speaker for the
dead |
personal kosmoplovci journal. |
[oct2010] kalm 2010 |
originally intended for some beatiful demo,
but still waiting for its performance,
i now release it free for everyone to enjoy,
to get inspired and infected.
it was made in 1999 on amiga in digibooster 2.21, was 536 KB large,
and played in 22 stereo channels simultaneously lossless from dbm file.
kalm 2010 version is rerendered from original digibooster module
and quick mastered for updating listening pleasure in current and coming days.
in 320kbps mp3 it is 17.6 MB large, plays in 1 stereo channel
official download location >>
its there for all of you, but especially tributed to my friend andra, who was around when
i've done this piece, colaborated and inspired both of us to do this and many other
magnificent deeds. he is now long gone from our realm, one of the victims of ruthless
realities, but he stays in our mind, in his work and his influence he made on us,
never to be forgotten.
the tune was partially inspired by md's music, especially his tunes from te-2rb,
moral hard candy, kkowboy and his tune called b. to him i tribute this as well,
his music have been a great inspirations to us.
if you feel you can help with the master even more, feel free to contact.
otherwise, enjoy it as it is,
and share the love.
speaker for the dead
[nov2009] floatingjoint. and stuff... |
hello there you who stumble upon this page.
after some hard years, i am here again.
bruised but not fallen, wounded but not dead.
some of my recent voice can already be heard at different
knet locations, presumably dominator and kosmoplovci.net.
some new changes involve preparation of the new knet portal,
which will be immediatelly followed up with 10+ new
music releases.
on mark of this return, decision has been made
to dump 'studiosound' as the obsolete name for our music label,
and to revert to our beloved floatingjoint! so far nothing more than
logo is updated, but work is in the pipeline and should roll out soon...
stay tuned.
[dec404] studiosound |

studiosound replaces floatingjoint.
beside renaming, kosmoplovci music section has received
a fresh redesign, intented to make it's releases easier
to access and download.
>> studiosound
requires flash plugin. |
[dec404] nomad update |
belgrade nomad event which was planned for january
is postponed indefinitelly. nomad project however is not
discontinued and all updates regarding it will be regurarly
posted at nomad website. this includes media downloads
which will be selected from our archives as well as from
new releases which are almost ready for publishing.
meanwhile, our call for works is still open and all your
submissions will be taken into consideration.
>> nomad |
[nov404] kdes web |

havoc has created a new kdes portal.
>> kdes
requires flash plugin. |
[nov404] kdes at haip |

another microsite made by havoc accompanies release of kdes live
recording from concert at haip event in ljubljana on june 16, 404.
on this occasion, kdes has performed in somewhat different
setup than usual - beside havoc
and me, our third member
which usually is tatar was replaced by dzho
who has introduced
new and rather interesting additions to kdes performance.
also, we had a guest contribution from borut savski,
a slovenian artist who was playing along with us on his own
selfmade electronic instrument.
>> kdes
at haip
requires flash plugin. |
[nov404] kdes 070104 |

after our return from haip, the 'standard' kdes lineup consisting
of havoc, tatar and me organized a 2day session where few hours
of material were recorded. few weeks after it, tatar mixes some
of the parts from those sessions, eager to release it in order to
allow people better insight in our current kdes developments.
this release contains only small percentage of the recordings
and we are preparing to publish more of it soon...
>> kdes070104
requires flash plugin.
[nov404] oktobarfest 8-13 |

6 new oktobarfest episodes are online.
>> oktobarfest |
[sep404] patrijarh2: otadzbina
zove |

second comic in the 'patrijarh' series is released in 3 biweekly sequels
during september and october 404. unlike first one, this one is available
only online, spans along much more pages and brings the story on the
next level, both ideologically and graphically.
unfortuntelly, text is only in serbian language.
>> patrijarh2:
otadzbina zove
requires flash plugin. |
[sep404] porno star |

kosmoplovci illustrate one of the stories sent to us by kosmogina.
>> porno
star |
[aug404] knet v6 |

sixth redesign of kosmoplovci main entrance.
third under the name of kosmoplovci.
>> kosmoplovci
requires flash plugin.
[jul404] visoka umetnost novog
doba |

visual project i've made in cooperation with danijel.
>> novo
requires flash plugin.
[jul404] kosmoplovci research center |

public forum for exchange of various information.
unrestricted public access.
>> kosmoplovci
research center
[jul404] nomad |

central support site for international audio/visual platform
in development.
still in early stage, however basic concepts and contacts are already
>> nomad
[jul404] bojanka |

a piece of 'creative entertainment' software coded by havoc.
electronic reincarnation of the classic 'color book' concept
containing 6 illustrations drawn by procesor.
i've helped with the panels and overal design a bit...
>> bojanka
requires flash plugin.
[jul404] studiostrip v3 |
studiostrip production is lot more than big piece of kosmoplovci
work. after months of preparations, using contributions from almost everyone
in the group, studiostrip finally gets a suitable homepage, well looking
and more than full of information and data.
don't miss the great machine toy getting alive. hearing it at different
points can be quite a thing...
>> studiostrip
requires flash plugin.
[jul404] operation |
i've made a small flashdriven non linear audio piece to accompany online
of this great graphic novel drawn by procesor
and rashid.
>> operation
requires flash plugin.
[jun404] gandor - director's cut

the new version of film about gandor, the guy on his quest throughout
the mountains of eastern serbia has been quite an impressive gift i received
from dzho, the author of the movie.
double the length of the previously released version, it uncovers more than
few details about his mission, but also about himself and his thoughts.
gandor has been and still is quite an inspiration among the kosmoplovci.
>> gandor |
[may404] gospodin milesa |
exceptional piece of combining comic book stills with sound.
based around graphic novel done by danijel,
havoc composed
sound and music that builds up quite an atmosphere and mood.
although this novel is still considered for the print version,
this online electronic version will definitelly keep it's place out there...
>> gospodin
requires flash plugin.
[apr404] mirko petrovic |

mirko petrovic audio remix project have taken quite some time
to develop, during which all of kosmoplovci have contributed in
different ways. at the end, ljudi
imaju glave comes out as a
double cd pack release containing 9 remixes made by dzho,
havoc, tatar,
rashid and me on CD1 and 21
original pieces
from the real mirko petrovic on CD2.
web release contains print resolution designs and full music
downloads in ogg and mp3.
>> mirko
[feb404] detmen |

released parallel to the print edition of detmen fanzine, web version
focused primarily on color comics and illustrations which could not have
been printed because of our budget costraints, but it also features animated
comics, remixes and unreleased versions of the black & white material.
feature music is called 'kore' and is one of speaker's latest gems
which comes as 128kbps mp3 in downloadable
version of detmen.
>> detmen
[feb404] kolonija |
speaker for the dead contribution: video, design,
music, programming. playing length: 12:03 format:
realtime animation / XviD avi
size: 20MB / 140MB >> kolonija
web |
[feb404] simptomi |
speaker for the dead contribution: video edit and
postprocessing. playing length: 5:25 format: XviD
avi size: 63MB DOWNLOAD
[xvid avi]
additional info |
[feb404] dispatchE003 |

as previously announced, kdes
live recording from dispatch2
concert held in october in belgrade has been published on knet.
the 33 minute long unedited recording is available for download
from dispatchE003 page in the form of 30MB OGG file.
>> dispatchE003
[jan404] infovirus |

latest release of kosmoplovci infovirus is created in the
form of
webmag and will be permanently available at official infovirus
knet subdomain infovirus.kosmoplovci.net.
complete infovirus06 content is written with our first original
vector font, created by procesor
and me. beside illegibility, the
two of us are also responsible for design and editing work.
>> kosmoplovci
infovirus 06
[jan404] septic |

septic is an artist, illustrator and a punk from subotica. although
he works for decades
and his work and activities have (and still are) playing an important
part of the local history,
his graphical work has never been gathered and organized in appropriate
way, resulting in
lot of his work being unknown. during 2 months septic have lived
at my place, he has come
very close to us and hopefully we to him. meeting the real punk was quite
an history lesson
for me, but i somehow get the impression meeting the real cyberpunk was
just as well
a history lesson for him too ;)) this cdrom/website is our first colaboration
>> septic
[jan404] oktobarfest 4, 5 and 4_zr1remix |

continuation of the oktobarfest telenovela brings 2 new regular episodes
and a remix of the 4th episode,
made entirely by speaker. the remix is called zabranjene realnosti
epizoda 1 [forbidden realities episode 1]
and is practically a 4 minute long video for speaker's tune breme. |
speaker for the dead contribution: soundmix.
playing length: 1:25
format: XviD avi
size: 9.7MB
speaker for the dead contribution: video, music.
playing length: 4:03
format: XviD avi
size: 19.7MB
speaker for the dead contribution: soundmix, edit.
playing length: 1:47
format: XviD avi
size: 12MB
>> oktobarfest
web |
[decE003] hu - covek kao armija |
speaker for the dead contribution: music. playing
length: 12:28 format: DivX
avi size: 108MB DOWNLOAD
[divx avi]
additional info |
[octE003] floatingjoint web update |

major updates to floatingjoint code include:
- integration of miniplayer with randomization, loopmode, timer, artist
- new page with contact information.
- support for multiple pages in news, releases and download sections.
- extended download section with links to ALL mp3 files available throughout
- quick access to kplayer
for full featured online music listening.
>> floating
joint web
requires flash plugin.
[octE003] dispatch2 |
speaker for the dead has played live with kdes
on october 25th at dispatch2 festival in belgrade. recordings have been
made and will be released soon.
[sepE003] porodicni album kosmoplovaca |

speaker designs web interface for new knet project
porodicni album kosmoplovaca
/ kosmoplovci
family album.
family album is a selection of photographic and scanned material
from our vast archives, put online as a gift for others to enjoy,
download, investigate and get inspired.
>> porodicni
album kosmoplovaca
[sepE003] E003 |
alter ego dominator
released a 32 minutes long EP with
6 pieces of beat based experiments unlinked to any particular
style or genre.
the resulting record demands more than simple banging on the
dancefloor and is therefore recommended also to audio researchers,
if there are still any left around.
with the graphical help of kosmoplovci mates, speaker/dominator
designs his website as usual.
>> E003
requires flash plugin.
[sepE003] society of spectacle
[la societe du spectacle] |

belgrade group called anarhija/blok45
have recently published serbian
translation of this very interesting book. although written in 1967,
this book provides one of the best analysis of modern society and
it's ways of function.
some call it anarchist literature. i call it free thinking.
in support to spreading the free thought of guy debord, we have created
permanent knet subdomain at debord.kosmoplovci.net
where you can
download or read online the book in serbian and english language.
additional photo material and links are provided for further research.
>> guy
debord at kosmoplovci.net
[sepE003] migracija |
speaker for the dead contribution: design, animation,
soundmix. playing length: 12:00 format: windows9x/2000/XP
executable size: 11.5MB DOWNLOAD
[zip archive]
requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info |
[sepE003] the next letter |
speaker for the dead contribution: music, soundmix.
playing length: 16:50 format: XviD
avi size: 116MB DOWNLOAD
[xvid avi]
additional info |
[sepE003] oktobarfest 1-3 |

brand new original internet video series about everyday life, created
by bodroza
and seljak.
i'm helping out with soundmix, encoding, design and everything else needed
for proper internet publishing.
first release batch contains 3 downloadable episodes. many more are yet
to come... |
speaker for the dead contribution: soundmix,
web design.
playing length: 1:43
format: XviD avi
size: 11.6MB
playing length: 1:11
format: XviD avi
size: 7.9MB
playing length: 1:03
format: XviD avi
size: 7.1MB
>> oktobarfest
web |
[augE003] kooitriplex |

so far the largest floatingjoint/kosmoplovci project is finally
it took us more than year to finish it, but the effort sure has
not been in vain.
KOOITRIPLEX CDROM contains 24 audio pieces with related graphics/design,
5 videos and completely integrated cdrom version of the videoep. and all
working on any pc in fullscreen environment without any additional software.
provides full mp3 downloads and links to all related
videos, we strongly recommend cdrom version for full experience, with
animation, instant transitions and embedded videos, all running from a
single cd.
>> email
>> kooitriplex/web
requires flash plugin.
[augE003] indust |

quite succesfull and inspiring kdes visit and performance in graz
on may 23rd
is more than enough reason to celebrate by creating an adequate web place
in networked space of kosmoplovci.
beside it's hypnotic atmosphere, kdes@in-dust website provides mp3 downloads
of concert recordings, links to all participants and official in-dust.org
>> kdes@in-dust
requires flash plugin.
[augE003] video ep |

three experimental webcam video pieces created by rashid.
first ever video ep release. |
speaker for the dead contribution:
design, music, video postproduction.
playing length: 1:10
format: DivX
size: 2.7MB
playing length: 3:51
format: DivX
size: 22.8MB
playing length: 5:39
format: DivX
size: 35.8MB
>> video
ep web |
[julE003] inout |

kosmoplovci has been called to participate on inout
festival in prague, czech republic,
so speaker for the dead went together with tatar
and havoc to defend kosmos
by making another live kdes performance.
after lots of stupid problems with organizers, kdes finally made it to
perform on the last day of our stay.
we played about an hour and it was really good and solid, and even some
people out there got it,
but when we planned to make a short break, we were forced to leave to
allow some stupid mtv rnb dj's to play their crap...
it is all very sad, but it is not new thing for us. in our opinion, probably
the worst thing is that
thanks to fuckin lame inout organizers we couldn't record the session
and pass it on to you...
at least kosmoplovci video work has been presented to the public, so we
may hope someone may have got it...
[junE003] knet v2 |

fresh redesign for main kosmoplovci portal,
also known as kosmoplovci network,
or just knet.
>> kosmoplovci
requires flash plugin.
[mayE003] minimalanimal |
speaker for the dead contribution: design and animation.
playing length: 8:25 format: windows9x/2000/XP executable
size: 9.6MB DOWNLOAD
[zip archive]
requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info |
[aprE003] studiostrip v2 |

fresh redesign for studiostrip, the kosmoplovci graphic sublabel.
massive graphical overload.
just like it is.
>> studiostrip
requires flash plugin.
[janE003] put u kosmosu |

on 06-sep-5002, kosmoplovci openned their exhibition in serbian national
for this occasion, the group created full featured multimedia event,
including video projection, launch of 'put u kosmosu' catalogue and
live kdes performance in front
of the building.
after the exhibition, kdes and kosmoplovci release audio recording of
it's performance,
accompanied by 'put u kosmosu' graphic novel taken from the mentioned
>> put
u kosmosu web
requires flash plugin.
[janE003] hwr2 |
speaker for the dead contribution: design and animation.
playing length: 7:50 format: windows9x/2000/XP executable
size: 8.9MB DOWNLOAD
[zip archive]
hwr2 requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info |
[janE003] kdesgraz |
speaker for the dead contribution: music [within
kdes project] playing length:
4:32 format: 640x480 DivX
avi size: 42.9MB DOWNLOAD
[divx avi]
additional info |
[dec5002] nowhereissafe ep |

speaker for the dead releases a split ep with havoc.
ep tracklist:
01: in4p. [havoc +
speaker for the dead]
02: dfx [speaker for
the dead + havoc]
03: clear v2 [speaker
for the dead]
04: nowhereissafe
format: 128kbps mp3
>> nowhereissafe
info/download page
requires flash plugin.
[dec5002] floatingjoint web |

the reformed corrosion music label, which previously functioned as part
[now discontinued] corrosion project is transformed and renamed to
floatingjoint records - the kosmoplovci network music sublabel.
speaker for the dead did the most of the work, with precious help from
havoc and procesor,
but also from all other kosmoplovci members who
participated with their comments or simply with the inspiration.
>> floating
joint web
requires flash plugin.
[aug5002] sporovoz |
speaker for the dead contribution: music, design
and animation. playing length: 4:00 format: windows9x/2000/XP
executable size: 5.4MB DOWNLOAD
[zip archive]
sporovoz requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info |
[aug5002] aborigines |
speaker for the dead releases
mp3 on scene strike 6 demo party.
playing time: 5:00
format: 192kbps mp3
size: 6.86MB |
[jul5002] selfaware |
speaker for the dead contribution: design, editing,
playing length: 3:08
format: 320x240 DivX
size: 12MB
[zip archive]
includes english subtitles in micrdvd [.sub] format.
additional info |
[mar5002] rxplovac |

another coop with tatar. first shown on ms2k2
demo party in germany.
came 20th among more than 40 entries. |
speaker for the dead contribution: design and animation.
playing length: 5:00 format: windows9x/2000/XP executable
[zip archive]
rxplovac requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info |
[jan5002] satelitska stanica |
speaker for the dead contribution: music and editing.
playing length: 14:00 format: 320x240 DivX
avi size: 54MB DOWNLOAD
[divx avi]
additional info |
[jan5002] ghost in the shell |
IN THE SHELL audio mix with tatar
and havoc.
[total playing time: 50:11]
00:00 speaker for the dead - ja kvant
05:55 tatar - bma
14:16 speaker for the dead - killer clouds
21:16 speaker for the dead - d5
26:52 tatar - rxp0001
31:15 havoc - spread
39:10 tatar - nzd1
44:50 speaker for the dead - all over again realaudio
the mix was created as corrosion
contribution to SOUNDCARD
project for ORF KUNSTRADIO,
Austria. |
[dec5001] x2 |

experimental/noize prod made with tatar. |
speaker for the dead contribution: music, additional
design. playing length: unlimited loop mode format:
msdos executable. works in windows 9x too. doesn't work on win2000/xp.
size: 64kb DOWNLOAD
[zip archive] |
[dec5001] kosmoplovci radio transmissions |
speaker for the dead tunes can be heard in kosmoplovci radio
transmissions broadcasted weekly on belgrade radio station - SKC radio [107.9MHz,
belgrade area] every saturday at 23-01h. at the moment, kosmoplovci
transmission seems to be the only radio program dedicating a respectable
amount of space to serbian electronic music scene. >>
transmissions web |
[sep5001] killer clouds |

winning demo on scene strike five
demo competition held in september2001.
mikrokino fest 2002 has it featured in their international low-fi
video program too. |
speaker for the dead contribution: music, 3d and
editing. playing length: 6:10 format: windows9x/2000/XP
executable size: 7.44MB DOWNLOAD
[zip archive]
demo requires d3d capable graphics card and directx8 installed in system.
additional info
[jul5001] void |
speaker for the dead contribution: music, animation
and editing. playing length: 3:45 format: 360x288
DivX avi size:
[divx version - recommended] DOWNLOAD
[mpeg version] additional
info |
speaker for the dead modules/cdr/mp3 |
this is a selection of music material electronicaly
released from 1997 to 2000 which more or less present early speaker material.
most of it has name dominator inscribed as an author which is no
error, because dominator is the man behind speaker for the dead project
too. to find out more about current dominator non-speaker projects, you
may visit dominator
if you have dificulties understanding the formats and required software,
please go to CRSMUSIC
TOOLS page, where you can find all the information, links and
software downloads you need... |
CRSMOD57:: qwe@qwe.com
CRSMOD54:: flipped
CRSMOD49:: so far away
CRSMOD44:: new world
CRSMOD43:: atomic shelter
tunes vol.1 / 22:22:22
CRSMOD41:: calculated
CRSMOD24:: jebotezec
CRSMOD23:: shishtarsh
CRSMOD22:: burning out
CRSMOD13:: conspirators
CRSMOD10:: stolen petardo
CRSMOD08:: xternal eternal
CRSCD002:: i think,
therefore i suffer
release date: july 1997
track01: deep
mind crisis
track03: dark
in the jungle
track05: kickback
track06: x1
track09: psi-move
CRSCD001:: brain
release date: december 1996
track01: intro
track06: metallic
track07: afterlife
track08: repressive
thoughts |
speaker@kosmoplovci.net |