. There will also be comics and sculptures and drawing and singing and...
The Virtual Scene Party will take place on the 25th of August and the 26th of August this year.
The Party starts at 6 PM on the 25th of August at Dom Kulture Carina (Smederevo/Serbia). The place is rather big, it is something like a concert hall, and it can receive about 300 people and it is very acoustic.
There will be one projector, two powerful PCs and very good sound surround.
The entry will be free for everyone. We will do our best to provide enough plugs and enough tables for the computers that you are going to bring, that is why it is good for the people who are planning to bring their computers to contact us by mail or phone.
So that you wouldnt have to bother to bring your monitors as well, we are planning there to put some,
so that you can just plug in your machines. In that case, you will be asked to call us to reserve you a monitor, because we have just a few.
For those who are planning to stay over the night, it will be enough of the space on the stage, so bring the sleeping bags.
Near this place is a hotel, if somebody wants to have some real sleep. And if there is need, we can organize something at the organizers places Smiley
contact: or phone: 0642982443. To sign up, also by sms.
Scott Benjamin Lewis, a.k.a. Gaiasword, based in Melbourne, Australia, presents his version of hwr2, composed for symphony orchestra. It will be performed by VCA Symphony Orchestra on august 17 at Iwaki Auditorium, ABC Southbank Centre, Southbank Boulevard, Southbank, Melbourne, Australia.
In coordination with Scott, efforts are being made to produce some recordings of this event, which will be placed on knet pages as soon as it becomes available.
Ruski kosmonauti u potrazi za zivotom u kosmosu krecu put Venere, gde nakon velikih teskoca napokon i stizu, samo da bi se u zanosu istrazivanja ubrzo i izgubili i obreli u smrtnoj opasnosti od mnogobrojnih prozdrljivih cudovista i iznenadjenja koje pronalaze na njoj...
Planeta Bura, ruski film iz 1962, jedan je od svevremenskih bisera sf-a, vizuelno i zvucno impresivan, ideoloski iskren i umnogome jedinstven prilog ovoj tematici.
Third Samit will be completelly dedicated to serbian
demoscene production, in retrospective of works from 1994, from the amiga 500 period, all upto todays production.
In over 3 hours of program, we are going to see evolution of serbian demoscene through emerging, existence and transformation of groups that functioned or still function on these lands: enemy, corrosion, pas maters, juice, mad virgin, industry, iq2000, mindnever, eastgate, kosmoplovci and more, selected by dominator and kosmoplovci.
After april projection of turkish version of Star Wars, in may we will together have the chance to watch turkish experience of Star Trek in movie Turist Omer Uzay Yolunda, or Omer The Tourist in Star Trek in english.
Together, we will find out how tourist Omer spent his time in Enterprise with Dr Spak, Kaptan Kirk and Prof. Krater...
That is simply Turkish Star Trek from 1973, movie that devastated streets of Turkey during its tv premiere, and celebrated Sadri Alisik, famous turkish comedian often compared with Charlie Chaplin...
Autorski dokumentarac "The Greatest Thing You Never Heard" u produkciji wordsound labela iz njujorka, kroz hronologiju dogadjaja i upoznavanje sa ljudima oko labela prikazuje nam atmosferu, ideju i duh kreativne zajednice koja je mnogim poznatim ali i nepoznatim muzicarima omogucila da iskazu svoje tendecije ka eksperimentu i istrazivanju novih ideja u tretiranju dub i hiphop zvuka, ali i ukrstanja sa svim mogucim i nemogucim pravcima.Imena kao sto su Spectre, Bill Laswell, Scarab, Scotty Hard, Roots Control, Sensational, Sly Dunbar, Prince Paul, Robbie, Qaballah Steppers, Dr. Izrael, samo su neka od onih koje cete imati prilike da upoznate u ovom filmu prepunom odlicne muzike i slobodnog duha.u nastavku veceri:- transmisija 06/05/2007: wordsound special // dominator
with greatest sorrow, we have to inform you that our dear friend, sound artist and colaborator Helmut Schaefer is no longer among us... his work and ideas have always been great inspiration to us, our collaborations and joint projects like nomad and indust just a few obvious results of our uncountable exchange of energies... rest in peace Helmut, you deserve lot more than this...
" So the point is that so much words existing, and we get better and better to use them for hiding the truth. You can use sound in the same way, stimulating some nice and warm feeling in middle of chaos, but from time to time we all should stimulate strictness, clearness, intensity, directness, set free some anger to bring up the basic truth of our present. Noise can be seen as the chance to go into the back of things, as a therapy which is able to confront ourselves with others lesser good looking sides of life without getting frustrated by this. See it as a source of very special energies, it gives power to see more clear and swim against. "
Continuation of regular SAMIT night, presenting actual computer and video production. Sinchronized audiovideo experiments, computer secrets exploration, visualisations of cosmic theorems, selected and remixed by dominator and fellow kosmoplovci.
Ne samo izlozba stripova i ilustracija, grafickih otisaka i majmuna u 3 dimenzije, koncert grupa Tehno muda/+gosti i Elekktrolasta/-gosti. Beli majmun je plod ljubavi i saradnje vise autora, svetskih po provinijenciji, lokalnih po vokaciji :(Igor Hofbauer, Aleksandar Opacic, Anna Ehrlemark, Ivana Armannini, Wostok, Renoir Leplat, Lisa Mangum, Marjorie Calle, Danijel Robot, Gabi Gabi, Johanna Marcade i Radovan Popovic; skupljenih u poslednjih mesec i manje vise dana na radionicama po Zemunu, Zagrebu, Beogradu, Vrscu i Pancevu . Na preko skoro 48 strana ovog fanzina obradjena je i ilustrovana istorija majmunske proslosti, a teoretska projekcija ljudske buducnosti; vecito pitanje opstanka, postanka, postanja, postojanja i hronoloski hologram; ko je pre postao; jaje, maskirani majmuni ili maske majmuna. Istinita ljubavna prica iz beogradskog zoo vrta, prvog u evropi posednika trofejnog primerka belog majmuna. Majmuni kao nosioci i donatori organa, ukrasni majmuni, salonski majmuni, majmun kao uzor robota, borbe majmuna, zamke za majmuna, ishrana majmuna i majmunima i jos mnogo toga drugoga necete naci u Belom majmunu, ali ce vas ova pitanja zaokupiti i nece vas pustiti dok u svojim srcima ili enciklopedijama ne nadjete odgovore na pitanja postanka.
Less known turkish cinematography have created quite amount of film gems in form of adapted hollywood remakes, but in their own way. Turkish movie series are opening with Dunyayi kurtaran adam from 1982, also known as The Man Who Saves the World but also as Turkish Star Wars, masterpiece from fruitfull turkish director Cetin Inanc whose movies we will most certainly watch in the future.
VEKTOR and FAKTOR are starting a new series of audiovisual events with wish and intent to create a new area for support and development of serbian electronic music scene and its authors. In cooperation with skc[net]radio, complete event is broadcasted live. Entrance is free.
Welcome to ElektroBankMusik's page for web releases. August 15th (2005) is our birthday and it is also a date for our first 2008 release. Our plan is to put 2 new releases every month and above all to keep quality. Our intention is to promote artists and their work so if you like what you D/L here you are welcome to copy/paste links to this page or any of our releases. Thank you.
first public presentation of gorski vijenac movie project, with introductory notes from authors and original "guslar" music composition performed live.
KDES in joint performance with Sebastien Kros. Video performance from 6 film projectors in simultaneous ultra wide projection and live analogue edit. Audio performance from KDES in full expanded configuration.
ovaj album remiksa inspirisan je muzikom čite (qita) (glas, sintisajzeri), amze (sintisajzeri) i ševćeta (sevqet) (sintisajzeri), internacionalnim zvezdama ciganske muzičke scene. snimljeni u raznim prilikama, mestima i situacijama, sa gostima ili bez njih, njihovi snimci mogu se pronaći isključivo na buvljacima, kao kopije kopija, uglavnom na kasetama i tek na ponekom cd-u… u ovim remiksima i obradama, naše su ideje pokušale da pronadju svoje mesto prvenstveno kao nadogradnja i dopuna originalnih numera – naš pokušaj da zasviramo zajedno…
Tracklist: CD1: 01. speaker for the dead – kore (7:22) 02. havok – dsx (8:23) 03. havok – spread (8:00) 04. speaker for the dead – fm7 part2 (5:37) 05. tatar – wb2 (9:36) 06. speaker for the dead – mir (6:00) 07. speaker for the dead – zaokruzivanje (4:18) 08. havok – longing (6:59) 09. havok – rewind (6:24) 10. speaker for the dead – raspad (5:00) 11. swemiratz – unfinished world (5:57)
CD2: 01. tatar – p07 (6:46) 02. speaker for the dead – tataroid (7:33) 03. havok – nektar (migracija mix) (10:19) 04. speaker for the dead – uvek (5:57) 05. speaker for the dead – d5 (6:09) 06. speaker for the dead – killer clouds (7:05) 07. havok – osamnulajedan (8:09) 08. tatar – msss1 (6:39) 09. havok – xx (8:39) 10. speaker for the dead – untitled (11:08)
the long awaited sequel to kooitriplex, a selection of ambient works from kosmoplovci musicians. along with previously unreleased tracks, contains remastered versions of music featured in killerclouds, migracija, the next letter and detmen.
there sure will be plenty of occasions to talk about NOMAD-bg, informations are being gathered, some events connected to it are still going on, however, in short terms, with not coming to NOMAD-bg you missed at least the following:
june 16.
- location preparations. setting up the 'machines in cosmos' exhibition and collage posters.
- arrival of first guests from subotica (entropija), zagreb (komikaze), belgrade (codex)...
june 17.
- arrival of guests from vrsac (wostok, krpelj, tehno muda), sremska mitrovica, pancevo, subotica (septic)...
- beginning of comics workshop.
- revue of new serbian films (mladi kadrovi, marko milovic, krpelj production, kosmoplovci...)
- demonstration of healing with current using ancient aparatus from beginning of previous century.
- concert of TEHNO MUDA group from vrsac, with impressive intro speech of boca, group frontman and the oldest active member of serbian 'alternative' scene (somewhere above 70)...
- beginning of demo party..
- film projection: 'plan 9 from outer space' by ed wood.
- music. exchange. various.
june 18.
- arrival of guests from smederevo (virtual mind), mladenovac (night knight)...
- workshops continue.
- projection of cartoons and animated films (max andersson, josip viskovic, bob miloshevic).
- projection of 'experimental' demos ($, blasphemy, halcyon, kewlers, kolor, mfx, minimalanimal, satori, minimalartifact, traction, unique, ephidrena, kosmoplovci...).
- concert for machines, KDES/kosmoplovci live audio + live video.
- film projection: 'tatin sin' by radomir belacevic.
- projection of russian demos from spectrum (cyberpunks unity, skrju).
- music. exchange. various.
june 19.
- new serbian music mostly whole afternoon and in various moments in the evening and during the night (codex, kernel, virtual mind, dujko, boris petrovic, tehno muda, kosmoplovci...)
- presentatation of new game 'SLAVA MRTVIMA' from zakon/kosmoplovci edition.
- new serbian demoscene video (virtual mind, kole gang, kosmoplovci...)
- selection of most beautiful demos (full 2 hours of selected newer production from demoscene...)
- film projection: 'Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam [The Man Who Saves The World]', also known as Turkish Star Wars...
- music. exchange. various.
na breakpoint demo partiju kosmoplovci su izazvali nicim izazvani incident. sta se tacno dogodilo, mozete procitati u sledecih par redaka, napisanih od strane naseg drugara ps-a, koji izvestava sa lica mesta...
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They showed the intro full length right before opening ceremony, most ppl thought it was too extreme hardcore but kinda liked it. The video was played in compo, drunk ppl got bored from lack of comprehensible cheap entertainment and started booing it, after 2 minutes and rising of boos kb suggested on speaker that they would move to next prod as soon as 10 ppl were up on stage, ppl went on stage, he stopped, ppl claped, other pp got pissed, nosfe's video was next, dark ambient, ppl attempted going on stage, nosfe got pissed and went up there to throw them out! ppl got scared of him, some lamers kept saying it was boring, others shouted them to stfu and watch, the viewing experience was ruined. Orgas apologized afterwards for not beeing more careful with sequence of the compo, lots of ppl told me what happened was extremely lame, some even made a protest/tribute demo for kooi being censored for democompo.
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studiosound, official kosmoplovci network's music production and distribution facility, previously known as and even before as picks up where all of our past music projects have arrived and continue to support music developments among kosmoplovci members and it's affiliates, but also among others who find our existance worthy of collaboration.
during past years corrosion and floatingjoint has been initiator or part of such projects like , , , , , and other more or less succesfull attempts to support the development of serbian electronic music scene. all of those past incarnations and music events covering the timespan of almost 15 years are now documented and stored in the archive sector at the .
use it to write about anything you feel so. no login is required, your data will not be checked, your opinions and thought would be highly appreciated.
after our return from haip, the ‘standard’ kdes lineup consisting of havoc, tatar and speaker organized a 2day session where few hours of material were recorded. few weeks after it, tatar mixes some of the parts from those sessions, eager to release it in order to allow people better insight in our current kdes developments. this release contains only small percentage of the recordings and we are preparing to publish more of it soon…
jedan istaknuti clan kosmoplova, studiostrip sekcije, aleksandar opacic - professor, processor, proffy, pro, p..., je na opste iznenadjenje, u sklopu sveopsteg razumevanja i ljubavi, na temu ovisnosti, dobio prvu nagradu na mainstream festivalu crtani romani sou u zagrebu, hrvatska.
u duhu dobijanja specijalnih nagrada na domacim festivalima, jocin film the next letter dobio je to jedinstveno priznanje na festivalu studentskog filma. ovaj kao i drugi njegovi filmovi mogu se skinuti i pogledati sa njegovog sajta.
otvoren je izlozbeni prostor Zavoda za Proucavanje (IPZZP).
U toku je arhivska retrospektiva dokumenata fenomenoloshkog karaktera iz opusa 'Ogledi o umetnosti pri kvantnoj mehanici' vezanih za dogadjaje iz perioda od 12:40:28:05:04 pa do 12:42:28:05:04, u trajanju od 00:02:00:00:00, a sve pod nazivom "Cvetovi Zla" (CZ), u vidu grafickih otisaka odsustvom elektronskog mlaza na u suprotnom osvetljenoj povrsini opservacionog okna, koji pod odredjenim uglom na vizornu osu postaju merljivo primetni.
Eksponati su organizovani u serije shodno referentnim brojevima (RB), pri cemu aritmeticki visi numericki iznosi RB-a stoje u direktnoj proporciji sa distancijom izmedju koordinatnog pocetka i poslednjeg clana dimenzionog niza rekurzivnog kolena. Za pristup nekoj drugoj seriji, dovoljno je uneti odgovarajuci referentni broj (ORB).
Matematicku aproksimaciju fraktalnog ponasanja mlaza pri idealnim laboratorijskim uslovima izvsio je prof.Ilja Malentijev, dok je standardizovano merenje optickih manifestacija obavio dr.Daijel Savovija.
jos jedna specijalna nagrada, ovaj put za dvojac tantu (tatar i bantu), u kategoriji arhitekture, za odbijeni projekat urbanistickog plana za divcibare buducnosti. po preliminarnim a i konacnim saznanjima, izgleda da je pravoslavlje jos jednom prevladalo nad vizijom bolje i inovativnije buducnosti. no nema brige - i ovaj kao i mnogi drugi projekti gradice jednog dana kosmolac...
priprema za izbegavanje zvanicnih skolskih institucija i osnivanje nove skole kosmoplovaca, koja ce objediniti sva prosla iskustva, sadasnje stanje i buducnost znanja. ovo je sam pocetak edukativno naucnog programa cija je izrada u toku.
Tracklist: 01. speaker for the dead – sta ćemo da uradimo (7:23) 02. speaker for the dead – bagma (4:37) 03. speaker for the dead – nemam prava (3:43) 04. dominator – ljudi imaju glave (4:52) 05. dZho – čist zvuk (6:07) 06. havoc – čemu se ti nadaš (6:46) 07. tatar – ne idi (4:35) 08. dZho – čemu se ti nadaš odmix (5:43) 09. rashid – raj (7:53)
mirko petrovic audio remix project have taken quite some time to develop, during which all of kosmoplovci have contributed in different ways. at the end, ‘ljudi imaju glave’ comes out as a double cd pack release containing 9 remixes made by dZho, havoc, tatar, rashid and speaker for the dead on CD1 and 21 original pieces from the real mirko petrovic on CD2. web release contains print resolution designs and full music downloads in ogg and mp3.
Tracklist: 01. kdes – live at dispatchE003 (33:19)
kdes live recording from dispatch2 concert held in october in belgrade has been published in it’s 33 minute long unedited recording. reconstructions of the missing parts are due to release on hc404.
dominator released a 32 minutes long EP with 6 pieces of beat based experiments unlinked to any particular style or genre. the resulting record demands more than simple banging on the dancefloor and is therefore recommended also to audio researchers, if there are still any left around. with the graphical help of kosmoplovci mates, dominator designs his website as usual.
Tracklist: 01. kalinka (5:58) 02. halogen infinitum (4:20) 03. grid cage (3:38) 04. dzoni sa zvezda (4:40) 05. ponekad se nadjem tamo (4:01) 06. soul out far (4:58) 07. blok 3 (4:30) 08. ekstenzija (5:02) 09. toplina (7:01)
electronics and ambience, emotional and engaging yet raw and simple, swemiratz’s full on release may just be a perfect gift to oldskool techno and elektro people.
Tracklist: CD1: 01. speaker for the dead – ja kvant (5:57) 02. tatar – bma (8:22) 03. havoc – noi5 (4:14) 04. havoc – prodigal son (7:05) 05. tatar – hwr2 (7:50) 06. havoc – in4p. (6:37) 07. tatar – 5436 (6:03) 08. speaker for the dead – filterhop [antiope rmx] (6:21) 09. tatar – #rw (10:14) 10. speaker for the dead – vst (8:43) 11. speaker for the dead – spirit (5:47)
CD2: 01. speaker for the dead – v.a.l.i.s. (6:26) 02. speaker for the dead – 22:22:22 (5:36) 03. dZho – lesonith (7:31) 04. speaker for the dead – all over again (5:11) 05. speaker for the dead – satelitska stanica (9:00) 06. tatar – nzd1 (5:39) 07. havoc – eraser x (7:43) 08. rashid – fabryka (1:41) 09. speaker for the dead – neutrone (3:44) 10. speaker for the dead – k (8:34) 11. havoc – p5 (6:20) 12. tatar – lx1m (9:06)
so far the largest floatingjoint/kosmoplovci project took us more than year to finish, but the effort sure has not been in vain. KOOITRIPLEX CDROM contains 24 audio pieces with related graphics/design, 5 videos and completely integrated cdrom version of the videoep. and all that working on (almost) any pc in fullscreen environment without any additional software. although KOOITRIPLEX/WEB provides full mp3 downloads and links to all related videos, we strongly recommend cdrom version for full experience, with intro animation, instant transitions and embedded videos, all running from a single cd. send an email to for additional information.
Label: floatingjoint / kosmoplovci Catalog Nr.: KOOI0007 Released: 02/12/2002 Source: CD / MED
Tracklist: 01. acknowledged (2:07) 02. calculated risk (4:46) 03. darkside (9:19) 04. fire walk with me (6:02) 05. grecia via macedonia fastprodmix (3:30) 06. grey mass analysis results (4:53) 07. hardcore again (2:56) 08. i am what you’ve done to yourself (3:31) 09. marsovsko oro (2:42) 10. phase distortion (3:43) 11. phuckup (3:50) 12. subliminal mindforming part 2 (2:39) 13. the lost prayers (3:42) 14. third hardcore uprise (4:58) 15. uprise (9:40) 16. wide (4:05)
first release of the planned ‘dominator legacy’ sequel. contains works created between 1996 and 1999 in soundstudio on amiga, grouped by it’s musical orientations. tracks are directly converted from raw med to mp3, no additional mastering was done. great design is curtesy of danijel/kosmoplovci.
this version for bandcamp is rerendered from original OctaMED SoundStudio files using winuae emulator.
first major remix project, initiated by lo-tek kings members dominator and paranoid, contributed with exceptional pieces of experimental breakbeat from phase, kkptsai and pyc.
bonus material includes complete design set made for cd release.
Label: corrosion / kosmoplovci Catalog Nr.: CRSCD02 / KOOI0003 Released: July 1997 Source: CD
Tracklist: 01. deep mind crisis 02. mindshit 03. dark in the jungle 04. dark heaven 05. kickback 06. x1 07. blades of destiny 08. keep going 09. psi-move 10. offworld 11. noisy for them 12. total hardnoise
the winter 1996/1997 was one of the most important period in dominator’s life. having discovered the ambient and experimental techno in it’s full scale thanks to NEXUS organisation of DJ’s and musicians, he started exploring the worlds of autechre, panasonic, xingu hill, fsol and other ambient/experimental artists. in the atmosphere filled up with turmouil and fears of the unstoppable global creative downfall, still having his crew of dedicated electronic explorers who didn’t let him down, in this period he created some of his first ambient pieces which would later evolve into speaker for the dead project, as well as some of his best, or at least most known jungle/breakbeat pieces which would later become the root factor of lo-tek kings project.
although finished, with only final premastering left to complete it, album somehow trapped into dead loop and real decision to release was never made. partly this was due to dominator’s serious hardware and cash problems, partly due to his wish to make this a proper release which would come out in more than 50 pieces, how usually corrosion music releases ended up… dead loop just looped over and over until the master cd finally got lost…
however, the ITTIS destiny turned better at the end of 2000, when a mysterious copy of album was found in possesion of phase/codex. since this material is pretty old and today’s release would be far under today’s standard of dominator’s music, we decided to make it an online release because this album, although not released when made, has meant much in our lives and don’t deserve to be forgotten.
tracks 13-14 composed by alex, track 14 remixed by dominator. all other tracks, post production, CD mastering and audio tape recording by dominator.
BRAIN DAMAGE, released in december 1996, was our first attempt to make some kind of promo release which will present our best work in various music styles. it is also the first release treated as a label production.
Originaly, BRAIN DAMAGE was created as promo tape entitled hARdCoRRoSioN promo v1.o but after succesful entries on radio station’s top lists and making of our first video for phuse we decided to make this an official release, renamed it to BRAIN DAMAGE and made it available on audio tapes.
as our technical knowledge grew, we managed to make BRAIN DAMAGE our first CD master, but due to a cost limits, the actual release was still distributed on audio tapes. however, sound quality was a large advance comparing to THE MIX, mainly because of new technology and software which allowed us to burn cd tracks directly without analog conversion.
after a while, we decided to release it online, so it is now available as module release #56: crs_brd.lha (2,588,884 bytes) or as 128kbps mp3 files [packed in zip files] from original release page – or here on bandcamp in full quality lossless audio formats like flac or wav.
BRAIN DAMAGE presents 14 tracks in more or less 5 music styles. It begins with dark ambient INTRO which announces four 200+ BPM hardcore tracks. After them, the unfortunate listener is confronted with the experimental METALLIC BRAINWASH followed by the dark industrial AFTERLIFE. REPRESSIVE THOUGHTS easilly beats up the tempo and set it to trip-hop/breakbeat pace in the next 4 tracks. Last two tracks are a bit of old-school breakbeat phused with industrial sounds.
DOMINATOR: THE MIX is the first CoRRoSioN audio release. it was available on audio tape only and it contained 90 minutes of music separated in 2 mixes: acid/experimental/trance mix [side a] and hardcore/breakbeat mix [side b]. each mix contained 45 minutes of dominator’s music mixed live with 2 computers and our home-made “MEDUSA” audio mixer powered up with few gadgets made by our electric wizards which allowed him to make a decent sound output from plain amiga computers he used at that time.
THE MIX is made out of 26 digital modules made by dominator during 1994 and 1995 and mixed some time at fall 1995. the reason why dominator decided to make this at all was to test how people react to computer music when they listen it from the ordinary tape, and compare that to the prejudice of listening to ‘computer’ music. the experiment was very succesful and proved that people do have that prejudice, so we decided to create some amount of tapes see what will happen. at the end we actually sold them all out. the tape has color cover, one of our very early ‘design’ attempts
THE MIX is also available as free digital module pack featuring additional 10 minutes of the music parts not used in the mix. 3mb large module release #52 contains 26 4channel digital modules playing over 100 minutes of music…
Label: corrosion / kosmoplovci Catalog Nr.: CRSMC01 / KOOI0001 Released: 1996 Source: MC / MOD
SIDE A: (acid/experimental/trance mix)
01. x-kidz 02. deep dig 03. day 3 04. arise 05. organic brainwash 06. let’s go acid 07. zone 08. the glory 09. logic bomb 10. wipe out 11. time 12. slow
almost full presentation of latest manu le malin addition to his biomechanik series, 3rd chapter cd/dvd released in 2005, with exceptionaly refreshing hardcore mix selection. after that, dominator gives away another of his brain tumbling audiomusic mixes, followed up by small reminder of autechre's draft 7.30 masterpiece.
released on 9/12/2006 6647 days ago
live audio transmission from nasa, broadcasting shuttle missile launch + various ambient music. last 30 minutes feature few tracks from legendary ambient album atmospherics by james bernard, to continue later on in the night with space ambient selection. introductory notes from autechre, aphex twin, bogdan raczynski, opening with wikluhsky's unreleased dnb...
released on 17/10/2006 6700 days ago 8493 recorded visits
- hardcore special: terrodrome style - selected tracks from terrordrome 01, 05, 06, 07 and 08
- few hardcore additions from dominator albums 'brain damage' (1996) and 'hardcore legacy' (2002)
- introductory notes by gandor and his band
released on 30/06/2006 6809 days ago
- full lenght lp 'mask of birth' from coh, russian electronic experimentator.
- mini selection of older dominator tunes
- kdes live recording from nomad-bg
released on 24/06/2006 6815 days ago
- studiosound/kosmoplovci reminders from kooitriplex
- selected parts from first kosmoplovci radio transmission
- preview sounds from forthcoming kosmoplovci movies
- experiments, realtime mixes, music from everywhere
released on 10/06/2006 6829 days ago
kosmoplovci tribute to 060606 mass histeria feature:
- classics from scorn, imminent starvation and ebn.
- dark ambient classics from alec empire, ambre and ae.
- full soundtrack from kolonija demo by kosmoplovci, this time in special live remix with fraxon's self-hypnosis tutorial.
- ultimate darkness from dominator and kdes.
- work in progress previews from faktor & vektor, featuring previews from collaboration with codex.
- and much much more...
released on 1/06/2006 6838 days ago
in the muddy waters of dnb, amit stands out widely respected as one of the most original dnb producers. his 6 track lp 'never ending' is one of those rare albums that stands out with it's integrity rather than being just a compilation of vynil singles, so here it is in full play, followed up with experimental mixes of selected dnb, dub, ambient and noise...
released on 30/05/2006 6840 days ago
exclusive new tunes and previews from codex, faktor and vektor, mashed up live with more fresh dnb havoc!
released on 30/05/2006 6840 days ago
re-broadcast from 'nu forms' radio show aired on estonian nu era radio on 13/04/2006. host is raiden, dj and dnb producer which presents bunch of forthcoming vynil releases
mostly from his label (offkey) but also from other labels that are pushing innovative techno/dnb styles and experiments.
released on 30/05/2006 6840 days ago
not many people are aware that t-power's meet the weasel from coldcut's bits and pieces remix album released in mid 90's is chronologicaly one of the earliest appearances of
sound that we call today drum'n'bass. here it is, digged up from some dusty tape, followed up with full byzar classic 'gaiatronik vs the cheap robots' and partial broadcast of imminent starvation's human dislocation lp.
corrosion module releases, started in pre-www and pre-mp3 times, were first ever electronic music releases to come out of serbian musicians. they were distributed through
bbs networks, aminet archive and corrosion music website, but not everyone knew what to do with mod, xm, it, med and dbm fileformats, so their reach was somehow limited.
in 2006, studiosound/kosmoplovci are preparing to re-issue complete set of 60 CRSMOD releases in mp3 format, here are some of the tunes, taken from releases CRS00001-CRS00022, originally composed and released in 1997...
released on 30/05/2006 6840 days ago
again outside of any genre, transmission crosses over from fresh dnb club stompers to space ambience and ever present darkness, presenting full dotkraz/idle sunder/casual
coincidence ep 'rust' as highlight, confronted with autechre's early works, mainly from amber and garbage...
slava mrtvima
released on 23/05/2006 6847 days ago 7636 recorded visits
after a short interlude from andronechron, another batch of faktor & vektor live session mixes follows up, cut up and remixed with some bits and pieces from imminent, alec empire, scorn, black lung and xingu hill and more movie samples.
released on 27/02/2006 6932 days ago
the essential all-time listening from dj spooky's necropolis, followed up by another live session of faktor & vektor exclusive previews mixed up by faktor with a bit of movies and guest track from alec empire's low on ice lp.
released on 27/02/2006 6932 days ago
introductory ambient notes from autechre, alec empire and scorn followed up by exclusive live preview mixes from faktor & vektor, spiced up by kdes live recordings.
qita remix 1: tri iljade banke
released on 25/02/2006 6934 days ago 10746 recorded visits
u gostima je mirko petrovic, pesnik i akcijas iz beograda, autor albuma 'rock poetry' koji je inspirisao kosmoplovce da urade seriju remiksa i obrada, izdatog u aprilu 2004 na studiosound/kosmoplovci labelu. u emisiji predstavljamo remix album u celini, uz razgovor sa mirkom i spontane izvedbe uzivo.
u nocnoj playlisti kolekcija autechre-ovih remixa i kolaboracija.
released on 29/11/2005 7022 days ago
materijali u nastajanju, materijali u raspadanju, materijali u propadanju. borba protiv entropije. uvek napred. prva polovina emisije strano, druga polovina emisije domace. u nocnoj listi manje poznati radovi autechre-a i gescom-a.
released on 17/11/2005 7034 days ago
prvi deo emisije u znaku black lung-a. u nastavku numere poznatih nam likova sa scenskih net.labela uz dodatak semplova iz ruskih sf klasika.
novi jinglovi sa gandorovim izrekama i pesmama pridodaju celokupnoj postapokalipticnoj atmosferi... realnost je surova, mi vam ne mazemo oci...
released on 15/11/2005 7036 days ago
susret sa fraxon-om, diplomiranim parapsihologom, predstavljanje njegove kasete 'putovanje kroz vreme', vodica za upoznavanje sa sopstvenim ja.
iznenadni dogadjaji na koncertu grupe exploited u skc-u, izvestaji iz prve ruke sa lica mesta desavanja sa slucajnim gostima i njihovim vidjenjima stvari.
dzho jos jednom briljira u ulozi voditelja.
nakon intenzivne produzene emisije u kojoj dominira hardcore, nocna lista u znaku dark ambient-a, sa akcentom na manje poznate projekte xingu hill-a.
released on 15/11/2005 7036 days ago
neposredno pred zvanicno izdanje novog remiks projekta kosmoplovaca koje se ocekuje u novembru, studiosound po prvi put emituje qita remix 1 u celini.
released on 10/11/2005 7041 days ago 10231 recorded visits
nakon vise od 5 godina, decoder-ov 21st century drum+bass i dalje je jedan od najozbiljnijih pregleda drum'n'bass-a, narocito prvi cd, koji je u ovoj transmisiji pusten u celini.
released on 28/10/2005 7054 days ago
predstavljanje veoma potcenjenog arcon2 projekta, jedinstvene fuzije drum'n'bass, breakbeat, jungle i ambient ideja.
released on 15/10/2005 7067 days ago
predstavljanje malo poznatog albuma as is jos manje poznate grupe we u celini, zatim delimicno predstavljanje jos nepoznatijeg albuma tapping the conversation potpuno nepoznatog projekta the bug. u nastavku, aphex twin i njegove cuvene ambient selekcije 1 i 2 do duboko u noc...
released on 8/10/2005 7074 days ago
pored standardno sirokog dijapazona multizanrovske muzike,
sto stranog sto domaceg porekla, u ovoj emisiji mozete cuti i:
kafanske ispovesti alena islamovica.
sirove snimke sa balkanskih i drugih vrleti.
autenticne propovedi religiozno/muzicke grupe sion.
staro ali bitno: gescom i autechre radovi i remiksi.
sveze: imminent + crno klank = axiome.
studiosound: kooitriplex2 na pomolu. kdes na nomadu.
released on 7/09/2005 7105 days ago
uobicajeno putesestvije kroz zvuke hardcore industrial-a.
novopristigli radovi imminent-a, black lung-a i xingu hill-a.
andronechron incident u obaveznu literaturu.
tatar i dominator nastupaju za domace.
ps takodje na nivou.
released on 24/08/2005 7119 days ago
dark ambient hardcore industrial noize.
ant-zen, enoughrecords, studiosound.
bonus poklon manu le malin / biomechanik.
released on 23/08/2005 7120 days ago
javno preslusavanje novonabavljenog albuma convertera. gandorove izreke. razmisljanja o kosmosu. nova ps-ova muzika. premijera novih snimaka kosmoplovaca. malo dnb-a za tople letnje dane. scorn u remixu.
kako mozes da odbijes svetlost
released on 18/08/2005 7125 days ago 7696 recorded visits
podsecanja ne legende experimentalnog breakbeat-a i zacetnike experimentalne elektronske scene uopste. izbor muzike sa demoscene uz malo domace produkcije. neizbezna braca indijanci.
untitled bp05 intro
released on 3/08/2005 7140 days ago 7861 recorded visits
zagrejavanje uz scorn-a i amon-a, prelaz preko convertera do rngmnn-ovog dark ambienta. interni snimci kdes-a. techno animal-ov susret sa alec empire-om. relativno uspesan debi bob-a miloshevica. snimak kdes-a sa koncerta u graz-u. podsecanje na hardcore dane terrordroma. ludilo u studiju. zavrsetak sa novim hardcore nadama.
released on 26/07/2005 7148 days ago
spectre otvara seansu noize hardcore-a koja kulminira dzho-ovim snimcima sa predstojeceg izdanja i raspada se u rashidovim vestackim detekcijama. rez sa megahit singlom pas matersa da bi se odmah povratio u noize hardcore koji izlazi sa dominatorovim remixom sa predstojeceg izdanja qita remixa. nastavak sledi. wordsound. scorn. speaker for the dead. dominator. dzho. kooi grupa. noize i hardcore do usijanja. odmor uz hackeronte-ov inspirativan pregled frekvencija. kooitriplex dupli cd kosmoplovaca poklon slusaocima za kraj.
released on 14/07/2005 7160 days ago
downbeat science. ambient. noize. hardcore. mirko petrovic, malo qita, malo i tehno muda. raspad.
foto album
released on 11/07/2005 7163 days ago 6531 recorded visits
jormas strikes back. naksahtaja elektro mix otvara emisiju u kojoj je gost kkptsai. predstavljamo njegov rad uz izbor probranih remixa sa predstojeceg izdanja qita remixa i par starijih dominatorovih stvari, cisto radi atmosfere. zbog tehnickih problema, snimak je na zalost mono.
released on 3/07/2005 7171 days ago
dark ambient 100%. skoro u celini predstavljen 'dark vault' album enoughrecords-a, uz nekoliko ostvarenja iz nase kuhinje ali i sa drugih mesta.
released on 27/06/2005 7177 days ago
rusi na spectrumu. finci na komodoru. svi na amigi. muzika sa demoscene uz samo par nuznih zacina sa strane. gost emisije phase._ / codex. slusa se domaci i strani hardcore breakbeat drum and bass. poklon za slusaoce snimak sa live nastupa codex ekipe. docek zore u studiju.
marko kraljevic: cuvar manastira
released on 8/06/2005 7196 days ago 10975 recorded visits
izbor sa kooitriplex-a i predstojeceg nastavka duplog dark ambient izdanja kosmoplovaca. ambijentalni biseri sa raznih mesta. downbeat/upbeat experimenti. kosmos. ambient. trans. buka. igra.
released on 3/06/2005 7201 days ago
proto drum and bass hardcore. dark experimental ambient. noize. hardcore. mirko petrovic. dominator. tatar. havok. 833-45. pan sonic. nastavak preko modula, tuvanaca i christoph de babalon-a do tiger-ovog sirius ep-ja koji se povratnom spregom surovo zapecacuje christophovim vanvremenskim lowtek breakbeat-om.
released on 29/05/2005 7206 days ago
svasta. eksluzivno francuski hardcore sa ploca. black lung i ostali nemaju problema, svi se uklapaju jedan za drugim. pauza za sletanje svemirskog broda. ambijent oko lokacije. pretraga. domaci hardcore i momenti posveceni mirku petrovicu, converteru i imminent starvation-u. pan sonic zatvara i otvara. bonus principia audiomatica.
released on 20/05/2005 7215 days ago
imminent starvation ima mnogo toga da kaze na temu hardcore-a. uvek ga strpljivo poslusajte, kao i njegove drugare kojih ovde ima raznih. momenti uz qitu i autechre. rashidove vestacke detekcije. tatar. 833-45. dominator. tegoba. slazu se i indijanci a i makedonci. radi boljeg uvida u materiju, cetvorostruki poklon za slusaoce.
released on 14/05/2005 7221 days ago 6583 recorded visits
released on 26/04/2004 7604 days ago 809091 recorded visits
mirko petrovic audio remix project have taken quite some time to develop, during which all of kosmoplovci have contributed in different ways. at the end, 'ljudi imaju glave' comes out as a double cd pack release containing 9 remixes made by dZho, havoc, tatar, rashid and speaker for the dead on CD1 and 21 original pieces from the real mirko petrovic on CD2.
web release contains print resolution designs and full music downloads in ogg and mp3.
released on 26/04/2004 7604 days ago 13043 recorded visits
released on 12/02/2004 7678 days ago 7170 recorded visits
kdes live recording from dispatch2 concert held in october in belgrade has been published in it's 33 minute long unedited recording. reconstructions of the missing parts are due to release on hc404.
oktobarfest 4-5
released on 13/01/2004 7708 days ago 15826 recorded visits
released on 6/12/2003 7746 days ago 8813 recorded visits
long play release from dZho explore somehow lost domains of hip hop, conjoined with multiple layers of electronics and breakbeats, almost to unrecognisition, yet still plausible and relaxing. always a good listening.
hu - covek kao armija
released on 6/12/2003 7746 days ago 6081 recorded visits
released on 26/09/2003 7817 days ago 8954 recorded visits dominator released a 32 minutes long EP with 6 pieces of beat based experiments unlinked to any particular style or genre.
the resulting record demands more than simple banging on the dancefloor and is therefore recommended also to audio researchers, if there are still any left around.
with the graphical help of kosmoplovci mates, dominator designs his website as usual.
released on 10/09/2003 7833 days ago 4428 recorded visits
electronics and ambience, emotional and engaging yet raw and simple, swemiratz's full on release may just be a perfect gift to oldskool techno and elektro people.
oktobarfest 1-3
released on 6/09/2003 7837 days ago 15826 recorded visits