Alternative Film/Video

1982 - 1990

Alternative film-video je festival jugoslovenskog alternativnog filma i videa. Cilj festivala je da zabeleži i teorijski definiše kretanja, da ukaže na vrednosti i nove stvaralacke mogucnosti u oblasti alternativnog filma i videa. Pravo ucešca na festivalu imaju svi stvaraoci alternativnog filma i videa. Osnivac i organizator je Akademski filmski centar Doma kulture “Studentski grad”. Festival je prvi put održan 1982. godine kao Alternative film sa namerom da istražuje filmsku produkciju u domenu onoga što predstavlja alternativu komercijalnom filmu - dakle razlicite vidove alternativnog, eksperimentalnog, nenamenskog, umetnickog, kratkometražnog, radikalnog filmskog mišljenja... Od 1985. festival se održava kao Alternative film-video cime se uspostavlja i istražuje dvostruki odnos alternative – filmske i video produkcije u odnosu na namensku, komercijalnu, klasicnu, ali i odnos koji se uspostavlja izmedu filmske i video estetike i produkcije. Do 1990. godine festival je u okviru zvanicnog programa predstavio više stotina ostvarenja autora iz tadašnje Jugoslavije. U okviru pratecih programa predstavljanjem inostrane produkcije graden je referentni okvir za shvatanje i kontekstualizaciju naše produkcije u globalnim okvirima, dok su razgovori i tribine obezbedivali kriticku i teorijsku elaboraciju i razumevanje produkcije i aktuelnih tendencija u ovoj oblasti.

1991 - 2002
Decenija koja je pružala veoma malo mogucnosti alternative. Decenija bez Alternativa.

Više od deset godina kasnije, delimicno renoviranog podnaslova, Festival alternativnog filma i videa eks Jugoslavije u svom novom izdanju, saglasno sveprisutnim tendencijama reintegracije unutar eks-jugoslovenskog regiona, pre svega teži da istraži i rekonstruiše sliku alternativne filmske i video produkcije eks-jugoslovenskih prostora protekle decenije. Sa svešcu o urgentnosti i nužnosti reintegracije razbijene i zamucene slike i uspostav-ljanja linije kontinuiteta u ovoj sferi, Alternative 2004. takode žele da istraže i ukažu na nove fenomene alternativne produkcije koji su se javili i formulisali tokom protekle turbulentne decenije. Dakle: Alternative film-video je festival ex-jugoslovenskog alternativnog filma i videa. Cilj festivala je da zabeleži i teorijski definiše kreta-nja, da ukaže na vrednosti i nove stvaralacke mogucnosti u oblasti alternativnog filma i videa. Pravo ucešca na festivalu imaju svi stvaraoci alternativnog filma i videa sa prostora eks Jugoslavije. Osnivac i organizator je Akademski filmski centar Doma kulture “Studentski grad”.

Akademski filmski centar osnovan je 1958. godine pod imenom Akademski kino klub. Kroz svoju relativno dugu istoriju, zahvaljujuci autorima koji su stvarali u njemu (Kokan Rakonjac, Živojin Pavlovic, Dragoslav Lazic, Sava Trifkovic, Tomislav Gotovac, Milan Jelic, Radoslav Vladic, Ivan Obrenov, Vjekoslav Nakic, Ivko Šešic, Nikola Đuric, Bojan Jovanovic, Miodrag Miloševic, Miloje Radakovic, Dejan Vlaisavljevic, Igor Toholj, Bob Miloshevic..), postao je jedan od nekoliko najznacajnijih i najviše nagradivanih filmskih klubova u zemlji. Centar od 1976. godine deluje u okviru Doma kulture “Studentski grad” i jedini je kino klub koji je “preživeo” na ovim prostorima. Sa preko 500 filmova i video radova nastalih u Centru i sa ogromnom kolekcijom avangardnog filma i video radova drugih autora, Centar je osnovao Arhiv alternativnog filma koji ce voditi brigu o ovom vrednom filmskom nasledu. Pored velikog broja projekcija i predavanja, filmskih škola i radionica, Centar je organizovao i dva znacajna festivala: STAF (1967-1970) i ALTERNATIVE FILM – VIDEO (1982-1990, 2003-...). Sa prosecnom produkcijom od oko 20 filmova godišnje Centar ostaje jedino mesto gde mladi mogu neometano da se bave medijima filma i videa.

1982 - 1990
Alternative film/video is the festival of Yugoslav alternative film and video. The aim of the festival is to document and define in theory the trends, to point at the values and new creative possibilities in the fields of alternative film and video. All autors of alternative film and video have the right to participate. The founder and the organizer of the festival is Academic Film Center in “Student’s city” Cultural Center.

The Festival was held for the first time in 1982, as Alternative film, and intended to explore the domain of film production which is alternative to comercial film, all modes of alternative, experimental, art, short, radical film thinking… Since 1985 the Festival went on as Alternative film/video, which establishes and further explores the double relation: of alternative - film and video - production to comercial and classic, but also the relation between film and video aesthetics and production. Untill 1990, festival included in its programs several hundreds of works of Yugoslav authors. In following and review programs, the referent frame for contextualization and comprehension of domestic production was built by presentations of relevant production from abroad, while the discussions and debates secured critical and theoretical elaboration and comprehension of the production and current tendencies in the area.

1991 - 2002
Decade with very few possibilities for alternative. Decade without Alternatives.

More than ten years after, with partially renovated subtitle, Festival of alternative film and video from the region of ex-Yugoslavia in its new edition, according to allpresent tendencies of re-integration inside the ex-Yugoslav region, tends to explore and reconstruct the image of alternative film and video production in ex/Yugoslav area in past decade. Aware of the urgency of reintegration of the broken and blury image and the necessity of establishing the line of continuity in this sphere, Alternative also intend to explore and point at the new phenomena of alternative production which appeared and articulated in past decade. So: Alternative film/video is the festival of Yugoslav alternative film and video. The aim of the festival is to document and define in theory the trends, to point at the values and new creative possibilities in the fields of alternative film and video. All autors of alternative film and video have the right to participate. The founder and organizer of the Festival is the Academic Film Center of the “Student’s city” Cultural Center.

Academic Film Center was founded as Akademic Film Club in 1958. Through its history, thanks to authors who created inside the Center (Kokan Rakonjac, Živojin Pavlovic, Dragoslav Lazic, Sava Trifkovic, Tomislav Gotovac, Milan Jelic, Radoslav Vladic, Ivan Obrenov, Vjekoslav Nakic, Ivko Šešic, Nikola Đuric, Bojan Jovanovic, Miodrag Miloševic, Miloje Radakovic, Dejan Vlaisavljevic, Igor Toholj, Bob Miloshevic..), it became on eof the most significant and most awarded film clubs in the country. Since 1976, Center operates within “Students’ City” Cultural Center, and it is the only film club survived in the area. With over 500 films and videos produced in the center and huge collection of avant-garde film and videos produced by other authors, Center has established the Archive of alternative film which will take care of this precious cultural heritage. Beside the numerous screenings and lectures, film schools and workshops, Center has founded two important festivals: STAF (1967-1970) and ALTERNATIVE FILM – VIDEO (1982-1990, 2003-...). With the average production of 20 films a year, Center remains a punctum for young authors to create without restrictions in film and video media.